Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 398 The Big Boss

Chapter 398 The Big Boss
After Han Xiaochen fell asleep so darkly and deeply.

I finally opened my eyes there and didn't know if it was day or night

Han Xiaochen rubbed his eyes ignorantly before realizing that he had set up a formation in his own space to isolate him from the outside world.

Han Xiaochen now has a headache when he thinks about the situation outside.

But it's not a problem to be isolated from the world now!

The most important thing is that I don't have time to go to that safe world now.

I have to wait at least 5 days before I can go again, and I blame myself.

There is nothing to chat about there, and it has been chatting for such a long time.

Han Xiaochen patted his head in frustration, and went to solve his personal physical needs first.

After taking a vigorous bath, Han Xiaochen picked up a lot of food made of mutated animals.

He just gobbled it up without hesitation.

That’s right, the kitchen in this space handles all these things very well, it can be regarded as melting in the mouth, but it can still preserve the original nutrition and energy of the food.

Otherwise, Han Xiaochen's stomach would have to be burst.

As if she didn't know how full she was, Han Xiaochen stuffed her mouth desperately and ate desperately.

Han Xiaochen actually knew that he was not hungry or something?
The main reason is that Han Xiaochen is flustered now and doesn't know how to vent.

Now the only thing that can relieve my emotional tension is to eat.

Fortunately, she has abilities, and the meat of these mutated animals also corresponds to her abilities.

Although a little panicked, it can be digested slowly, and can even be converted into energy.

Han Xiaochen is so tireless, he doesn't know how to eat when he is full.

Finally, I really can't eat with my stomach.

Only then did Han Xiaochen reluctantly and willingly stop opening his mouth.

But what can I do now?Let's go outside and have a look, it's better to remove this formation first.

Han Xiaochen knew that this was not a wise move.

"Hou, Han Xiaochen, you big fool, you 24-year-old fool is still pure.

What are you doing to eat so much food when you have nothing to do, just go out, and you will be slow to react even if you run away, okay? "

Han Xiaochen patted his head desperately, cursing himself loudly.

That's right, why am I so stupid, why haven't I changed my mind recently!
Why did you put yourself in such a dangerous situation again?
But who would have thought that there is nothing good in this city center, and there is such a destructive zombie king!
And it seems that that guy is still staring at me

Han Xiaochen supported his waist in frustration, and walked around in this space.

I am really sick!
What are you making a fuss about?Obviously you can't practice in this space, okay?

Han Xiaochen felt that he was going crazy with annoyance.

Han Xiaochen walked around like this for many times, and then went back to find a lot of ingredients.

After setting up the kitchen for this space, I made a lot of delicious food.

Really, how could I have such a leisurely time before!

Every day, I have a high level of mental tension. Every day I either kill zombies or go there to find supplies.

They basically seldom have contact with people. It happens occasionally, and I want to enjoy life someday when I have some leisure time.

It is really rare to have such a chance to wander in the space!

Han Xiaochen sighed, and began to find his own space again.

It doesn't matter if you dump it, it really frees up a lot of good things.

Many of them were collected with money before the end of the world, and many more were collected by themselves after the end of the world.

Han Xiaochen put them away in different categories, thinking that one day they will be used, and it will be convenient to find them.

After all, the storage space is really huge.

But there are really a lot of delicious food here, especially those collected abroad.

Han Xiaochen specially placed them in his own supernatural space.

I thought that if I could go back to the base, I would let those friends have a taste.

Not to mention anything else, there is so much water she collected.

Explained that since Han Yinuo's water system ability has grown taller.

Most of what I drank was the supernatural water with healing energy given to me by Han Zhennuo.

Han Xiaochen couldn't help sighing when he looked at the huge amount of materials he had collected.

Occasionally, I still play what hurts the spring and the autumn!

If those low-level supernatural beings knew about this, they would have to hack themselves to death.

Such a huge amount of supplies is enough for everyone in the base to live together for several years, right?

Han Xiaochen presses the button to make a decision. If he can return to the base safely this time, he can dispose of almost all the materials that he doesn't need to the base.

Especially the ordinary food and those ordinary clothes, bedding and the like.

Let more people use these!

You must know that there are many low-level supernatural beings who don't have access to these abilities, let alone the large number of ordinary people without supernatural powers.

After all, the current self doesn't lack anything!

It's just that when Han Xiaochen looked at such a large amount of fresh animal blood that she had collected, she blinked her eyes.

Whether it's zombies, zombie animal zombies, or even those mutated animals and plants.

There is no one who will not be attracted by this fresh blood.

And the fresh blood collected by myself is placed in this vacuum package, and my own space also has the function of keeping fresh.

Then can I use these to attract those zombies and zombies!
Give them a place to attract, and then a grenade with the first trace of power can wipe them out.

Even the Millennium Zombie King might not be attracted, right?

But who knows? ?
Han Xiaochen frowned, she decided to rest for a while, and withdraw the formation after fully recharging her energy.

It was only now that Han Xiaochen remembered that someone once said to her that the words "be careful sailing for ten thousand years" are eternal truths!

"Mo Yan, are you sure you can contact Han Xiaochen?

Are you sure you can find out the exact location of Han Xiaochen! "

After Zhao Ye waved his hand to kill the two mutant rabbits that were pounced on him.

Only then did he look meaningfully at Mo Yan who finally went outside to kill these zombie animals himself

Hehe, this old boy Mo Yan hasn't seen him in such a mess for a long time.

Mo Yan took the time to take the interspatial ring that Zhao Ye threw to him.

Continue to kill these mutated animals.

It is easy and easy to say to kill these people, but it is also difficult to say that it is difficult.

Mo Yan first put some animal attractant powder, and attracted many mutant animals.

Then he spent a lot of money to recruit these supernatural beings and his former subordinates.

They started harvesting these mutant animals, with Mo Yan as the big boss.Collecting these things is quite handy.

Although it looked a little miserable and dirty, most of it was the blood of the mutated animal.

"Zhao Ye, it's a trial!

Recently, mutated animals have multiplied in large numbers in this area, and the space for us humans to live in is getting smaller and smaller.

If I collect more, I can still make rations for us humans, not to mention using their blood to find some way to deal with the thousand-year-old zombie king. Why not do it! "

While speaking, a mutated tiger of different hill sizes came over.

That big guy should be far away from here, this big guy can feel this earth-shattering vibration.

"All of you calm down for me, we will deal with this.

Hid me to the side. " Mo Yan shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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