Chapter 546
Han Xiaochen stared at Li Na and Xiao Ye who were wearing special protective clothing, and couldn't help being stunned.

Especially at the back, that guy Mo Yan also came, also wearing a special protective suit, walking over like a leisurely stroll.

But how did Mo Yan's ability level rise so fast, he's already reached level 30.

It seems that I can't catch up with my life, which is really strange.

Myself, why does this damn eye of reality fail so often!
"Uh, come in quickly, there is too much water on this floor."

Han Xiaochen said in his heart that if he didn't have special clothes on his body, he wouldn't dare to go into the water.

Although I have supernatural powers, in this water...

It's really beyond words!
This is still in my villa, if this is outside.

But those few were not polite, and followed Han Xiaochen to the second floor.

"Han Xiaochen, no matter what, the developers of these houses in this place built the houses really strong enough.

Of course, those apartments outside are worthy of being bought at a high price in the first place, and they are strong enough to not be washed away by the flood. "

Li Na couldn't help but sigh, it's not peaceful in this base now!
A lot of small things have already appeared in this river.

There are many fish over one meter long, but they are not edible, let alone those mutated crabs, prawns, and the most terrifying crayfish.

Of course, these are not the most disgusting, like there are many creatures in the water that make you feel indescribable.

So many people have died on this base.

"Yeah, so you get what you pay for. At that time, the money was really worth it."

Han Xiaochen shrugged, and waved his hand to get some food for these people.

"That's right, Han Xiaochen, don't be polite to us, what time is this?" Xiao Ye waved his hand.

However, Mo Yan was silent and didn't say anything.

The main reason is that Mo Yan sensed a strange aura about Han Xiaochen.

Could it be that Han Xiaochen had that special opportunity again.

I have to say that Mo Yan is really sensitive in every aspect.

"Han Xiaochen, don't talk nonsense, give us this speedboat first!
Anyway, it's useless for you to collect so many. "Why does Li Na deserve such a beating for saying this?
In fact, Li Na has bought a lot of speedboats here.

But those technologies are still not perfect.

"Okay, then I'll throw out one, and you can pretend to be one.

In my living room on the second floor, I can only put one at most. "

Han Xiaochen was quite happy about this, he let out one, and Li Na took one back into her space.

After collecting 8 of them, Han Xiaochen stopped.

"Han Xiaochen, your speedboat is not bad, it is much more high-tech than the ones we collected.

But to be honest, these are not enough. " Li Na sighed leisurely.

"Li Na, are you content with this? This means that Han Xiaochen's space is big enough, and he can still collect things when he encounters them.

If other space power users think that these are basically useless, they won't collect them.

Of course, who would have thought that there would be floods here? "

Xiao Ye sighed. In fact, he already felt that it was going to rain for many days.

But I didn't expect it to be so serious.

Of course, for her, human life disappeared especially because of natural disasters.

She really didn't care that much, that is, after all, the fire couldn't burn her body, so she wouldn't feel any pain.

"Well, I suddenly thought of an important question, that is, these speedboats may not be usable in the water, right?
There will be those destructive mutant fish on the ground of our base, right? "

Han Xiaochen suddenly remembered a problem that should not have been ignored.

"Han Xiaochen, you just thought of this, and we will continue to process and transform your things.

So, don't keep it for your friend, why don't you give it to her after it's all unified and reformed? "Xiao Ye said helplessly.

"Eh? Then you came over as soon as I said it, what's the matter?" Han Xiaochen helped the people who were on the forehead!
"Han Xiaochen, you have no conscience, you have been in retreat for so long, we are always worried that you want to come and see you?

Seeing that you are fine and this ability has been upgraded to another level, we are relieved. " Li Na bent her lips.

Of course, a certain man was even more worried that Han Xiaochen was too worried.

It's just that this man is a bit dirty, and the things he did before are also scumbag.

What's more, people say that this man is unfaithful once, and he will not be tolerated a hundred times.

What's more, this man was not only unfaithful to Han Xiaochen at the beginning.

Still disgusted, almost killed Han Xiaochen, but it was because Mo Yan helped her husband get another space.

As for myself, I'd better stop talking about those poor students between the two of them.
But it was Li Na who looked at Mo Yan and wanted to pursue Han Xiaochen back again.

This difficulty is more than chasing wives and crematoriums!

If you want to blame it, you can blame Han Xiaochen for being too lucky, and this ability is too powerful.

If Han Xiaochen is an ordinary person who has nothing.

Mo Yan came to repent so affectionately that he didn't even want to give everything he had to Han Xiaochen.

Mo Yan's success rate should be quite high if he played some kind of drama where the domineering president saves Cinderella.

"Uh, if that's the case, then fine!" Han Xiaochen nodded helplessly.

He gave Li Na all the remaining speedboats.

And Li Na didn't talk nonsense, and directly gave Han Xiaochen these two speedboats that have been tested and can travel at the base.

"Li Na, thank you!"

Han Xiaochen bent his lips. Without these people, it would be really bad for him to venture out.

"Han Xiaochen, don't you want to go out?

It just so happens that we are planning to go out and have a good chat with Zhao Ye and the others! "

Xiao Ye spoke

"Well, that's good, let's go now." Han Xiaochen nodded but was held back by Li Na.

Then he directly threw a set of special protective clothing to Han Xiaochen.

"Oh! Li Na, thank you, I'll change it right away."

Han Xiaochen turned around and went to the back room to change the clothes.

These days, if you don’t have strong equipment, it’s hard to go out

Han Xiaochen couldn't help sympathizing with those low-level supernatural beings, and how ordinary people should live?
After coming out, the scene in front of him made people feel even more desperate.

Han Xiaochen is sitting in Li Na's special wooden boat.

I can feel the deep despair, the water is turbid, and it seems that there are some unknown substances.

It still looks like it has been cleaned up: "Han Xiaochen, don't be afraid of the water in our imperial capital base.

They have already been filled with the special preparation brought by your big brother Mo Yan. This preparation will not make those mutated fish grow quickly. "

Li Na smiled and explained to Han Xiaochen.

"Oh! But now it's still..."

Han Xiaochen felt a little worried when he saw the turbid water.

Can she imagine where she would be submerged if she stood in the water?

"Han Xiaochen, our villa area is relatively high.

If you were standing on the ground, you should be able to submerge to the position of your crunching nest. "

Xiao Ye was kind enough to express Han Xiaochen's doubts.

Han Xiaochen...

My god, I lived in the south for so many years, and I didn't catch up with the flood.

How about this time?This imperial capital in the north caught up with the flood.

(End of this chapter)

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