Chapter 503 Enchanting
"Han Xiaochen, you expected well, I will bring you here.

It is because this cultivation world will open an entrance every 100 years so that anyone who borrows can come to participate in this auction.

And of course, it is impossible for us to stay in this cultivation world for too long.

At most, it can only stay for 24 hours.

But 24 hours is enough to do anything. "

"Oh!" Han Xiaochen nodded, yes, he has the supernatural power of space.

You can go to that peaceful interface through space to purchase supplies.

Then why is there no entrance to other interfaces in this world!

But what Han Xiaochen didn't know was that this level of cultivation didn't reach the stage of transforming gods.

Even if this entrance can be opened, you can't get in.

Han Xiaochen felt very uncomfortable, but this was still Yehan.

Blocked most of the space turbulence for her!

Otherwise, Han Xiaochen would be torn to pieces by the turbulent flow of space.

While the two were talking, the auction started.

And the one who presided over the auction was a lively and fragrant beauty.

Han Xiaochen couldn't help but widen his eyes. The big beauty in front of him had a protruding figure and a face that was all over the world.

Enough to make any man in the world fall in love with it.

But this woman turned out to be a demon cultivator, or a mid-foundation demon who had reached 500 years old

And the body of this woman turned out to be a zombie
And the things that will be auctioned in this auction are all kinds of elixirs and magic weapons in the realm of comprehension.

But Han Xiaochen came here empty-handed, without any spirit stones, and secondly, he didn't need these.

"Han Xiaochen, you're welcome, just talk to me if you like anything."

After all, Ye Han was born as an emperor, so he has always been very generous to the women who appear by his side
What's more, every time Yehan used to come to the realm of comprehension, he would earn a lot of spirit stones before leaving

What's more, there are usually many younger brothers who are making various offerings to him.

Han Xiaochen...: "Hehe"

"Why are you being polite to me, Han Xiaochen.

This spirit stone is of little use to me.

However, if you can sense something that is good for me in a while, you can ask me to take a picture of it. "

Han Xiaochen frowned, "In my opinion, how can it compare to you.

You have thousands of years of experience! "

"Hehe, with your little ability, Han Xiaochen, how can I not see clearly?

The eye of truth?Really great!
By the way, you have to cover up your vest, otherwise, your best friend will definitely...


What Ye Han said was so meaningful.

To say that this luck is good, Yehan feels that this time is better than Han Xiaochen's luck, which is really rare.

As some people joked.

Han Xiaochen seems to have become that koi carp!

It's just that Han Xiaochen, who is so lucky, will use up all his good luck.

Then I don't know what kind of bad luck will be in the future.

But of course there is also a kind of person who seems to be exceptionally loved by the heavens.

This good luck will continue forever, but which type does Han Xiaochen belong to?no one can see through

Yes, Yehan has existed for thousands of years, so he can naturally see through people's luck.

But it's a pity that he couldn't see through Han Xiaochen's luck?Especially Han Xiaochen's luck in the future

Of course, this is also the reason why he is more interested in Han Xiaochen.

A human being that he can't see through, naturally makes him want to keep studying.

What's more, Yehan, which has existed for thousands of years, seems to be able to exist forever.

This is usually very lonely, especially now that he has not yet advanced to the next stage.

Just looking at Yunyun's sentient beings like this made him even more bored.

The auction is still going on in an orderly manner.

Han Xiaochen was also fortunate to be able to hear and see how fierce the competition among the retail investors outside was.

Yes, there is such a big water environment in front of Han Xiaochen's box.

From here, you can see all the conditions outside Heting.

However, they couldn't feel what they were doing in this box from the outside.

It's like auctioning some thousand-year-old spiritual secret!Or something like this once-in-a-thousand-year vestment in the cultivation world.

Anyway, there are only things you can't think of, but nothing you can't see.

At this moment, Han Xiaochen remembered the protective cassock given to him here.

To put it bluntly, isn't this a thing in the cultivation world?


She said how could Mo Shen and Li Na be so powerful?So he came from the world of comprehension?

Why did their husband and wife stay in the imperial base?
Is it because the two of them are here for experience?
may be?

Han Xiaochen guessed in his heart.

Unfortunately, she has the eyes of truth, but she can't see through everything in the world like everyone thinks.

Of course, it may also be the reason why her level is not high enough.

"Ye Han, long time no see!
As soon as I walked into the hall of this foreign filming meeting, I could feel your breath. "

Han Xiaochen was watching with great interest the people below who were vying for such a top-quality cassock.

I felt like someone had entered the box next to me.

But it should be a person, right?
Here came another peerless handsome man in the best pure white cassock.

This handsome man looked very young, only sixteen or seventeen years old.

A pair of fox eyes are still slightly narrowed, it really can charm all living beings!

Not to mention that small rosy mouth can make people daydream.

Han Xiaochen meowed if he felt something, at first he thought it was a vixen.

Unexpectedly, this monk is really a human being, and what's more, he is more than 1000 years old.

It's still the kind of monk in the late Nascent Soul.

This is really...

This old monster or something is really annoying.

You, an old monster over 1000 years old, pretended to be sixteen or seventeen years old.

Disgusting or not!

"Bai Ha, you are late this time."

Yehan looked calm.

Bai Habit didn't care and found a seat for himself to sit down, the old god was here to drink some tea
"Originally, I should have arrived earlier than you, but I encountered a few little ants on the way.

It's been delayed for a while, but, Yehan, why did you suddenly change your taste? "

Bai used to look meaningfully at Han Xiaochen whose aura was a bit abnormal.

The woman in front of him is very beautiful and fresh, and she can be regarded as a cultivated person.

But it happens to be different from the ones I practiced.

It's not magic, of course, the most important thing is that this is definitely a human girl, not contaminated with this zombie breath.

So how did this girl get together with Ye Han?

Shouldn't it be Ye Han who immediately harmonized with such a strange girl?

Ye Han ignored him, as if he was attracted by the new top-quality sword that appeared in front of him.

"Yehan, stop pretending, how could you be interested in such an ordinary magic weapon.

Where did you find this little thing?And people are not afraid of you.

Strange, this is too strange! "

Bai was used to the eyes full of interest, and stared at Han Xiaochen relentlessly.

Han Xiaochen...

God, hurry up and come to Lei Pisi, this evildoer in front of you.

"Here, this is my anxious boy!

It's not like you don't know, but the interface where the perk is located is now full of monsters!

And the kid next to me can be regarded as the best among the survivors there! "

Ye Han just raised his eyebrows lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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