Chapter 565 Relics

"Hehe, although I really hate Tiandao.

But I have to admit that the way of heaven does exist.

But who told you that the way of heaven is for you mortals to deal with trivial matters.

As long as this person does something, it is not too contrary to the principles of the way of heaven, and even if he says no, what he does is too harmonious.

The Dao of Heaven doesn’t care about you, there is only one Dao of Heaven, and you look at how many humans, animals and plants there are in your interface.

Everything in the world is the same in the eyes of heaven and earth. Do you think that these trivial things of you humans can be managed by heaven?

But the rules of heaven are also very confusing, you just can't find the clue.

So this seat feels that it is better for human beings to do things according to their own wishes.

The law of the jungle is the law of survival for all living things.

According to the class you said, then when I closed my eyes, I should immediately lose my mind.

It's right not to keep anything, after all, when I was the emperor.

There are too many human beings slaughtered, even if there was a reason to slaughter them as a last resort. "

With Ye Han's words, Han Xiaochen was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Hou, that means there is indeed a Dao of Heaven, but I'm quite afraid of that thing that can take everything away from people.

For Tiandao, it is not worth mentioning, so Tiandao will not help to clean up. "

"Han Xiaochen, I advise you to take a good ice bath for a while to calm yourself down.

Don't you understand everything?Why are you saying these dizzy things to me here again?

People, it's trouble! "Yehan said that he disliked Ban very much.

"Hmph! Yehan, don't speak so harshly.

Yes yes yes, humans are trouble, we are trouble.

But what are you?Were you not human before?

You can't look down on human beings like you just because you have an adventure, right? "

The longer Han Xiaochen spent with Ye Han, the less afraid he would be of Ye Han.

"Ha ha……

What you said makes sense, but Han Xiaochen, you'd better burn incense three times a day so that you can pray.

You must let yourself live well and for a long time, otherwise you will wait. "

Ye Han was also gnashing his teeth on the other side.
"Hmph! I won't! When is this, are you still burning incense?

If I have that resource, why can't I use it? Only people with a guilty conscience can burn incense, okay?

As for those who burn incense, in fact, this is hypocritical and stupid.

Every day, burn incense here, or pray for this matter, hoping that the Buddha will know what is going on.

Then after doing something very wicked, I hope the Buddha doesn't know.

You say that's it, how tired and annoying this Buddha is, maybe the Buddha doesn't know whether he should take care of it or not.

What do you want him to know, and what do you not want him to know. "

Han Xiaochen raised his chin arrogantly, which celebrity seemed to say this sentence?

But who is it?Forget it!
"Ha ha……

What you said, Han Xiaochen, is really reasonable!

As for you, just practice hard and honestly, I hope you will become more and more powerful.

This seat sees that if this supernatural being can continue to practice, his life will be infinitely lengthened.

It is even possible to be like those cultivators, after reaching Dacheng.

It is really possible to ascend to the upper realm and have an endless lifespan! "

"Yehan, your pancake is too big for me.

But if you say that if I practice for a long time, I may become immortal, and that is necessary.

It's like you have existed for thousands of years, but you will always look so handsome and handsome in your 20s.

What do you say you, a zombie, are so handsome and handsome?
How do you let those stinky Taoists live? "

Ever since Han Xiaochen uttered the four words of immortality from his own mouth.

She herself seemed to be envious, this woman, no matter men, women or children, no one wishes to grow old.

Even many women in order to make themselves have a youthful appearance.

She will pay a huge price, even if the price is to ruin her family.

Even if the price is that he will have great sequelae someday in the future.

"Oh! If you are still immortal, don't dream about it. I dare not say the four words of immortality. You have such a big heart!
All right, all right, what are you supposed to do!
How long do you think you have been delaying your cultivation now? "

At this moment, what did Ye Han's subordinates come to report as if they were facing an enemy?
"Hou, Ye Han, did you make a mistake? I chatted with you for a while, and even said that I wasted your time.

You have existed for thousands of years, okay?And I'm just a poor little human being.

you are too much...

Girl I got mad so I decided to cut the connection.

Then you have to remember that when I want to contact you, you have to answer in seconds! "

Han Xiaochen wrote and said that the connection was really cut off.


You still have a lot of preparations to do, okay?

Han Xiaochen put it in his own space and started to take care of himself.

Fortunately, in my own space, I still have to buy the spirit stone of the light system.

Han Xiaochen picked out such a good-looking piece and put it next to his body.

Then I really found some spells and put them where I could get them the most.

Then, he put on the vestment that he bought in the realm of self-cultivation that could block the magic energy on himself.

This look is a bit weird, and it can't be changed into another look, but it's okay, in this doomsday world, this person wears everything, and it doesn't look eye-catching at all

I have to thank Yehan, the great devil, for this!
If I didn't go to the cultivation world with this big devil.

How could I have bought so many good things from the cultivation world.

And to be honest, most of these were bought by Yehan for himself!
Han Xiaochen was moved in his heart, and at the same time hung the string of relics sold by the master Xing Chi around his neck.

Han Xiaochen himself actually knew how the relic was formed, but he was able to chat and laugh happily with Yihan, the big devil.

I still taboo a woolen relic!

And after all these were prepared, Han Xiaochen felt better in his heart.

But they also took out the seeds of various plants in the space that can purify water sources.

Then the space was released, and many, many were born in the villa.

Only then did Xiao Ye tell someone to take these away. In fact, Han Xiaochen knew that other wood-type supernatural beings were also doing these jobs.

But after all, the power level of Han Xiaochen is the highest now, and it is also the fastest and the best effect to produce these.

"Not bad, Han Xiaochen, your skill has improved again!

And you made it on your body, what is this thing? "

Xiao Ye is walking the right path now, so naturally he is not afraid of that.

But I still feel a little guilty in my heart, this is almost a prayer bead made of the master's relics that have been practiced for thousands of years.

It also made her somewhat uncomfortable.

"Xiao Ye, what's wrong with you?
Aren't I worried about being plotted against recently?I remembered that there was such a string of beads when I worshiped the temple.

I decided to wear it for myself for a long time. The one I envy the most is Li Na, but she is a light-type supernatural being.

I feel that the thing that takes everything from people should be a monster
The monsters should be most afraid of the light system abilities, right?
As far as where else was written in the previous novels, isn’t that kind of monsters all dying at the sight of light? "

(End of this chapter)

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