Chapter 564 Heaven?

Han Xiaochen also struggled with this question for a long time.

love?Probably not.

hate it?Probably not.

What kind of feelings I have for Mo Yan, even I don't know clearly.

But for some reason, I still hope that Mo Yan can occasionally appear in my world in my private heart.

Because Mo Yan was a savior who pulled himself out of the middle school and gave him a good identity, right?

He just remembered that the reason why Mo Yan was so kind to him before was because of another woman.

Han Xiaochen had to admit that he felt sick to death.

"Ha ha……

Han Xiaochen, when you mention that man, your mind will be confused.

Do you know that I was also a man before I was alive, so I would be jealous if you act like this!
There are so many good men in this world, why did you fall in love with this scumbag that you are talking about now! "

Yehan just smiled softly, but he was really entangled in his heart.

It's been thousands of years, and I just got a little interested in a girl.

But this girl is someone's family.

Why!This is true.

"Yehan, what are you talking about?
What time is it now?I never thought to think about my personal problems okay?

In this doomsday world, especially for a female with different abilities like me.

If you practice supernatural powers on a double break with that male supernatural being who is also extremely powerful.

I'm afraid that if I didn't die at the hands of those zombies and mutated animals outside, I would have died a miserable death.

You don't understand how terrible the human heart is in this apocalyptic world right now. "

To put it bluntly, Han Xiaochen just doesn't trust men.

Especially after he possessed such a heaven-defying fetish as space, Han Xiaochen couldn't believe anyone.

Although Han Xiaochen looked carefree and silly on the surface.

But the fact is that Han Xiaochen's heart is more sensitive than anyone else's, and he can even guard against anyone.

It's just that Han Xiaochen didn't want to show it.

Han Xiaochen felt that in the last days, people would think that she was a foolish girl who thought she was Da Qiao so that she could survive better.

"Han Xiaochen, I understand what you mean.

Hehe, it seems that you are not a very stupid girl.

But you are beyond my reach in your base.

If you have the opportunity, if you come out, this seat may be able to help you.

Find some self-defense for you, but now, I can only give you advice.

And whether this idea can work, I don't know.

After all, you just said that, and I don't understand many things thoroughly. "

"Then do you have any good advice?

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's not good, let's brainstorm! "

Han Xiaochen hurriedly said

"Well, Han Xiaochen listened to your superficial narration.

The only thing I can be sure of is that the magic cultivator has come to your base.

And how deep is that magic cultivator's Taoism, I still don't know yet.

And Moxiu is afraid!It should be a light system power user.

But it's a pity that you are only of the wood type, and the kind of magic cultivator, the wood type of you is the one I like the most.

If this seat hadn't left such a little bit of aura on you, it is estimated that you should also be taken away.

Do you still remember those spirit stones you asked for when you and me went to the cultivation world?
Go find the spirit stone of the light system, and those spells of the light system, and wear them on your body at any time.

Those things that should be helpful to your body should also be afraid of these things.

Didn't we buy a relic sold by Buddhist monks in a temple?
That thing is useless to me, but it doesn't mean it's useless to all those monsters.

You take that with you too?
What's more, if you meet strangers in normal times, it's best not to talk to them.

Not to mention going there with them, if they say strange things, don't just nod your head.

Just leave quickly. "

Yehan frowned and thought about the methods of paying the magic repair for the alarm clock, and gave several such suggestions.

"Yehan, thank you, once you said that, I knew what to do.

But that’s right, hehe, it’s a little scary when you say that!

Do you think that thing is a ghost that has existed for many years? "

When Han Xiaochen said this, he couldn't help shrinking his neck.

"Haha, Han Xiaochen, you silly girl, when are you still afraid of that thing?
Whether that thing is the soul with deep resentment is still uncertain.

And you have been with me for so long, and you can even talk together, are you still afraid of that?
Han Xiaochen tells you that if that thing is really a ghost, it will be very easy to deal with.

I'm afraid that the thing is not there anymore.

But you can also take those spells, if you really encounter something wrong, you can just shoot the spells to the other party.

It's really the thing you said, and that thing will definitely be wiped out immediately. "

This poor Taoist is not as good as a dead fellow Daoist Ye Han, who has always shown no mercy to those ghosts who compete with him.

"Looks like this is the only way to go, Ye Han thank you!
But I feel like I'm honestly saying thank you, but the point is that I'm just a mortal, and I want to thank you with something practical, but I don't have any.

But just wait, after I have achieved great cultivation, maybe one day I will become the Dao of Heaven.

Then, I will give you a high god position, and give you zombies a serious position. "

"Ha ha……

Thank you, Han Xiaochen, when you become the Dao of Heaven...

You are not afraid of your big talk like this, be careful that when Heaven gets angry, a thunder will strike you to death.

Also, when did I say that I wanted to be recognized by the world?
This jumping out of the outside world is not among the five elements, and even this life is endless.

Don't live too carefree in this seat!
Who wants to be the so-called gods who are restrained everywhere in your mouth. "

Ye Han was really amused by Han Xiaochen now.

This dead girl is so shameless, let's forget about the seriousness of the second-year patient.

What else did you say to give yourself a serious identity.

Is the identity of zombie king not serious enough?

In the end, it's good to be the Demon King who leads the Demon World.

But if you want to become the devil king, I'm afraid you have to practice him for tens of thousands of years, right?
"No, you're welcome, but God...


I don't understand Yehan.Is there really a way of heaven in this world?
There are also people in the cultivation world who especially believe in that, but I never thought there would be such a thing.

This is the so-called way of heaven in the population, isn't it what the old people said when we were young?

If there is a God, then why do those kind and weak people have miserable lives.

But it's really those people who do a lot of evil and are very bad.

But they can do whatever they want, even if they are poor.

Even the good ones can't beat the evil ones.

Then some dead monk jumped out and said that those who were wronged were paying off the debts of their previous life.

And now these arrogant and domineering ones are going to hell and have their tongues pulled out or something.

Anyway, I don’t believe it, people can’t enjoy life while they’re alive, and they have to worry about what happens after they die?

As far as whether there is one or not, you have to say something, this can even be reincarnated, don't you forget all the memories of the previous life?

(End of this chapter)

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