Chapter 451 The Millennium Acacia Tree
"Han Xinnuo, do you look at your man?" Yu Momo was almost pissed off by Zhao Ye's contemptuous gaze.

"Yu Momo, this person who doesn't even love himself is not qualified to talk about falling in love with any man, or say that he will be desperate for any man."

Zhao Ye threw such a sentence to Yu Momo meaningfully
"Hey! Zhao Ye, what do you mean by that!"

Yu Momo was still yelling so forcefully, but there was a slight tremor in her voice.

"Yu Momo, I'm very busy now, I don't have time to talk to you."

Zhao Ye turned his head and looked at Han Xiaochen steadfastly.

"Han Xiaochen, not to mention other places, our mercenary regiment has suffered many casualties.

Make a price, just the medicines in your space. "

Han Xiaochen blinked his eyes, waved his hand and waved a lot of western medicine for wound healing
Some of these were slowly collected by Han Xiaochen himself on that interface.

Later, I met Li Jiachen again and cleaned up Li Jiachen.

I asked Li Jiachen to help me get these western medicines for wounds through his contacts
"Zhao Ye, look at it, my space is only so much on the surface.

The rest still needs to be sorted out. "

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows. Although these medicines are not much, they are indeed enough for the people in his regiment.

Of course, with the treatment of those people by myself and my wife, there should be some leftovers.

"Han Xiaochen, are these enough?"

Zhao Ye directly threw such a bag of crystal nuclei to Han Xiaochen, there must be a hundred or so?
Han Xiaochen felt it, most of them are high-level, and they are either wood-type or the crystal nucleus of the space-type.

Zhao Ye, this is quite meaningful.
"Enough is enough, it stands to reason that I have taken advantage of you?
But this crystal nucleus is exactly what I need, so I will accept it. "

Han Xiaochen curled his lips into a smile, but walked out with his legs lifted.

"Okay, okay, I'm not worried about my family, I want to go back and have a look!
I used sentences back then, and it took a lot of experience to get this comfortable nest. I was worried that he would be hurt! "

"Han Xiaochen, why don't you go? I need to contact you!"

"Yeah." Han Xiaochen nodded incredulously.

Thinking about it, he just got a huge benefit, but this kind of disaster happened in the base.

Like myself, quite like that.

Naturally, Han Xiaochen didn't go back to his own residence, but went to Li Na's villa.

But it is obvious that Li Na and his wife are not here.

Xiao Ye was in a meeting with a group of people at this time, but suddenly his eyes flashed and his figure changed.

It just appeared in front of Han Xiaochen in a daze.

"Han Xiaochen, I'm very busy now, but if you have anything to say, hurry up?"

Han Xiaochen couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, damn the man in front of him.

This is a human being, and he doesn't have spatial abilities at all, but this teleportation skill is better than his own.

"It's nothing, I'm here to trade with you. I have medicine for trauma, and those gauzes."

Han Xiaochen didn't talk nonsense, and followed Xiaoye into the gate of Li Na's villa.

He waved his hand and threw all these things out.

Xiao Ye raised his eyebrows, but he didn't break the loophole in Han Xiaochen's words.

"Han Xiaochen, the base will thank you for bringing these supplies to the base so happily this time.

Is this crystal nucleus?Now we don't have too many, this is for you! "

As Xiao Ye said, he threw such a huge wood crystal nucleus to Han Xiaochen.

Han Xiaochen was taken aback by this contact. This wood crystal nucleus seemed to have existed for many years.

"You are not a crystal nucleus, but a primordial crystal grown from that thousand-year-old acacia tree.

But it's a pity, even though it's the end of the world, he can't protect himself well! "

Damn, of course, the real reason is that acacia tree.

If you want it, Xiao Ye was swallowed, and Xiao Ye is not a good stubble, but he directly killed the acacia tree, and the Yuanjing of the acacia tree.Naturally, it became Xiao Ye's trophy.

"Oh, oh!" Han Xiaochen nodded stupidly.

I should have a better attitude towards these people in the future, one by one is more cruel than the other, and one by one is of a higher level, making myself look like I can't match it.

"Heh, Han Xiaochen, don't be so cheap and good-looking. As far as the value of this Yuanjing is concerned, I know that it can't be compensated by your rags.

I know that you are capable and that you can still come up with such a batch of medicine and gauze.

Let me know when you've made up your mind, and I'll pick it up from you. "

Xiao Ye had seen through Han Xiaochen's vest a long time ago, it was naturally rich and effortless.

Li Na and Mo Shen are currently at a critical stage of cultivation, and it is impossible for them to come out.

I can't even bother Li Na at all. Fortunately, Han Xiaochen, a kind-hearted guy, is willing to help the base this time.


Then let me think about it! "Han Xiaochen nodded pretendingly.

If I hurry over there and let those people collect it for me, it probably won't be too late.

"Han Xiaochen, don't feel forced, these are all paid for you.

What's more, if it's because you indirectly saved more people this time.

You will also accumulate merit in your body, and then your cultivation will be smoother when the time comes.

Even in the last days, you have power in yourself.

And without any harm to you, it is good to accumulate virtue and do good deeds. "

Xiao Ye threw such a meaningful sentence to Han Xinnuo and disappeared directly to the meeting.

Han Xiaochen...

Han Xiaochen was stunned for three seconds, and then teleported back to the basement of his small villa, and then went there in a flash.

Han Xiaochen directly ordered Li Jiachen to help him find some more medicines for this IQ, and even go abroad.

"Xiaochen, I will try my best, our country has relatively strict management of this kind of medicine.

The management has become stricter these days, don't worry, I will try my best to collect them for you as soon as possible. "

Li Jiachen's attitude is very good, but it also represents his embarrassment.

"Well, I know, I'm sorry to trouble you, but the sooner this kind of thing happens, the better!"

Han Xiaochen frowned and hung up Li Jiachen's call.

She was hesitating whether to go to Mo Qinghan and ask her!

"Mo Qingye, I urgently need a large amount of anti-inflammatory medicine for wounds and medicine to stop bleeding.

See if you can get me some at this price.

I can't tell you anything else, I just tell you.

I really need this urgently, but it will never hurt anyone in our country.

There is no sign of that at all. "

At this time, Mo Qinghan was holding a meeting with his subordinates.

He did smile softly when he heard the words: "Xiaochen, don't need to explain, I know you are a good girl, I have a lot of the things you want here.

Can you get it yourself?I'm a bit stuck here. "

Han Xiaochen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

"Okay, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, you are my greatest benefactor and my favorite girlfriend.

This is what you should pay for.

Xiaochen, I will send you the address and password there right away.

I think if you pick it up, it should be fine, right? "

"Naturally no problem, Qing Ye, thank you very much.

When I finish my work, I will thank you again. "

Han Xiaochen looked at the address sent from his mobile phone and the password that made him frown upon seeing it, and twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly.

(End of this chapter)

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