Chapter 593
But for Han Xiaochen, these hundred years are equal to her entire life, even if she has supernatural powers now.

But how many years can this ability add to human life?

It is even said that what these supernatural beings have experienced outside is extremely dangerous.

Even if Han Xiaochen is lucky enough to live for 200 years, what use are these 200 years to him?
It can even be said that who can say that Han Xiaochen will never have an unexpected accident?

Although I am strong enough, I just can't break through that seal, and I can't do without the interface of the imperial capital.

And Han Xiaochen herself is free and alive, she can wander around wherever she wants.

And I can't imprison her so selfishly.

And he imprisoned his fresh life by his side, and what's more, he couldn't do anything.

And he might look at her.If you die in depression just because you can't leave here soon, then what are you planning for?

Just because you like a woman, is it necessary to cause her to die in depression?

But if he didn't do this, he couldn't ensure his safety, nor could he ensure that he could live for a long time.

Just like in the past two days, Han Xiaochen left his imperial capital base on a sudden whim, and was running around outside.

It was just a coincidence, Han Xiaochen ran to the imperial capital this time, if she went to another place, would she have a solution?

Han Xiaochen opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly his stomach growled.

Han Xiaochen's little face was a little red, a little embarrassed.

"Um, Yehan, I'm hungry, do you want to eat with me? Hehe...

Or say you tell me what you eat and maybe I can make you some.

But if it's too much of a thing, don't scare me.

Although I am a supernatural person, I have also killed zombies, but you still don’t want that too much
Ha ha…

I think you are so smart, you must understand what I mean? "

Han Xiaochen spoke incoherently in this embarrassment.

But he waved his hand honestly and made a lot of food.

Basically, these are delicacies made from mutated animals and mutated plants.

Han Xiaochen, a supernatural being, is very good for his body if he eats it, and it can also increase his energy to a certain extent.

The main reason is that the mutated animals and plants, although it is difficult to call, are really delicious to eat.

It is almost comparable to buying those spiritual plants and monster meat from the cultivation world.

"Success, if that's the case, then I will accompany you to use some.

However, I have never liked to eat the food on this plate with other people.

So, the dishes you brought out are the same for me, right? "

Yehan smiled generously, but there was a hint of teasing in his eyes

okay then! "Han Xiaochen nodded and took out these things seriously, and gave Ye Han a share of each of them.
It's really strange, why can zombies eat?Can they digest it?
No matter how powerful they are, they are still a bunch.

Forget it, forget it, think about it one by one, I will not be able to eat anymore.

Especially Yehan in front of him, apart from his status as a zombie.

He is really high in EQ and IQ, no matter his height or appearance, he can be regarded as this top handsome guy!

Creation is really tricking people, why did the creator treat him so unfairly?

It's not good to ask him to do something. For someone as handsome as him, shouldn't it be more normal for him to become a god or something?
But he just wanted to make him a disgusting zombie.

Although zombies are not necessarily all bad, but in people's eyes, aren't they the kind that are very bad and evil?

When Yehan noticed what Han Xiaochen was thinking about himself, he couldn't help but cock his mouth.

After all, this is the woman I value, and she really has such kindness in her heart.

And it's not like most people are saying what others say.

Yes, who said that zombies will definitely harm those of us who have become human before?

Just like myself, as long as it doesn't completely threaten me, why would I actually want their lives?
Especially since I am not interested in killing human beings at all.

But I just don't know which idiots are talking nonsense, saying that zombies want to kill people when they see people, and they even find substitutes.

As long as I am a zombie and find a hairy substitute, the human body is comparable to my own, which has been cultivated for thousands of years.

Is it a body that is stronger than the iron wall and has a stronger defense?

In fact, I don't think there is anything wrong with being the zombie king.

I can rule a country when I am alive, and I can rule all the creatures in this area when I am dead.

No, no, it should be all living beings, but rule everything in this area.

Whether it is alive or dead, or those floating.

Anyway, hasn't the ghost king been beaten away by himself?

For some reason, Han Xiaochen felt that the atmosphere between himself and Yehan was a bit awkward.

Coupled with the fact that he was really hungry, Han Xiaochen just took such a big mouthful, gobbling up these meals with a big mouthful.

He couldn't even eat enough, so he brought out a large pot of tomato and egg drop soup.

Han Xiaochen thought for a while and took out half of Yehan's share in a basin

Regardless of whether Yehan can eat this or not, we always have our own thoughts.

I used to watch those ghost movies by myself, didn't I say that they were all for sniffing?
Something that surprised Han Xiaochen happened.

Yehan actually washed his hands in such a serious manner.

It is very elegant to use these meals.

His dining etiquette standards are noble, and Han Xiaochen is sure that Ye Han swallowed them all.

"Ha ha…

Han Xiaochen, these are not good for me, but they are not bad either.

And this seat can also convert them into energy.

Of course, as far as this seat is concerned, these negligible things can be regarded as completely non-existent.

Even if you just eat the ones you cook, you can eat them all the time without any impact on your body.

But, I just can't feel the aroma and taste of this food anymore. "

Ye Han who said this was quite regretful.

I have experienced all kinds of flavors in life long ago, and I don't care about them, and I have nothing to do with diet.

But seeing that the little girl I like on the other side can eat so deliciously, how much I want to eat with her like a human being.

Then the two of them talked about how delicious the food was, or that the dish was too salty today, but the dish would be bland tomorrow, or it was raw or overcooked.

It's just that there is no way, it's hard to have both, even if I am myself, there are too many things that I can't do.

Han Xiaochen nodded to show that he knew, but he secretly felt sorry for the delicacies he made.

Although it is said that these are all done in my own space, but.

The mutated animals and plants are not so easy to fight, that's all, and there are a lot of meat from the mutated tiger that I hoarded a long time ago!
"Yehan, you guys are so powerful, if you fight a mutant tiger or something, it will be fine.

It's just that after being hit by you, this thing should not be able to eat. "

Han Xiaochen was quite sorry about this incident.

"You're right, you can't eat the ones that Han Xiaochen was killed by me.

But I can use other methods to help you, do you want to consider it? "

(End of this chapter)

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