Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 450 Firework-Like Hail

Chapter 450 Firework-Like Hail
"I have heard of this, and those people are really annoying.

This feudal society has stopped for hundreds of years, and now it is the end of the world.

It's really ridiculous that he still wants to play the trick of men being superior to women.

Saying that we women will cause trouble for their men, even which female supernatural being?If you are unlucky, your aunt will come when you are on a mission.

Those male supernatural beings jumped out and wanted to throw the female superhuman beings out to feed the zombies! "

Han Zhennuo frowned, how could he not understand this kind of thing?

Especially the kind of low-level, incompetent male supernatural beings.

The more they seem to say something slandering female supernatural beings behind their backs, it becomes obvious that they are pretty cool.

Even the more that kind of person, the more he loves to torture this ordinary woman, if it wasn't for Xiao Ye's order to prohibit this kind of thing later.

Many beautiful ordinary women will be tortured to death at their hands!
"It's just this kind of atmosphere, it's really not easy to manage!
Mo Mo, I understand what you mean, and I will take care of myself in the future.

What happened to the woman?Is there a female emperor in ancient times?
It's true that the less capable a man is, the more fun it is to attack us women behind our backs every day! "

Han Xiaochen curled her lips, this woman, wherever she goes, most of them are vulnerable groups.

As for those men, they will try their best to suppress you and show their abilities.

But to be honest, in this end of the world, there are indeed many female compatriots who hold this woman back!

"I'll go, do you see what's going on outside?"

Are you saying this?Han Zhennuo let out a cry.

"Damn it!" Han Xiaochen rubbed his eyes, feeling that this was going to be a fantasy.

Although the sound insulation and dust isolation facilities of this villa are well done.

But this can also be seen through the windows. This base was suddenly occupied by scolding yellow sand and unscrupulously.

My god, what kind of sandstorm is this?How did it get scraped like this?

Seeing, the old people and children on this street were all swept into the sandstorm, and then they were thrown hard to where?
At this time, the sky suddenly became darker.

"Han Xiaochen, what do you think is going on?"

Yu Momo really has a headache, why is the living space of human beings getting smaller and smaller.

There are such powerful enemies outside, but in this base, it is like this.

Now that I think about it, it might be even scarier outside the base, right?

Han Xiaochen shook his head in confusion.

As a level 15 Eye of Truth, you can see almost everything.

But with this kind of pure weather, I still can't see why.

Maybe this is really, just a terrible natural phenomenon!
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" More and more miserable screams came from outside.

Just at this moment, a ray of light flashed across the gloomy sky, enough to blind everyone.

And that light became bigger and bigger, and it seemed to occupy more than half of the sky.

And all of a sudden, the light seemed to explode and explode in the middle of the air.

Divided into these countless starlight, it is kind to the world.

Suddenly, a colder atmosphere enveloped everyone.

Even Han Xiaochen and the others with advanced abilities felt extraordinarily cold.

The weather is already warm, so why is it getting colder?

Han Xiaochen can understand this point, the explosion outside is like that beautiful firework.

In fact, it was a large number of hailstones scattered in all directions.

This hailstone is small, but the amount is too large, and it is even aggressive.

No matter where it hits, there is a hole everywhere, and fortunately, most of the houses on this base are built very solidly.

Otherwise, once the hailstone hits, the whole house will be scrapped.

But even so, some fragile houses were smashed into holes by this seemingly small but extremely powerful hailstone.

God, God, man-made disasters are natural disasters, and no matter how beautiful this hailstone blooms like fireworks, it cannot be ignored that she is bringing extreme disasters to human beings.

Fortunately, the strong light brought by the hail was fleeting, but there was still howling outside.

There was this strong smell of blood, oh my god, many pedestrians who had no time to escape were either killed or injured by the tiny hailstones.

But even Han Xiaochen didn't notice when one of the hailstones landed on a certain blind spot in the base.

Unexpectedly, she slowly transformed into a beauty in white clothes who did not change her gender.

"Hey! My dear Han Yunuo Tongzhi, you, a supernatural healer, are going to play a big role again."

Han Xiaochen sighed pretendingly, she was never treated kindly since she was a child.

Although I feel deeply sympathetic to those people, I really don't feel how pitiful those people are, or how uncomfortable they are.

If it is injured, it will be healed, if it is killed, it will be buried.

The pain and the like that I have suffered are not something that these people who have directly sold natural disasters can feel.

Han Xinuo shook his head, but nodded again.

: "This kind of disaster happened in this base, so it is my duty to treat people.

But there are only a few people who can heal abilities in the base. Even if we don't charge for it, it's just a drop in the bucket for those people!

If this is the case, let's wait for the base to assign us. Whoever we treat, we will cure that person. "

Han Xiaochen's eyes flickered. What is really needed now are those large quantities of medicines, right?
There are some in my own space, but not too many.

If I could think faster now, I would be more cold-blooded and ruthless.

I am afraid that these medicines can be sold at high prices.

It's just that I was rescued several times by so many friends spelling their names.

So do you still want to do this?

This is a rather tangled issue.

But God himself really doesn't want to be a good person, let alone a saint.

I don't know why, but when I want to be a good person, I think of the hardships I suffered when I was a teenager.

At that time, except for Han Yinuo who was willing to sneak some food for himself.

All the people around me, except for bullying me more and more, no one has shown kindness to me!
"Yes, what is really needed now are those precious medicines.

I just don't know if the reserve of medicines in this base will be sufficient. "

Yu Momo frowned and looked at it with a rather meaningful look.

The two most powerful spatial abilities in this base.

They are also her two best friends, Han Xiaochen and Han Xinuo.

"Han Xiaochen, as far as I know, you have hidden a lot of medicines in your space, right?"

A few women are thinking wildly!Zhao Ye directly pushed open the door and walked in.

"Hey, Zhao Ye, you are too much, we ladies are here, you just push the door.

What if we have no clothes on?Obviously know that your wife has the ability to heal.

What if we get naked when your wife is asked to help with the treatment again? "

Yu Momo saw Zhao Ye carelessly pushing the door open and came in, feeling one head and two big.

Because I am really a little disheveled because of the treatment, okay?

However, Zhao Ye meaningfully swept Yu Momozhou up and down with that kind of eyes that people don't like very much.

"Yu Momo, I don't think there is anything special about you, it's worth taking a closer look at you.

Also, you remember, this is my home, this is my house.

Besides, don't you know that my mental strength has always been very good?
Not to mention pushing the door open, I can see what I should see without opening the door. "

(End of this chapter)

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