Chapter 594
"What way?" Han Xiaochen's eyes lit up, but suddenly he became listless again.

"I can imprison those things with space confinement, but the time is too short.

Especially these days these guys are in droves.

Moreover, the higher the level of those mutated animals, the higher their IQ is. It is impossible for me to freeze all of them, so it is not so easy to use now. "

Han Xiaochen recalled that time when he fixed the mutated tiger, dragged the mutated tiger into the space or followed Mo Yan
Of course, even then I suffered very serious internal injuries, and the level of the mutant tiger was not high enough at that time!

But that mutant tiger is really big, it's as big as a hill.

If this is a big guy with a higher level, what will happen?

"Han Xiaochen, if you improve in a small space, you will have so much power.

So will there be an end of the world now?Didn’t those all get wiped out by you?
If that's the case, wouldn't you space power users with offensive abilities become kings?
However, the method proposed by this seat is indeed similar to what you think.

This seat can freeze all those in an area for two seconds.

With these two seconds, can you do anything? "

Yehan didn't laugh at Han Xiaochen's overreaching.

After all, the power of human beings is still very small, even if they have supernatural powers.This is far worse than those.

even say this.The speed at which the so-called abilities of human supernatural beings rise is far slower than those of high-level zombies, let alone the zombie king.

Of course, things like that zombie and I don't belong to the same system.

Although he said that he had no intention of annihilating them all, he was definitely not in the same group as them.

Especially those mutated animals, I don't want them to grow too fast.

Especially those big guys, who grow up fast, have this physique, as big as a mountain.

Not to mention their destructive power, although they can't hinder me for the time being, let them grow up.

Then his own rule here will definitely be affected.

As far as I am concerned, it doesn't matter if humans are on my own territory, but there must be no existence that threatens my status.

"Is it really possible?

But why do you want to help me say it again, in fact, I can't eat much by myself.


Han Xiaochen was a little embarrassed, and then smiled awkwardly.

"Han Xiaochen, you don't have to think about it so much, just act as your seat and see if they don't like you.

Their destructive power is so strong, I don't want them to scrap this emperor that I have finally cleaned up. "

A sneer curled up at the corner of Yehan's mouth, as if poppies were blooming.

"Then it's a win-win situation for us to cooperate.

Yehan, then you should want the crystal nuclei of those mutated animals!
As for me, I just want the meat of those mutated animals. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you eat it or not, doesn't it? "

"Han Xiaochen, don't be so greedy, just do some of what you have done well.

You've had enough to eat and drink, and it's meaningless to stay here all the time. Let me take you to hunt after leaving. "

"That's fine, but if they know that I went hunting with you, I don't know if they will really drop their jaws!"

Han Xiaochen slightly hooked the corners of his lips, the beauty of the pear dimple is so dazzling

Speaking of which, Yehan brought Han Xiaochen to the back mountain of the imperial capital.

This time, Yehan also learned to be smart, he put on such a very special clothes to pull Han Xiaochen.In an instant, we arrived at the back mountain.

Han Xiaochen blinked for a while, but what happened that he didn't understand?
The back mountain of the original imperial capital was no big deal, but now it’s after the end of the world
It has become a paradise for mutated animals and plants. As soon as you step here, you will feel all kinds of complicated and dangerous situations.

In the mountains behind the imperial capital, even if the mercenary group dared to come here to explore, it was just a little probing around the periphery.

As for the depths of the inner circle, there are fierce creatures and poisonous gas all over the place, no one dares to go in easily.

And it is said that a mercenary group went in a while ago, and after going in, there will be no future, and no one has ever come out.

And what is the situation?It also keeps many people secretive.

But more fear and fear
To be honest, even with Ye Han here by his side.

Han Xiaochen also felt quite scared.

"Yehan, no, I have no conscience, but I'm really too weak.

I know that you have existed for thousands of years, so you must have a way to save your life.

And when I reach the moment of life and death, I will definitely return to the space subconsciously, and then don't blame me! "

For some reason, the surrounding environment is so quiet that you can hear a needle drop.

What's more, none of the places where mutated animals and plants abused themselves actually appeared
Han Xiaochen couldn't help beating drums in his heart, and his palms were sweating.

"Ha ha…

Han Xiaochen, you stinking girl are really cowardly and treacherous. There are many people who do things like this, but there are really few who speak out like you.

It doesn't matter, if you encounter something that is too big for you, you can sneak into the space, that's fine, and it will save me from having to concentrate on taking care of you. "

Yehan naturally wouldn't care about a human cub, let alone this human cub he likes.

"Ye Han, it's good that you can understand, why do I feel so neurotic here?

I'm a little scared, feeling scared! "

This time, Ye Han didn't answer her question, but his expression turned cold.

"Han Xiaochen, remember, it's only two seconds!"

As soon as Yehan's words fell, suddenly there was a strong wind around here.

Han Xiaochen blinked, used his highest defense, and instantly put on this invisible clothing for himself.

Sure enough, Han Xiaochen's advance preparation also ensured his temporary safety.

Suddenly, I saw a huge monster appearing in front of me.

This monster was fifteen feet long and five feet high, and was as vigorous as a tiger.

And this monster looks very agile, I don't know why the claw monster killed those hidden mutated animals and plants under its claws.

Han Xiaochen took a deep breath in his heart, this monster's skill is really painful and agile.

Han Xiaochen was sure that it was the most powerful superhuman from the base, and it might not be his opponent.

When it is true, it hurts people invisible, especially the big green eyes of this monster make people seem to die just by looking at it.

All of a sudden, this monster didn't move him, as if the world had also stopped.

Han Xiaochen's actions were faster than her thoughts. She teleported to the monster, and she entered the space with a slight touch of the monster with her hand.

And with a little time left, Han Xiaochen quickly put all the mutated animals and plants he could come across into the space.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream, and of course the remaining little guys.

Han Xiaochen immediately gave birth to his own bloodthirsty vine, which almost killed the bloodthirsty vine as soon as it came out.

And the remaining ones who developed spiritual intelligence also ran away like girls.

Han Xiaochen was stunned for a moment, these mutated animals and plants seemed to be smarter than humans.

"Forget it, Han Xiaochen, you have killed them all. Isn't this just like you humans used to yell, it belongs to destroying the environment?"

Yehan looked at Han Xiaochen with a very happy expression

This girl Han Xiaochen is a bit interesting, how much space is there to store that thing in an instant, and kill it directly and instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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