Chapter 425
"Ye Dire, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand what you are saying?"

Huang Shuliang stopped chasing, and just rolled away.

Just in time, Gulu went to the patch of mutated bloodthirsty vines

The bloodthirsty vine is actually a good supplement for Huang Shuliang, a yellow man!

Otherwise, how can these goblins be so powerful!

This bloodthirsty vine is feared by both human supernatural beings and advanced zombies.

It turned out to be the nourishment of Huang Shuliang, the yellow skin.

"Hehe, Huang Shuliang, if you didn't break the rules.

Do you think that Bai Zichen will just poach your Yuanjing away?
That's because you ruined your own luck in the first place, and Bai Zichen calculated that even if he took your Yuanjing, he would not receive karma.

It will even add some merit to him, so he dares to do such and such. "

Xiao Ye's car drove faster and faster, and there were fewer and fewer obstacles in front of him.

After all, those advanced zombies and high-end mutant animals.

Already far away, I felt that I knew the danger was coming and ran away.

And those little ones were infected and left this road in a hurry.

Sure enough, this animal's instinct to feel danger is much stronger than that of humans.

This is especially true for advanced zombies, if there is no such super perception.

I'm afraid that before he became a high-level zombie, he would have been killed by his companions and become a snack for his companions.

But Huang Shuliang was too happy today.

It shouldn't be said that he was really unlucky today.

That just rested for a while in the bloodthirsty vine pile.

Huang Shuliang felt the huge smell of blood rushing towards him.

Of course he likes the fresh mutated animal blood, but the mutated animal's shoes are actually mixed with ingredients that can heal human wounds.

It made Huang Shuliang extremely painful
Because he was contaminated with too many things that shouldn't be contaminated.

He has transformed himself from a serious elf into a true elf.

Such a thing that says that a demon is not a demon, and that a zombie is not a zombie.

But what he is most afraid of now is the energy of this healing water.

Not counting this alone, Huang Shuliang felt that large piece of intense light that destroyed the world again.

God, this is the power of the light system that human beings are looking forward to every day that can cure all diseases.

But to him, that is complete destruction, okay?
Li Na now consumes a lot of energy.

Although she and Mo Shen teamed up, they were still a bit powerless against the yellow skin in front of them.

Of course, these two also came here wearing the high-performance invisibility cloak.

Yes, how many routes did those of you come from?

Otherwise, how could Xiao Yehan and Han Xiaochen deal with this yellow-skinned child with almost a thousand years of practice so easily just now!
It's because of these two people making trouble here that the yellow skin is everywhere.

Otherwise, he would have caught up with Xiao Ye's car a long time ago.
"Honey, I've run out of energy, shall we withdraw?"

Li Na's face was as pale as a ghost because of her great transportation skills.

"Okay..." Mo Shen also found that his mental power was exhausted soon, and he could no longer control the yellow skin.

Li Na tightly grasped her husband's hand, and had a thought.

The two returned to the space, "Huhu, husband, let's take a bath in the spiritual spring!
Otherwise, I feel that I will be useless, and I will soon become a useless Nana. "

"You want to be funny!" Mo Shen agreed without nodding

In just such a short time, he exhausted all his mental energy.

It is also very annoying!
If it wasn't for my wife's trump card, the couple might have died under the sharp claws of this yellow skin.

"Damn human beings, when I recover, I will definitely destroy your entire family.

what!what!what! "

Huang Shuliang just felt the two little skunks who had sneaked up on him just now, and they used their space magic to slip away.

When I first started yelling and felt that I could no longer be hurt.

Or when you feel that you will never meet your opponent again.

Huang Shuliang felt that there was an invisible big net covering him fiercely.

And there seemed to be tens of millions of steel nails in that big net that were piercing him fiercely.

And around them appeared more blood of such mutated animals with healing ability.

Huang Shuliang cursed even more angrily.

"Damn humans, cunning humans, have the ability to go 1-on-1 with Lao Tzu."

Mo Yan twitched the corner of his mouth coldly.

This yellow-skinned boy thinks he is stupid, why would he put his life on the line against an existence that he clearly couldn't beat?

It's a silly choice, isn't it?

What's more, I have a better way to torture him, why would I risk myself!
Mo Yan just hid in the dark and used this powerful mental power to wrap himself in a barrier, and then started to clean up Huang Shuliang

It's just to break the blood of those mutated animals with healing energy on Huang Shuliang's body.

It's just that he occasionally sprinkles more beast powder on him.

Sure enough, Huang Shuliang just scolded a few words.

He saw a large number of mutated animals in despair, and those with red eyes ran towards him.

Not to mention, it also attracted a large group of high-level zombies to follow it, and it is also eyeing.
What Huang Shuliang didn't understand was that he was being tricked by that human being who couldn't even see the figure.

Hahaha, the human beings in front of us are really powerful, the snipe and the clam compete, and the fisherman wins.

It seems that all the benefits now may be obtained by this man who hides his affection!
Huang Shuliang had already sensed that he had just died, so there were a large number of high-level zombies, high-level zombie animals.

There are also those mutated animals and plants, the crystal nuclei on this body seem to have disappeared out of thin air.

If Huang Shuliang can no longer feel how powerful this human being hiding in the dark is, then he will live for 800 years in vain.

And of course what Mo Yan got was also promised to those people.

What I got this time will be shared equally with everyone after I go back.

"Go away, go away, you all go away for me."

Immediately afterwards, there was another desperate struggle between Huang Shuliang and these groups of various high-level beings.

Huang Shuliang also felt it, and now he is getting weaker and weaker.

With such a serious injury, I still have to deal with these.

Is it true that God is going to kill me Huang Shuliang?
Huang Shuliang knew that if he didn't run away, he would really die here right away.

So in an instant, the world was in trouble, and it stinks.

Billowing black smoke drifted past, and Huang Shuliang had disappeared.

Huang Shuliang used his 600 years of skill to burn the stench and speed.He replaced it to give himself a glimmer of life.

In other words, even if Huang Shuliang really found his Yuan Jing again, it would not be very useful for his cultivation.

After all, there is a reason, and it is impossible for him to cultivate a human form again in just a few decades.

Damn, Nightmare counts on you.

Didn't I just take advantage of you when you were down and down?

To cheat me so much, even for the sake of cheating me, she didn't hesitate to lower her self-worth.

And Bai Zichen, the damn thousand-year-old fox demon, and the thousand-year-old zombie king Yehan, who shouldn't have existed in the first place.

They are not afraid of these, and when the punishment of heaven comes down, they will be directly smashed into scum.


"Zhao Ye, I didn't expect you to have such a bad taste."

Mo Yan watched Zhao Ye cover his nose with this special cloth.

It also uses a storage object like this emerald bottle to collect the foul smell released by the yellow leather.

I just feel that I am old and can't keep up with the pace of the times!
(End of this chapter)

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