Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 547 That thing is very taboo to your smell

Chapter 547 That thing is very taboo to your smell

Han Xiaochen...

My god, I lived in the south for so many years, and I didn't catch up with the flood.

How about this time?This imperial capital in the north caught up with the flood.

To be honest, I am a real landlubber.

Back then in Mo Yan's villa, he didn't dare to jump into the swimming pool.

"Xiaochen, don't be afraid, there are no unknown creatures in this water.

And you are also a top-level supernatural user who has reached level 20, even if there is anything, it can't hurt you. "

Mo Yan had a doting smile in his helplessness, but Han Xiaochen was actually very timid.

It's just that this is the end of the world, no matter how timid a woman is, she has to force herself to become stronger.

I also have to force myself to face those terrible creatures and kill them.

Because if you can't do this, you will lose your life, or even die from torture.

Then there are only these cowardly and timid girls.

Even these girls may have supernatural abilities.

Han Xiaochen didn't take his words to heart.

"Li Na, I also thought that this fish might be more than a foot long, or even more than a meter long.

I still think that this lobster or something has become a giant to attack humans?

It seems that I really think too much?Am I imagining this world too fantastically? "

Han Xiaochen still shook his head in disbelief.

"No, Han Xiaochen, what you think is right.

Maybe you were too single-minded in your cultivation at the beginning, and didn't take the outside situation into consideration?

It was like this outside at the beginning, and a lot of mutated fish came here.

We have exhausted many methods to almost eliminate them.

Even sprinkled with that special preparation Mr. Mo gave us.

Just strangled these creatures in the water?
And we don't have time to take care of those in our base.

And let's be honest, even our aggressive coping.

Many ordinary people and low-level supernatural beings also died in this base. "

Li Na felt a little depressed when she said this, she and Xiao Ye are fundamentally different.

Xiao Ye's soul may have existed for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

Moreover, Xiao Ye's previous body was not a human being, but a spirit fox.

No matter what, this spirit fox belongs to the category of beasts. Naturally, it is impossible to value the life and death of human beings that much.

"Oh! That's it!" Han Xiaochen nodded, then turned to look at Mo Yan

"Mo Yan, when did you come back?

do you know?I feel like you are going to become Doraemon, as if you can get anything? "

Ok?Han Xiaochen admits that he does not attract disgusting Mo Yan

I don't know why when I see Mo Yan now, I want to abuse him for no reason.

"Ha ha……

Chenchen, don't I have that good thing like the Doraemon you mentioned in my hand?
If you are curious, I can open this for you to take a good look!
Of course, no one in this world is qualified to watch this kind of thing except you? "

Mo Yan's smile was so meaningful, and the profound meaning of his words could be understood by everyone present.

But those two could only pretend that they didn't hear anything.

Han Xiaochen gritted his teeth: "Mo Yan, I'm just joking, just joking, don't think too much about it.

I'm not interested in any secrets you have. In the last days, if a weak person is very interested in the secrets of a strong person.

What will happen then?It is estimated that no one should want to see that kind of situation, right? "

Han Xiaochen said in his heart that if he found out about Mo Yan, the real secret would be
If he is not silenced by Mo Yan, he has to be completely controlled by him.

After all, it's not like I haven't seen how terrifying Mo Yan's desire to control is.

"How could it be? Chenchen! How could I do something to hurt you.

Secret, that's what it is, if this person is not strong enough, he will tightly cover the secret, afraid of being known by others.

And people like me don't care about it long ago, how about it?
Like I said, are you interested in taking a look?

And of course I will make an exception for you, if others dare to detect it like this.

No matter whether they can find out or not, then I can only send them to see Hades. "

Mo Yan still smiled so gently even though the words he said were not so warm, even creepy.

But it's a pity that the three women present here are not ordinary people, and they are not afraid of his so-called hidden threats.

But to be honest, there are really not many people in this world who can pose a threat to Mo Yan.

"Mo Yan, since you are so capable, then you talk about that thing that can steal people's looks and luck.

Can you think of a way to deal with it?

With the existence of that thing, I feel very stressed even if I want to go out. "

Han Xiaochen looked at Mo Yan expectantly
Mo Yan couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Han Xiaochen, you've already said that, if I had the ability, I would have dealt with that thing long ago.

But unfortunately, there is one thing I have to admit, I am just an ordinary person.

It is not as omnipotent as you think, and it is not as omnipotent as you think, but it can become a heaven-like existence.

There are many things in this world that I cannot solve or see through. "

Han Xiaochen was not surprised by this, if Mo Yan really had the ability.

I'm afraid this thing has been cleaned up long ago.

Because after all, the relationship between Mo Yan and Ye Junzhi is pretty good.

Mo Yan would not just watch Ye Junzhi live in such an aggrieved way.

Yes, it was only later that Han Xiaochen learned about it.

What the hell, that bastard Ye Junzhi has known Mo Yan for a long time.

Thinking of this to myself is like eating that rotten durian.

It's simply disgusting, it feels like I can't clean my mouth for three days and three nights.

This is just too disgusting.

"Han Xiaochen, you don't have to worry too much, I clearly feel that that thing should not be interested in you.

Otherwise, it would not have been Li Na who was attacked that day.

You seem to have something in you that is particularly frightening or even disgusting. "

Xiao Ye was sure, and looked at Han Xiaochen with interest.

Han Xiaochen's body was stained with the zombie breath of Yehan for thousands of years.

Even Yehan didn't know what he did to Han Xiaochen?
Anyway, those evil spirits and filthy people outside all shunned Han Xiaochen.

That's right, whoever dares to touch the woman Ye Han likes without risking his life.

Shouldn't it be someone who dared to take the risk of being out of his wits to lick the tiger's beard?
"Really? Why didn't I feel it?

But Mingming Xiao Ye feels that you are praising me, why do I sound so disgusting to me?

Could it be that I have practiced Dao for the past two days, and my head has grown too big.

Am I confused about the basic good words? "

Han Xiaochen was very indecent, and rolled his eyes, Xiao Ye's words seemed good.

I feel that it is great not to be liked by that thing.

But when Xiao Ye said that, what has happened to him?
"Haha, Han Xiaochen, don't listen to what Xiao Ye says.

It's just me, who has been hated by Xiao Ye for a long time, and I don't care about it long ago. "

Li Na was happy, as far as Han Xiaochen's traits were concerned, she actually envied her very much.

What's wrong with making those creatures outside afraid?

As long as it can achieve that effect, it doesn't matter even if you smear the blood of the zombie king on yourself
(End of this chapter)

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