Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 427 Domesticated mutant animals

Chapter 427 Domesticated mutant animals
"Brother Chutian, hold on.

Zhao Ye and Mo Yan will be there soon.

They will treat you when the time comes, so you must not give up? "

Han Xiaochen shouted anxiously, the key is that there are too many monsters around him.

This space confinement can't be used too much mental power, too much energy.

In desperation, Han Xiaochen took out this special Tang knife and slashed fiercely.

Han Xiaochen is now extremely grateful for the protective clothing that Li Na gave her

I am extremely grateful, just on the way back, Xiao Ye didn't let her put on the protective clothing given by Li Na.

Sure enough, right now, they encountered this kind of deadly wave of zombies.

If there is no protective clothing, Han Xiaochen is sure that he is no better than Chutian?
"Big brother, you have to hold on, you are my big brother forever.

If you didn't testify, this brother wouldn't be able to hold on to those monkey bastards! "

Chu Zelong was under such a dense tide of zombies, in fact, no matter how powerful this mutant was.

But it is indeed a little difficult to clean up these.

Although he is considered a supernatural being now, after all, he was a supernatural being born with the essence core.

The power of this ability is not as powerful as using the mutant's own ability!
"Chu Zelong, big brother will do his best, how about you?

Brother knows that you are the best, you have to work hard!

Big brother knows, in fact, it is very easy to be a leader with your ability.

It's just that you used to give big brother face and didn't want to stand out. "

Chu Tian was even more insane. With his protection removed, he used his most energy to attack these monsters.

It was to give Chu Zelong and the others a chance of life.

Xiao Ye is not injured, but he has been replenishing the crystal nucleus.

This is the so-called ants kill elephants.

There are too many enemies to face, and it is really exhausting all at once.

And the only one among the few, the one who can protect himself in this way.

Han Xiaochen is a person with spatial abilities who can go in and preserve his own strength.
Or how can I say that most of the supernatural beings are jealous, this space supernatural being who can put himself into his own space!

No matter how powerful you are when you go out, if you encounter too many powerful enemies, you will still be finished.

And people with special space abilities really encounter this kind of life and death.

If people put cats in their own space, what will happen?
"Han Xiaochen, if you really run out of abilities, don't be brave, then go back to your space and replenish your abilities before coming out.

Now is not the time for you to be a hero, to be able to protect yourself at this time.

Only by saving your own life can only you brothers know? "

Xiao Ye was very worried that Han Xiaochen would mess up here again.

"Anyway, Xiao Ye, I'm not stupid, so stop talking."

Xiao Ye's shout just now interrupted Han Xiaochen's mind.

A level 10 zombie immediately grabbed Han Xiaochen's neck.

Han Xiaochen didn't talk nonsense and directly imprisoned a space, imprisoning the high-level zombies this time.

He even took out the Tang Dao directly, aimed at his head, and dug out the crystal nucleus.

This protective clothing is strong enough to even protect the neck.

But Han Xiaochen still felt that the dizzy level 10 zombies were powerful enough to pinch your neck!

Han Xiaochen staggered, seeing more zombies coming to attack him, a weakling.

He really entered the space with a flash.

"Hoo hoo, damn it, I almost died just now."

Han Xiaochen panted heavily in the space, and took off his clothes first.

He took out a special ointment and smeared it on the neck.

In such a split second, his neck was bruised and purple.

No wonder there was that sense of death-like suffocation just now!
Han Xiaochen knew that he was almost strangled to death by that senior zombie.

This is also the first time for Han Xiaochen to face death so directly.

Han Xiaochen was still panting fiercely, desperately stuffing the meat of the mutated animal with extremely rich energy into his mouth.

Desperately pouring the healing water that Han Zhennuo gave her into her mouth.

Feeling less uncomfortable, Han Xiaochen armed himself again.

She hurriedly jumped out again, and at the same time of jumping out, she threw a lot of fresh blood of various animals that she collected from the world over there.

After a space recognition, the fresh-keeping bag of the fresh blood was torn.

"Han Xiaochen, you are still smart, just now??

Forget it, I won't say it? "

Han Xiaochen's actions immediately attracted a group of zombies around these people.

It also gave them a chance to breathe.

"Hey, just now I couldn't find the time slot.

Just now, they were all beaten up. "

Han Xiaochen was still panting heavily.

This hand is still too busy to kill zombies.

There are really too many zombies, even if so many are attracted.

"That's not bad. In the situation just now, how can I spare my hand!"

Ye Junzhi also wiped her face fiercely and said
With his face full of stinky blood and stinky flesh, how can you tell that Ye Junzhi is still the handsome and handsome man he used to be!
"Brother Tian, ​​hold on. Hold on!!"

Chu Zelong's hysterical voice came over.

Chu Tian was finally seriously injured, and his physical strength was completely exhausted, and he passed out.

But these few people were separated by the group of zombies.

Although they could hear each other's voices, they couldn't catch up at all.

Han Xiaochen had nothing to do with this.

How come there are so many zombies?How did this zombie level up so fast.

But suddenly, a big blue bird flew in the sky.

He straightened Chutian into the air.

Chu Zelong was stunned at the time, his own brother was still holding his brother, why was his brother snatched away by the big bird.

But the point is that no matter how powerful this human supernatural being is, he can't compare to this mutated Haidongqing!

Visually, this Costin is as big as 10 people, and its big wings are like a helicopter.

That formidable energy is beyond the reach of human beings!

"Chu Zelong, don't worry, this mutant sea is a friend of our leader's wife.

Now your god brother is saved. "

Even Xiao Ye was tired of dealing with these zombies.

But he still followed Chu Zelong to explain in a considerate manner.

"Oh my God……

This mutated animal was actually domesticated by the leader's wife.

It was still that powerful mutant Costin. "

The corner of Chu Zelong's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't care about being surprised, so he was forced to join the battle again.

As soon as I hit it, I felt that the pressure around me became less and less.

It turned out.

After Han Xiaochen regained a little physical strength, he teleported to another place to put a lot of fresh blood of this animal to attract those zombies.

Not to mention it really works.

This relieved the pressure around them, and even indirectly saved their lives.

Not to mention that Mo Shen also joined the battle.

Even a few trained mutated giant pandas, and the mutated bear.

They also started to clean up these zombies.

"Listen to me that these mutated animals are domesticated by us and are our friends.

Don't get me wrong. "

Mo Shen doesn't use this communicator, the sound can resound throughout this place.

(End of this chapter)

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