Chapter 403
Chapter 377

At that time, I will give you 10 catties of grain every month, which is also my alimony.

If you don't agree, you can go to the base and sue me? "

Han Xinuo's voice is as cold as ice, what is chilling, it is like this now.

"Han Zhennuo, you...

never mind……"

Father Han was not stupid, he just sighed leisurely, as far as his relationship with his daughter was concerned, he was not as good as his wife.

What do you say?

What's more, if you don't have your own rules, you should die soon.

"Wife, what are you talking about? Let's go quickly?

Girl, your mother is joking with you!
It's not like you don't know what kind of temper your mother is, we're going back! "

Father Han saw that his wife not only didn't speak, but stared and started to make trouble again, so he kicked her and dragged her out.

Said to his wife in a very low voice:

"Stop making trouble with your wife, if you want to make trouble with your daughter again, you won't recognize us, what can we do?

You think this is before the end of the world! "

Wang Zhihua is being honest now, remembering that her daughter never seemed to sell her face, she was so angry to death.

Even after coming to this mercenary group, I can hardly see her in one place
Now if this girl really doesn't care about her family of three.

It may not be easy to make a living with just this ability of my own family!
"Girl, don't be angry, your mother is a knife-mouthed bean curd heart, don't you know what your mother is like?"

Father Han is not stupid, as long as his family wants to leave this mercenary group and go outside, can this survive?
Twenty catties of grain per month, no matter who you ask, you can’t say that you will give less. Now this grain is equivalent to a person’s life.

But can you live with 20 catties of grain?

How is that possible?As far as my wife's temper is so bad, the water ability is still the lowest level.

If you go outside and offend people, you will end up being killed in minutes.

Although my body is good, but if I want to restore it to its heyday, it will take time and food to nourish it!
But in fact, it's just what they whispered.

There are people with supernatural powers all around here, no matter how softly you speak, you can still hear it in people's ears.

But Father Han is, in a sense, smarter than his wife after all, and knows a little more about the world, that's all.

"You husband and wife go back, the treatment is the same as before, but that's all."

Zhao Ye didn't even raise his head, but just said this lightly.

A few burly men in combat uniforms came and stood in front of Han Xinuo's parents.

Father Han opened his mouth, with a miserable expression on his face.

But he still resigned to his fate and dragged his wife back.

"My wife, stop making trouble. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Our girl is a good girl. If you are messing around, be careful that my father and son will not recognize you." These words have a faint taste of threat
Father Han cheated on him several times, and later found out that with his ability, it was impossible to become a supernatural or mutant.

And to find those ordinary women, he still has to support them, and now it is getting harder and harder to find supplies outside, and it is still difficult for him to survive.

So he came back and confessed his mistake to his wife, coaxing his wife three times and two times.

To put it bluntly, his wife is nostalgic and conservative in thinking.

And when he comes back, he will become a prodigal son in the eyes of his wife.

What's more, he's not stupid, just this matter, why don't he understand that some burly men called by his uncle to send his husband and wife out?

What is worth pondering is that now no matter the wounded here, or other people can see through it at a glance.

It's just that no one opened their mouths to say a word for the couple.

It is not easy for the wife of the leader of the night mercenary group to have such a mother.

This woman is just lucky, she got married early, if she really wants to live with that family.

I'm afraid that this ability has not been upgraded yet, so he will have to be sold by this selfish woman in front of him for profit!

This is mainly thanks to Wang Zhihua, no matter what he says or does, he is so shameless.

If you meet a mother who has a high EQ and IQ but wants to cheat her daughter.

Han Xinnuo can only smash his teeth and swallow blood, not only can't resist, but also ruin his reputation.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Uncle, we old couple have gone back!
My girl, I am lucky enough to marry a capable man like you!
Even our old couple enjoy the blessings! "

Father Han nodded and bowed his head, saying something that made Han Qinuo feel a toothache.

"You two elders go back, as long as you don't cause trouble, you can live in peace like this.

Now the base is in troubled times, and you may not always be so lucky to have someone come back for you, and catch up with us to heal your injuries directly here. "

Zhao Ye sneered, what did Father Han do out here?I am very clear in my heart.

It's hard for my wife, and I have to thank my wife for not being bewitched by this couple

When Wang Zhihua heard what Zhao Ye said, he stopped doing it immediately, and wanted to open his mouth again.

Father Han hurriedly gagged her and pulled her down.

"Everyone should do what they want, a little housework makes everyone laugh."

Now that there are no serious injuries among these injured, Zhao Ye waved his hand, telling them that they are about the same, what should they do.

His mercenary group is not just any cat or dog who can stay here tonight.

"Hehe, it's rare that this base has so many healing abilities.

Let them help you to take care of the things on your body!

It's best to heal the wounds to the fullest. Now, at this time, no one dares to carry injuries on their bodies! "

If Xiao Ye stood up and said something nice
"Okay, okay, then let's go after the injury is healed.

As for our husband and wife, let's say goodbye first, and we won't be here with you all.

We are tired enough, and there is no major danger, so we have done our best. "

As Zhao Ye said this, he dragged his wife away.

"Zhao Ye, thank you!" Xiao Ye raised his eyebrows, Zhao Ye is really quite independent!
"Come on, you guys change shifts and rest!" It's Xiao Ye who is here to preside over the big event by himself.

But Zhao Ye is still good at being a man. He and his wife stopped showing up, but called Yu Congwen, the deputy head of the group, here to see if he could do something for him or something.

Of course, Yu Congwen didn't come here for their current people. This time, he had to be careful, after all, he was not a member of the group.

Secondly, it also needs to be a deterrent or a sign that the mercenary group pays more attention to these wounded people this night.

"Deputy Chief Xiao, please distribute some kindness to these injured patients!"

Yu Congwen asked someone to bring some freshly cooked hot food.

Although it's not that it's made of mutated animals and plants.

But this big pot of steaming rice.

There was another large pot of pork and potatoes and beans that had been frozen for an unknown number of years and stewed together.

But it also made the people around them almost drool.

"Hehe, thank you!" Xiao Ye chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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