Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 435 It turns out...

Chapter 435 It turns out...

"Husband, I don't know what to say now, but I feel that there is an indescribable discomfort in my heart anyway.

In fact, I really hate that girl Fei Yingying, but...

But I can't do nothing, and to be honest, if I could, I hope I never see those people again. "

Han Xinuo himself was still a little depressed.

"That guy Mo Shen was injured, I knew it a long time ago.

But I never took up the hobby of helping him heal his injuries.

What's more, that guy Mo Shen has always had a strong self-esteem! "

Zhao Ye sighed softly, if he was that unconfident.

If you are so incompetent, you can't even win over your own wife's heart.

Then don't be a man yourself.

In fact, I should thank Mo Shen, if there is no Mo Shen, how can I meet such a good wife!

Han Xinuo's expression became more complicated.

"My silly wife, are you a man with no self-confidence like me?
If I can no longer feel your thoughts, then what am I?

How could I be the kind of person who doubts my wife casually!
However, it is true that what Fei Yingying did this time is really disgusting.

I even suspect that Mo Shen may have hinted at this behind the scenes.

You don't understand what kind of scheming this guy Mo Shen is.

What's more, this guy Mo Shen has never been a thing in the pool, but he has been disturbed by you for a while.

In addition, he really had bad luck these days.

Otherwise, with his ability, if he wants to grab a base somewhere, be a machine leader or something, then it's like playing. "

Zhao Ye bent the corners of his lips towards the existence of his friends and foes.

I have never underestimated or despised them.

"Is there?" Han Qinuo shook his head doubtfully.

"To be honest, I don't know that man very well!

Anyway, apart from being promiscuous, this man seems to feel like a gentleman.

But in his team, he is a big patriarch, it seems that he hates those under him.

He seems to be able to decide the life and death of those subordinates!
And his zodiac signs also regard it as their master, and are even willing to sacrifice everything for him.

But at the beginning, I just regarded myself as a freelancer with occasional tasks.

Maybe it's because he's not satisfied with me?

"There are so many things you don't understand.

But it stands to reason that he did care about you a little bit at first.

Either way, you saved his life and gave him the space he needed most.

It can only be said that good luck tricks people, right?But to be honest, what would Mo Shen say?

I can only tell you this, for Mo Shen, this woman is just a spice in his life trajectory.

Of course, if that woman is useful to his career, he will use it more and pay more attention to it.

But Mo Shen is used to it, and there will be many women around him.

It never occurred to him that he would defend himself like a jade for any woman.

Of course, you women would call him a scumbag now.

But if you imagine him as the ancient emperor, you will feel better. "

Zhao Ye smiled lightly, but the amount of information in these words seemed to be too much.

"Husband, what are you talking about? Why haven't you told me before?"

Han Junnuo's expression was dazed, of course she was just curious now, and she didn't feel any discomfort in her heart.

Originally, Han Xinnuo was just regarded as an elder brother to Mo Shen, and even a little admired.

But to say that the love between men and women makes her blush, her husband is the only one.

Han Xiaochen said, "Zhao Ye, if my prediction is right.

Although Mo Shen has the face of Dongsheng Kingdom, in fact, Mo Shen should be from Taikang Kingdom, right?
And where is his family?" People from the country, right?
And his family will be a very big family there, and it is even said that the power of that family is very powerful, and it can even decide the life and death of everyone in their clan, right? "

"Han Xiaochen, I didn't expect you to be knowledgeable."

Zhao Ye smiled lightly, and increased the healing energy just now.

Since Han Xiaochen can bear it, he will get well soon.

There are still a lot of things to be busy in my regiment, but I don't have time to waste here all the time.

Han Xiaochen naturally felt the pain in his body deepened, but he clenched his teeth and didn't say a word.

Because she felt that although she was in pain, she also felt that her body was becoming more and more relaxed.

Han Yinuo's treatment really made people feel very comfortable and did not feel pain.

But it would take a long time for Han Xinnuo to help people heal their bodies completely.

I'm still not sure about this, whether it can truly and thoroughly heal people well!

After all, the healing ability derived from the water system is different from the real healing ability.

"Honey, that's pretty much what Han Xiaochen said.

Mo Shen's family is in one of the states of Taikang, even if it exists like the emperor of that land.

Although that country seems relatively backward, don't underestimate them.

How can I tell you, anyway, the state that their family occupies belongs to their family alone.

Their family has its own independent armed force there, which is the kind recognized by the country.

And this Mo Shen was raised as the head of the family when he was very young.

Naturally, there will be many women around him, but this guy Mo Shen is not lustful, and his body has not been hollowed out by women.

But for him, it is very common to have several women at the same time. "

After Zhao Ye explained in this way, Han Zhennuo and the other two women naturally understood.

"Hou, I used to think that Mo Shen was a bit of a villain, but it turns out that he is really from there!

I heard that there are many armed forces in Taikang Kingdom, but they can't be regarded as real troops.

They are so much like the warlords who ruled the separatist side of our Dongsheng country 800 years ago. "

Han Xiaochen exclaimed, Han Xinuo is a silly girl, thanks to the fact that she didn't follow Mo Shen back then.

Otherwise, Han Xinnuo's IQ would have been plotted to death by those Yingying and Yanyan around Mo Shen, right?
As a child among Mo Shen's side, this was a woman whom she valued a little.

But if you don't have the ability to protect yourself, what will happen.

Tut tut...

"My husband, why didn't you tell me this before? If you told me before, wouldn't I not be depressed?"

Han Xinuo looked at her husband with some complaints.

"I also have a little selfishness, I like you so much, I naturally hope that you can be with me.

What's more, I can also imagine a simple girl like you.

It is unacceptable. Many women in that country have a husband at the same time. "

Zhao Ye didn't think his actions were despicable or anything like that.

Anyway, it was Han Xinnuo who rushed over by himself at the beginning, and insisted on being his girlfriend.

"My husband doesn't take you like this, so why are you telling me now?

Let me tell you, for this matter, I will give you a penalty, think about it for yourself, what did you do wrong.

Then you fight for it, reform it well, and don’t make mistakes again. "

(End of this chapter)

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