Chapter 507
"Haha, if I reach the peak.

Then I will naturally re-create an interface.

There is a world of humans, a world of ghosts, and a world of comprehension and demons.

Then why can't our zombies or zombies become an interface independently! "

Ye Han laughed arrogantly.

As far as the end of the world is said by ordinary people, it is the interface I am wearing now.

So those zombies or zombies must be wiped out by humans?
Is it impossible to coexist with human beings?

In other words, can't we and human beings find a relatively balanced way of their own existence?

As for those zombies and zombies, after a certain level of cultivation.

They have their own cultivation, and they can even practice.

So why can't they exist?
And why should an existence like this seat be disgusted by that kind of magic lamp.

Yes, Yehan has always been very clear about his situation.

"Haha, Ye Han is right, he is arrogant enough, but I like it.

This seat can watch the day when you can form your own world and become the leader of a world. "

Bai Ha ha laughed heartily

Han Xiaochen could only say nothing here.

It seems that my vision is good, and my real eyes plus my guess, can be considered as Ye Han.

But for me, what I did was considered a merit, and it was considered a disaster for mankind!
But don't think about it, what's the use of thinking about it now?
What's more, there is one thing that Yehan said is not wrong at all.

Now the zombies are getting stronger and stronger, and the number of zombies is much larger than that of humans.

And is it really possible for humans to wipe them all out?I'm afraid it's impossible.

Just like the situation where zombies and humans coexisted in the space I saw in Taco.

In fact, it may not be impossible.

After all, this zombie was a human being before, but it was just a virus infected with this apocalyptic spirit

And if they are just walking dead, then they will be destroyed if they are eliminated.

Unfortunately, many of them have human thinking, and some of them are even unwilling to harm human beings.

If this is the case, why not give them a space so that they can survive?
But it is best to reach that kind of agreement with humans.

That is, it is better if the well water does not interfere with the river water.


After the auction was finally over, Han Xiaochen discovered that the sky outside was already bright.

"Han Xiaochen, there will be a date later, let's!"

As soon as he left the door of the auction, Bai Habit disappeared.

"Senior White will meet in the future."

Han Xiaochen didn't know why he always felt that it was really possible for him to see Baijiu again one day!
"Han Xiaochen, don't look at it, no matter what, you and Bai Habit won't have any fate.

Bai used to this guy didn't care about women.

And the female cultivators who were with him were completely loved by him.

This comprehension world, especially those male monks in the comprehension world.

Much crueler than you imagined! "

Ye Han didn't know if it was out of jealousy or out of genuine concern for Han Xiaochen.

In such a careless manner, Bai Hai's old background was exposed.

"Ye Han, I don't have any other thoughts about that old Bai Wubai.

I just think he is very interesting, and I am also very interested in this cultivation world.

But as for the love between men and women, my heart for the love between men and women has actually died a long time ago.

And now I'm in the end of the world, like this, how can I have the mood to talk about love. "

Han Xiaochen smiled wryly,
"Han Xiaochen, don't show such a smile, it's uglier than crying.

There are still 6 hours between me and you here. After leaving this seat, I will go shopping while you come here.

If you like something, you can buy it back quickly, otherwise you will use your mortal human body.

It should be that there will be no chance to come here again in this lifetime. "

But of course what Ye Han didn't say was
If Han Xiaochen really died due to some accident.

He must have chased him to the Netherworld to take back Han Xiaochen's soul.

Then find such a suitable body for Han Xiaochen.

But that kind of Han Xiaochen is different from the current Han Xiaochen in many ways.

"Okay, okay, then let's take a good look around, but is there a place in the cultivation world that should collect some novel things?"

Han Xiaochen's eyes were shining.

"Yes, this seat already knows that you have lost your mind.

Let's go, then let's go around this seat and haven't gone shopping like you women for about 2000 years. "

Doesn't this mean that the two of them just went shopping?
Han Xiaochen also came here, a cultivation hall called Ruyi Pavilion.

Han Xiaochen didn't talk nonsense, and directly showed them the high-tech gadgets in his space.

Then just demonstrated it.

Of course, what Han Xiaochen wanted was the spiritual stone or demon core from the cultivation world.

And this is like camera, video recorder MP3MP4.

Wait, wait, the high-tech products really stupefied people in the cultivation world.

Although the cultivation world can use special methods to produce such functions

That kind of expense is huge, and it is definitely not as convenient and cheap as Han Xiaochen.

In addition, Han Xiaochen had Yehan, the evil god, as his bodyguard.

No one from any store dared to take Han Xiaochen's idea
This also made Han Xiaochen almost put a lot of modern high-tech products in his space.

They are all sold to this cultivation world.

And of course, Han Xiaochen is also full of pockets now.

He has a lot of demon cores of that lower grade in his pocket.

There are also many low-grade and mid-grade spirit stones.

"Yehan, you didn't say you brought me here earlier, if I want to know, I must have collected more."

Han Xiaochen put these high-tech products in his own space.

After everything is dealt with in the realm of comprehension.

Only then did he let out a leisurely sigh.

"Haha, Han Xiaochen, do you know that your behavior can be regarded as disturbing the balance of each meeting?
But forget it, your small amount is not a big deal.

Even if you bring these things over, it may inspire those disciples who are practicing.

Do a lot of research and come up with some very practical instruments!

In fact, there are many annoying and low-level cultivators in this comprehension world!
You can be regarded as indirectly bringing benefits to them! "

Yehan smiled helplessly.

"Really? I hope so?"

Han Xiaochen is very excited now, so he doesn't care about what Yehan said, whether it is a lucky or unlucky thing.

But as the two walked, Han Xiaochen was attracted by the exercises sold at a small stall.

This exercise is called Yunshui Jue, and Lingmu Jue.

"Why do you like these two?

How many spirit stones does this cost? "

Ye Han directly asked the price of the shabby monk.


If you want this, this book will cost 50 low-grade spirit stones. "

Naturally, the cultivation method was rubbed by the old man who cultivated himself.

And of course, this technique is also a rotten technique in the cultivation world.

Not to mention one copy per person, it's about the same.

"It's a deal." Ye Han directly threw the corresponding spirit stone to the old man.

I took these two exercises and handed them to Han Xiaochen

(End of this chapter)

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