Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 502 Auction in the Realm of Comprehension

Chapter 502 Auction in the Realm of Comprehension

Han Xiaochen finally stopped in front of the so-called auction.

Han Xiaochen blinked fiercely. Is this some kind of supernatural power?

Could it be that he followed Yehan, did this old zombie cross over?
In front of me is a very grand and ancient building that looks like a resplendent palace.

"Han Xiaochen, be more confident, you'll fall into it at all."

Yehan smiled faintly, and the old god led Han Xiaochen into the auction.

And there were two outrageously beautiful women in ancient Hanfu standing outside the door of the auction.

However, Han Xiaochen could clearly feel the strong energy from the two women.

Just like myself, the kind that seems to be able to be crushed with a little finger.

And Han Xiaochen didn't see any invitation cards or anything like Ye Han.

I just feel that those people in this auction seem to respect Ye Han very much.

But no one talks, that's all.
Han Xiaochen just looked at everything in front of him so stupidly.

The stage at the front of the auction was like the brothel where people watched that ancient TV series.

It seems that there are no beautiful women on this stage in this place.

Yehan also calmly sent him a voice transmission, telling him that this place is where the treasure will be displayed later.

And those rows of seats in the front are for those with low abilities and no background.

Obviously, the boxes upstairs are for those who have strength and background.

However, Ye Han didn't say whether those existences he mentioned were human monks or those requirements or sayings.

Whatever it is, as long as you are strong enough
And this box is divided into Tianzi and Dizi.

The land characters are prepared for those juniors with strong backgrounds.

Of course, it is also possible to let those who have a background but not a strong ability nor a particularly strong preparation.

Tianzi is prepared for these great powers.

And naturally, even if Yehan came here, he could definitely be regarded as a powerful person.

And Ye Hanzhi brought Han Xiaochen to the private room in the Tianzijian.

The private room looked small from the outside, but after Han Xiaochen came in, he realized that there was a universe inside.

It's like an unusually luxurious and spacious living room inside, generally.

Han Xiaochen visually estimated that there are thousands of flats here

Not to mention that there are many good-looking women here to serve them
Not to mention that the tables and chairs here are all made of that extremely precious spirit wood.

Not to mention that there are still high-level spirit tea spirit fruits and so on.

"Han Xiaochen, come and sit down.

These foods and drinks are all suitable for humans like you to eat.

Those can be used by this monk, and you can also use them if you are a supernatural person. "

After Yehan entered this box, he seemed to talk a little more

Seriously, if you don't know that he is the millennium zombie king
He didn't even think that Yehan would be a powerful cultivator.

Han Xiaochen moved his nose, maybe the spirit tea and spirit fruit prepared are top quality.

When I inhaled through my nose, I felt that pure energy had entered my body.

It was really very comfortable, even purer than the energy of the scent of the mutated tea that the mutated tea tree came into contact with.

And it seems that my spirit root can really be used
"Han Xiaochen's spiritual tea here is not bad in the cultivation world.

And this spirit fruit is a wood spirit fruit.

It just corresponds to your spiritual root, so you can use it too.

Just such a one, I am afraid that those low-level disciples in the cultivation world.

If you don't eat or drink, you may not be able to earn it even if you work for a year. "

"Really? I also feel that these things are not ordinary products.

It's just Yehan, can you use these things? "

Han Xiaochen didn't touch these things, but looked at Yehan with the old god in doubt
"It's not good for my body to use these things, but it's not bad either.

I am not afraid, I tell you that when I came here, I deliberately suppressed the ghostly aura on my body.

And of course, the groups he faced in this You Burning Auction were all kinds of people from the Six Realms.

It's always been the orthodox monks and demon cultivators, even ghost cultivators, demon cultivators and all kinds of things you don't understand.

As long as there are spirit stones in your pocket, or those that can pay the price for this auction.

All can come from here to participate in the auction.

Ye Han turned the Lingbai jade teacup in his hand but didn't drink the tea.

Han Xiaochen nodded, using his own real words.

After reading these things again, it is really good for your body.

And of course, if you use too much, I'm afraid you won't be able to consume it.

"Well, Ye Han, since you don't need these things, they gave them away at the auction anyway.

If that's the case, then I can pretend to leave! "

Han Xiaochen has always been ignorant of politeness, or what face is.

How much are those things worth?

But getting these back is good for your cultivation.

"Han Xiaochen, don't say you know me after you go out.

I have never seen such a high-level ability user who is more embarrassing than you.

But if you want to pretend, you can pretend, anyway, these are what this auction will prepare for every box.

And since we're here, these are ours. "

"Oh!" Han Xiaochen nodded.

She waved her hand, and all these spiritual fruits really disappeared one by one, and then ran directly into her space.

"Hehe, Han Xiaochen doesn't say anything else, just your spatial supernatural power, this move is really powerful.

As far as those cultivators I have seen, they are not as proficient as you!
And just like this kind of mustard space that can allow itself to enter this kind of space.

In the world of comprehension, they are the very few!
So you, be careful when you go out, don't be murdered and seize treasures if you don't pay attention. "

Seeing that Han Xiaochen didn't touch the pot of tea, Ye Han smiled slightly.

Han Xiaochen's dead girl is left behind again, he is being careful, he is showing it.

She doesn't take advantage of this auction, does she?

After all, the spirit fruit and spirit tea are for guests.

And the auction of these tea sets will definitely be taken back and used continuously.

Han Xiaochen shrugged his shoulders: "If you want to kill me for treasure, let's see if they have the ability!"

She would drag people into the space the moment someone attacked her.

If you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous, it's just an existence that is much stronger than yourself.

But I can still use the space to harmonize him
"Ha ha……

You little girl is becoming more and more domineering, you better be careful, the world is not as simple as you imagined.

There are so many existences in this world, even this seat would shy away from them! "

Ye Han laughed

Han Xiaochen looked at him very strangely.

Just like Yehan, if he wasn't a zombie, he should be a princess of heaven and earth.

"Haha, little girl, you're thinking too much, this seat has only existed for thousands of years, so it's nothing.

Do you know that there are many big monsters that have existed for tens of thousands of years in this cultivation street!

Not to mention the kind that existed for hundreds of thousands of years! "

"My God, Ye Han, where is this place? It's not our interface, is it?
And when you were in our interface, it seemed that the range of activities was not very large? "

Only now did Han Xiaochen realize that something was wrong with the place he came here.

"Haha, do you have a lot of skills, little girl? You all know that I can't move too far."

Ye Han admitted his shortcomings without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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