Chapter 402 You Owe Me
Xiao Ye shook his head helplessly and walked over.

Stuffed a crystal nucleus of healing system into Han Zhennuo's hand

Han Xinnuo and those who can heal abilities can actually practice when they are healing injuries.

Han Xinnuo can even restore the crystal nuclei of the water system.

But to be honest, the one that recovers the best, and the one with the best effect on the body is naturally the corresponding healing system crystal nucleus

But there are too few healing zombies just like humans.

This makes the crystal nuclei of the healing system even less than the pure crystal nuclei of other systems that have been purified to 100%.

Han Baonuo naturally sensed the difference in such a crystal nucleus.

But now is not the time to speak, and she just absorbs it silently while protecting her father's heart.

This crystal nucleus is enough for him to recover well, and it can also completely save his father's life.

After all, Zhao Ye is better than her, and she was originally a pure healing department.

In just ten minutes, the scary wounds on Father Han's body were all healed.

Zhao Ye treats these traumas, just like playing.

Even the broken bones on Father Han's body, he was quick to pick them up, and they were snapped together.

Then use the healing ability to directly make those broken and broken bones heal and grow.

Father Han also woke up from the extreme pain.

However, he gritted his teeth and held back tightly. The cold sweat on his forehead was visible to the naked eye, dripping down drop by drop.

Zhao Ye now has a slightly improved view of his father-in-law, at least the pain is bearable.

Otherwise, the effect of this treatment will be much worse.

But even if he couldn't hold back the pain and yelled or rolled over, it wasn't a big deal.

My wife has already protected her heart, even if my wife doesn't send him healing energy to places like the heart.

This guy can't die, but what about these flaws?That's not easy.

The treatment is not good this time, next time I break this bone, connect it again!

Anyway, for me, it's just a matter of piggybacking. When my wife is fine, wouldn't it be good to piggyback on it for him?
"Honey, take a break, your father's heart is fine.

Just let him rest in the future. "During this speech, Zhao Ye also withdrew his ability.

Han Xinuo is so obedient, although he feels that his father has not fully recovered.

Just thinking that I am really exhausted now, if I don't take a rest, I may go crazy!

Father Han's face is also very ugly at this time, but although the wounds on his face are healed, there are still scabs of blood from before, which is nothing more than visible.

"How are you, Dad? How do you feel?
Can you try to stand up first? "

Although Han Xinuo believed in her husband's skills, she still felt a little uneasy in her heart.

After all, my dad just finished watching it as if he was completely useless.

"I'll try!" Father Han's voice was extremely hoarse
He stood up slowly and took a few steps.

A very happy smile appeared on this dirty face.

"Okay, okay, I'm just like a normal person now.

No wonder you people with healing powers are so sought after!

It is simply more powerful than this Hua Tuo is alive! "

"Dad, why don't you go back with Mom and have a good rest?

Remember, don't go on missions within a month, you still have to rest your body. "

"Han Zhennuo, let your father pay for this month's rations, and let's talk about your mother and me..."

Wang Zhihua spoke

Han Zhennuo frowned, his relationship with them is really true!
In the eyes of my mother, I am just a tool, "This is my husband's group, so of course someone will take care of the food and drink, you go down!
Didn't see so many wounded here! "

Han Xinuo sat on the ground with a pale face and continued to absorb the incompletely absorbed crystal nucleus Xiao Ye gave him.

After all, this is the crystal nucleus of the pure healing system. Han Zhennuo felt that his body was very comfortable when absorbing it.

"Han Zhennuo, you...

You unfilial daughter, your father has been hurt like this, you still have the mind to absorb the crystal nucleus here, and you still have the mind to take care of those people.

You fucking kept me a secret, you didn't tell me before, you still have the ability.

I don't care, now you just watch your dad well, only when your dad is fully recovered and there is no problem on his body, then you can do your things.

Also, you are a healer, you just want to send us away with the same treatment as ordinary people? "

Wang Zhihua didn't know if Liang Jingru had given her courage again, so she started yelling at her daughter again!
Father Han was silent but didn't speak. He thought that he was about to die in pain, but he was rescued by them directly.

But it's true that I'm not perfect, it's very relaxed, and there are indeed some uncomfortable places!

"Mrs. Han, our leader's wife is absorbing crystal nuclei right now, so I don't want you to disturb me.

Is this your own daughter?Aren't you worried that he might go mad? "

One of the team members who helped couldn't help but look at what Wang Zhihua said.

Zhao Ye just shrugged and went to help other people with treatment.
After all, these are his wife's biological parents.

It’s not true if I say it is superficial, nor is it deep.

Even if he really wanted to deal with these two, he couldn't do it in front of his wife!

Han Zhennuo suddenly opened his eyes that were as cold as ice.

"Mom, don't you feel it, am I exhausted now?
My dad is all right now, don't you know?
Are you not worried that something will happen to me because I am too tired?
Since you were a child, apart from serving me hard and begging me for money when you grow up, have you ever cared about me?
What I should give has already been given to you, what else do you want? "

"Oh! What do I want?
Han Xinnuo, remember for me, you were born by me, and I raised you.

No matter how I treated you when you were young, if you didn’t have me, you could raise your aunt. If I didn’t give birth to you, would there be someone like you in the world?

So no matter what I want from you, you should give it to me.

You owe me this because I gave you life and raised you. "

Wang Zhihua said rightly

: "Han Xinnuo, don't you say that all high-level supernatural beings pay attention to cause and effect?

I am your cause, without me you are nothing, as long as you have breath in your life, you owe me.

You should satisfy any request I have for you, not to mention that your father is injured like this now, it is right for you to serve him and serve him tea.

Even if I want something else from you, even your life, you should give it to me.

You see how you treat your brother.

From now on, I want you to give us the standard for the official mercenary group of this base above level 10 to hire supernatural beings every month.

This is the necessary and most basic alimony you should give us. "

Maybe it's because Han Qinuo has been too honest recently, maybe it's because Han Yingnuo was worried about his father just now, which made Wang Zhihua feel that he had an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Hehe, so you think so, but it's a pity that I've long since ceased to be the Han Zhennuo who you can handle with just a few words.

Support?Even before the end of the world, there are standards for women to support their parents.

I'll give you as much as you want, stop dreaming.

Since you don't want to stay with my husband's mercenary group, then you can leave.

(End of this chapter)

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