Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 506 The Space of the Underworld

Chapter 506 The Space of the Underworld
"Really? Then do you think that thing will be a little weird?" Yehan's wording is actually quite interesting.

Han Xiaochen nodded, and decided that it would be better to tell the truth in front of these bosses

After all, there are only these two beings who can kill themselves with just one look or one consciousness
"It feels a bit weird, there should be something hidden in the fragments.

However, I feel that the asking price is too high. Maybe even if there is something hidden in that thing, it may not necessarily refer to that price. "

"I see." Ye Han raised the corners of his lips thoughtfully.

But Bai Ha frowned, "Yehan, I said why did you drag a little girl from your meeting?
Why does this little girl have that ability?
Is it really strange that the ability is so strange?

This is the same as the one in the world of cultivating immortals in this seat...

Forget it, let's not talk about it! "

After saying this, Bai used to join the ranks of this bidding.

Naturally, the bidding came one after another, which made Han Xiaochen feel terrified.

But if these two people really bought this thing and found that there was nothing there, they wouldn't seek revenge on themselves, would they?
What's interesting is that Bai used to raise this fragment to an extremely high price.

He even gave up directly and stopped bidding.

"Bai Ha, you have committed this old problem again!
Ha ha……

The one who won the bid was the Young Sect Master of the Hehuan Sect.

At that time, I will be very busy, but I don't have time to join forces with you to fight against the enemy! "

What Ye Han said made it clear that this guy, Bai Jiu, was planning to kill and seize the treasure after the auction was over!

Who said that these so-called decent families really do that

Things are on the bright side.

But in fact, the killing and seizing treasures tripped people up, and then played all kinds of conspiracies and tricks.

This is what those Mingmen decent people love to do.

And of course, you have to come across things that you are interested in.

Just kill people and seize treasures directly, instead of poking secretly like them.

Bai Ha just glanced at Ye Han lightly.

"Ye Han, save face for the old man in front of the children!
Not to mention how many disciples in our sect have been harmed by this Hehuan sect.

This seat is doing justice for the heavens. "

Han Xiaochen...

I go……

This is indeed a human monk who can mix with the zombie king.

You can't think of them as good people, Temo.

Just talk about what to do to whom in front of your own face, and go to kill people and seize treasures.

This is really...

"Han Xiaochen, you don't understand things in the realm of comprehension, and you are too young, so we can't explain many things to you.

Take a good look at it, if there is a gadget you like, I will take a picture of it for you.

After you finish participating in this kind of auction this time, I'm afraid you won't be able to come here in the future! "

Yehan didn't think there was anything wrong with what he and Bai used to talk about?

Han Xiaochen was lucky, otherwise she would have such a kind heart.

I'm afraid that in the last days where zombies are rampant, even the bones and dregs are gone!
"Well, I actually don't know what I want to buy.

But I am quite interested in that kind of demon core.

I feel that practicing with that thing is much faster than the crystal nucleus! "

Han Xiaochen thought for a moment and said
"Isn't it easy to like this thing? The auction will end in a while, and I will take you outside to buy it.

It should be a long time by then. "Ye Han nodded
For some unknown reason, Bai Ha took out a piece of spiritual jade from his storage ring and handed it to Han Xiaochen.
"Han Xiaochen, you can use this piece of spiritual jade to communicate with me.

Especially even if you return to your interface, you can still communicate with this seat. "

Han Xiaochen was stunned at the time, is his real eye going to be useless again?

Can this spiritual jade communicate between the two realms?
But it should be about the same, right?
Otherwise, how could these two good friends see such a good relationship.

After all, the two are not in the same interface, and they can only contact once in 100 years.


As for the thoughts of these big guys, I really can't figure it out as a mortal!

And the auction is still in full swing.

It's just that Han Xiaochen really can't see what he needs, or what great treasures he has.

Chance is such a wonderful thing.

It doesn't mean you can get what you want, right?
But Han Xiaochen forgot that Bai used to give her the two demon cores for nothing.

For her, it is already very precious.

As for the two demon cores, she has to make good use of them. Their level can be raised to at least 20 levels, or even 30 episodes.

In fact, there is no supernatural being able to reach these 20 levels in that interface!
And after meeting together, a token-like defensive magic weapon attracted Han Xiaochen's attention.

As for the magic weapon of this token type, it is also the best magic weapon.

From this introduction, it is said that it is very powerful.
Of course, the most important thing is that Han Xiaochen can see what is hidden in this token-like magic weapon.

"Yehan, I feel that this token-like magic weapon is weird.

But how to turn it on I can't say.

But I can sense that something in him should be good for you. "

Han Xiaochen said with sparkling eyes.

Although tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones are considered a high price.

But for these two people, it should be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

Sure enough, Yehan also made an offer.

And finally, at the price of 5 top-grade spirit stones, the token was sold.

Immediately afterwards, Han Xiaochen was lucky enough to see a peerless beauty who was extremely charming.

Get a tray and send this token to these two.

"Go down, you don't need to wait here."

Bai Jiu waved his hand, he hated these coquettish nuns the most.

Ye Han raised his eyebrows, "Bai Ha, you should be more polite to beautiful women.

What's the matter, this is also a spirit fox who has practiced for 2000 years! "

Yes, that beautiful woman with enchanting looks just now.

In fact, it is a spirit fox who has cultivated human form for 2000 years.
And the token they took back.

He looked very ordinary in the dark.

But this is a superb magic weapon, if you use him to resist when you are attacked.

Those old monsters who can withstand the stage of transforming gods, use all their strength to strike three times
"Yehan, it's weird that you study this thing.

In terms of defense, neither of us need it. "

Bai used to frown after studying the token for a while.

Throw this token to Ye Han
Ye Han gave this token for some reason, and let out a chill from his mouth.

And suddenly this token changed strangely.

This token emits 7 strange and non-stop alternating lights around it,

And Ye Han directly squeezed out a stream of green liquid from his body.

And this green liquid was directly absorbed by the token when it first appeared.

"Haha, Han Xiaochen really saw the right person!

You can't use this thing if you are used to it, so it's back to me. "

Yehan is really in a good mood now.

Just this token actually hides a place in the Netherworld.

And this kind of place is the most suitable for Ye Han to practice in it.

What's more, if this token is self-contained, then it doesn't count.

You can also go to the Netherworld through this space.

Bai Ha just smiled lightly.

"I felt it when I sent this thing over, it has no fate with me.

Ye Han, I am also happy for you for having such a chance.

And this seat has been looking forward to what will happen when your cultivation reaches its peak. "

(End of this chapter)

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