Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 426 Old Acquaintance! !crisis

Chapter 426 Old Acquaintance! !crisis

"Zhao Ye, hurry up, brother, it's been a long time, even I can't stand it!
My darling, here are all these high-level zombies above level 10! "

Mo Yan really feels that he has had a bad time recently, and many things he encounters are beyond his power
And he was almost overwhelmed by the attacks of these high-level zombies and this high-level mutated animal around him one after another.

If it wasn't for Mo Yan's strong mental strength, if it wasn't for his high level of abilities.

I'm afraid that he alone has already become a snack for these high-level zombies and high-level mutant animals!

"Yeah, I know, isn't it such a rare thing for him!
This thing can be regarded as a rare occurrence in a hundred years!
Besides, if you really can't hold on, don't you still have mine?

When did I not give you a helping hand when you were in danger? "

Although Zhao Yehua said so, he still used this special skill.

Collect the stench just now, and slowly store it in his bottle.

Just use this thing at a critical moment, but it can save your own life while severely bruising the enemy.

Mo Yan casually killed a few more zombies, and brought the crystal nucleus along the way.

When he felt that the pressure around him was not so great, he looked at the emerald bottle in Zhao Ye's hand with a little curiosity.

"Zhao Ye, what is this bottle of yours? It looks quite powerful, it's quite weird!"

"Mo Yan, you are the only one who can create a space ring.

Can't I have a few treasures at the bottom of the box?

Just this thing can be regarded as the ancestral treasure of our Zhao family.

It's just that this thing can only be used for energy bodies such as gas, and can't be used for other purposes.

Of course, if it is like gas, it can be collected all the time!
Just like those space power users, I can put all this stench in one.

I used my mental power to put it in a small place, so I can take it and use it anytime, but it is very convenient! "

"Hehe, Zhao Ye, you really are a buddy. Thank you buddy, you have such a treasure, and you are willing to disclose it to your buddies."

Mo Yan smiled heartily now.

However, his subordinates were even more ruthless in dealing with those zombies and mutated animals.

Really, who in this world doesn't know that if you want to get the sincerity of this kid Zhao Ye, it will be very difficult for you to go to the blue sky!
As far as this kid is concerned, even if he treats his wife, he can only be regarded as a pet, but he has a lot of love.

Let alone to others, there are very few people who are really sincere, and most of them put their interests first!

"Mo Yan, as for me, I'm not as good at calculating as everyone imagined.

As for me, what I pay attention to when dealing with people is to exchange people's hearts for people's hearts.

You are so sincere to me, how can I hide it from you! "

After Zhao Ye collected the last breath of stench.

He also followed Mo Yan to join the activity of eliminating high-level zombies.

Don't think there are only two of them in this event, but the fighting power of the two of them is very good, and they can surpass dozens of high-level supernatural beings!
Right now, these zombies and mutated animals have become the rhythm of being completely abused in front of these two people.

And those zombies and mutant animals with higher intelligence.

Even in the air of this fight, the soles of his feet got oily.

slip away...

You can imagine this advanced zombie and that advanced mutant animal.

Is this the scene where human beings not only do not attack, but also flee for their lives?

This picture is too beautiful, so beautiful that people can't look directly at it!
Zhao Ye looked slightly, and threw the grenades one by one.

want to run? ?How beautiful do they think? ?

If you mess with the master, no matter what existence you have, you have to give up your life! !
All of a sudden, flames shot up around them, and Mo Yan also glared fiercely at Zhao Ye in the protective circle set up at this moment.
"Zhao Ye, you son of a bitch, you just praised you a few words and you just...

Didn't our Deputy Chief Xiao tell you?

You can no longer use this heavy weapon in such large quantities.

Go and kill those high-level zombies and high-level willing animals.

Don't recruit that thousand-year-old zombie king again.

"Haha, what's the big deal to clean up those in such a small area?

You have nothing to do with being the thousand-year-old zombie king, do you have to recruit him for such a trivial matter?
If he was really so leisurely, would your family Han Xiaochen run away so easily?
But buddy, be careful in the future, you? "

Zhao Ye didn't care at all, the power of the explosion that he showed him was not that great at all.

Not only that, he also immediately left the protective circle and started collecting those crystal nuclei
And of course, the zombies who didn't have long eyes and leaned towards him by the way were also solved by him
Mo Yan shook his head helplessly, and in order to wave his hand, he used a special method to remove all the crystal nuclei that could be removed.

"Brothers, let's get out, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"

But even then, they still put these corpses.

The space ring that operates this space was moved together and lit with gasoline and burned.

After all, now the scientist has obtained the accurate data.

That is, the corpses of these zombies, piled up together for a long time will cause the gas of ordinary humans or even supernatural beings to be infected with the zombie virus again?
And to deal with them, the best way or the best way to prevent the epidemic is that.

That is to directly burn them into ashes.

Although it is said that some harmful gases will also appear during the combustion process, which will destroy the ozone layer or something.

But compared to the harm of producing a large-scale zombie virus, it is very small.

"Mo Yan! Mo Yan! You and Zhao Ye don't love to fight, try to go back if you can.

Another wave of zombies broke out here, and several brothers from our base were surrounded here.

There are quite a few of you old acquaintances, come here as soon as possible. "

Xiao Ye's communicator made a sound.

"Received, we will come over immediately!"

Mo Yan and Zhao Ye got into the off-road vehicle all at once and drove back crazily


Han Xiaochen's side entered another arduous battle.

Chu Zelong, who hadn't seen him for a long time, Chu Tian and even Ye Junzhi were also in this battle.

And these few big bosses are famous no matter in the end of the world or after the end of the world.

He was also seriously injured.

The blood all over his body seemed to be drenched, bubbling up like a broken water pipe.

This person, really can't slack off a little bit, can't be a little behind!
But for a while, due to special reasons, I couldn't go out to do missions.

Before he came out, he was besieged by this high-level zombie.

"Brother Chutian, be careful.

I'm going to..."

Before Han Xiaochen finished speaking, he used his best ability, and another space confinement came.

Come and imprison that advanced zombie.

Naturally, these few people killed even more desperately, after all, they were given to them by the overwhelming tide of zombies.

You don't even have the possibility of rushing out in a car, so you can only fight desperately.

The most exasperating thing is that this is still a hand-to-hand combat, and you can't even use those hot weapons for long-range attacks.

"Han Xiaochen, you should also be careful, if I really fail.

Our family, Chu Zelong, will trouble you to take care of him. I think Chu Zelong's injury is lighter than mine. "

While desperately absorbing the crystal nucleus, Chu Tian desperately released the thunder ball and ice ball to attack the zombies.

But looking at his face, it is getting uglier and uglier, even if his face is covered with blood, you can still feel it.

His real face should be extremely pale, and he might even be infected by mutation and become a high-level zombie!

Han Xiaochen thought in his heart that it was not good, if Chu Tian was such a powerful supernatural being, he would be mutated.

He will definitely become a zombie king who is more powerful than him

(End of this chapter)

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