Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 436 Ye Han Came to Scare Her Again

Chapter 436 Ye Han Came to Scare Her Again

"Hey, I told you two to stop showing affection in front of me, okay! I'm already worried about my body!

You husband and wife also care about the psychological feelings of my patient?

Even if Zhao Ye is sure, you can't take me so seriously! "

Han Xiaochen couldn't bear to tease these two.

These two people don't show off in front of me like this, how about showing their affection?
I am still in the process of treatment now!
"Hey, I'm sorry Han Xiaochen!" Han Xinuo smiled shyly.

But Zhao Ye, a thick-skinned old man, didn't care.

"Han Xiaochen, don't worry, I'm sure of this master.

If Master is not sure, can he come and treat you?
This is almost the same as your treatment. After that, you should take care of yourself for two days! "

Zhao Ye smiled lightly, but called it a day.

Han Xiaochen really felt that his body was much more relaxed than before.

But "Zhao Ye, have you finished knitting for me? I think you still have energy in you!"

"Han Xiaochen, naturally your wounds and internal injuries have been healed for you.

If your body is weak, you have to take care of it yourself.

And you remember, if you really absorb that Yuanjing, don't embezzle yourself.

This upgrade, especially that thing, can let you upgrade several levels in a row, which is very tempting.

But be careful if you sail for thousands of years.

Alright, I won't talk anymore, it seems that I am rambling.

As for you, take a good rest by yourself, our husband and wife are leaving. "

Of course, the main reason Zhao Ye came here was because he was afraid that his wife would get tired, okay?

"Han Xiaochen, don't move, he won't send our husband and wife away, you will fix it for you.

What's more, it's not fully automatic here!
You should work hard now to strengthen yourself, you know? "

Although Han Xinuo is weaker?

But at any rate, after having this healing ability, he knows how this person should take care of his body.

"If that's the case, then fine!
Also, thank you for your kindness, so I won't talk about those nonsense here. "

Han Xiaochen nodded and quickly put himself into the exercise mode.

Just like that, Han Xiaochen worked hard for several hours.

I didn't finish my work until my stomach was really hungry.

From the space, I recruited several portions of the meat of the mutated animals, as well as the dishes of the mutated plants, and started to eat them.

This person really feels that the food is extra sweet when he is hungry!
What's more, these meals all contain strong wood energy.

When Han Xiaochen eats this, it can be regarded as nourishing his body's energy, which is better than absorbing crystal nuclei!
But just don’t eat too much at one time. If you eat too much, your stomach will protest and you won’t be able to digest it.

"Hehe, Han Xiaochen, aren't you afraid of breaking your stomach after eating so much?"

Han Xiaochen was feasting on the pork ribs of this super delicious mutant animal.

He was horrified to hear Ye Han's dark side voice.

"Who?" Han Xiaochen couldn't help shaking, he didn't realize that someone came into his room!

Ah, bah bah bah, who is it?

I didn't realize that my house had entered that damn thousand-year-old zombie!

"Han Xiaochen, you heartless little thing.

This seat released you with good intentions, even to let you leave with peace of mind.

At this time when it shouldn't be closed, I practiced in closed doors.

You don't appreciate it at all, and you are still scolding me in your heart. "

Ye Han laughed out loud.

But this voice is absolutely no different from that in Han Xiaochen's ear.

Han Xiaochen frowned, but couldn't control himself, his body was trembling.

Oh my god, I'm not in space right now, okay?It's okay to run in now.

what!No no no.

There is no night chill here.


It was only then that Han Xiaochen discovered that the Nine Dragons Jade Pendant that Ye Han gave him was emitting a faint but continuous glow.

"Han Xiaochen, you kid isn't too stupid!

Isn't this seat chatting with you through that Nine Dragons Jade Pendant?
I am not interested in coming to your dirty human gathering place to talk to you! "

In Ye Han's sinister voice, there seemed to be a hint of a smile

Han Xiaochen curled his lips, feeling wronged: "Yehan, why are you scaring me for nothing, don't you know that I'm timid?
Do you know that I was almost killed by you this time?
It's not that they were still injured, they suffered very badly, my two companions!

It took almost all of their skills to treat me almost!
And the reason for my injury is you, okay? "

"Hehe, Han Xiaochen said that you are a heartless little thing, and you don't like to hear it.

If you don't have this seat, you probably would have lost all the scum, but you would be so ungrateful.

If there is no this seat, do you think those will let you go?
Do you know how alluring your smell is.

Even if you didn't take the yellow leather crystal, the yellow leather will still trouble you there.

Who told you to say something that shouldn't be said in a situation where you didn't even care!
Next time you meet someone like Huang Pizi, you'd better not talk, it's better not to be hard on anything. "

Ye Han is calling Han Xiaochen

"Oh! I see." Han Xiaochen was in a bad mood

Her thoughts drifted back to the scenes she encountered when she was on a mission before.

Is that little skinny old man...

Sure enough, Han Xiaochen knew the truth before he knew it!

Isn't that yellow skin the same little old man that Han Xiaochen met back then?
"Ye Han, if it's really that little old man, then that yellow man can be regarded as helping us humans to eliminate zombies.

But I purified his Yuanjing. "

"Han Xiaochen, you fool, natural selection for the survival of the fittest?
What's more, at that time, did you know that Huang Pizi was not a blindfold?
I can clearly tell that the yellow skin on the body is contaminated with many karmas of you humans. "

"Oh, I see, I see what you mean.

I actually thought he was fine. "Han Xiaochen was a little frustrated, but felt that if it was because of his own reasons...

"Han Xiaochen, not all species are bad.

Just like the wolf, the fox, and even the little dragon if they get your favor.

They will basically repay the favor, and no one can say that stuff.

Of course, that kind of thing is not all bad, but you are unlucky, and this is just the bad kind you encounter, and you don't know how to appreciate it.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have purified so much black energy from his primordial crystal during the purification.

The kind of animal that cultivates the primordial crystal, as long as it can emit black energy from the primordial crystal.

It proves that they have practiced evil skills, have murder on their hands, and have been stained with a lot of human blood.

Those who are truly dedicated to Tao will not only not harm you humans, but will also do good deeds for you humans to seek merit!

What's more, that Huang Pizi is not dead, you have purified his Yuanjing.

Although he could never get back his Yuanjing, it was a perfect end to the evil he had done before.

He saw that now he could start practicing again!

But whether he can achieve a positive result depends on whether he can follow his own heart and stop killing lives! "

(End of this chapter)

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