Chapter 602
Han Yunuo suddenly became speechless, and what Ye Junzhi said was exactly what he was worried about at the beginning.

"Ye Junzhi, thank you, maybe what you said makes sense, but I'm feeling a little depressed right now.

I don't know what's wrong with me? "

Ye Junzhi smiled softly: "Han Xinnuo, it's good that you can figure it out, even though Zhao Ye and I were not really friends before.

But to be honest, I don't think I can do what Zhao Ye did for you.

Even if I'm greedy for this space ability, sometimes you as women don't be too greedy.

You also have to think about it carefully, in fact, sometimes, when you are with a man, you may not be completely sincere and not adulterated at all.

To put it bluntly, everyone is similar. When a man chooses a woman, he will also consider various conditions.

And in fact you women are like that too, aren't you?

If you were asked to choose a man who was ugly, had no powers or even a little bit of force, or even a poor man without any resources, this was a very kind-hearted man.

Do you want to?I'm afraid you don't want to either? "

Han Xinnuo took a deep breath, Ye Junzhi pulled everything out, and let his heart.

But what he said was true, just before he met his husband, the prince charming he had outlined in his mind.

Naturally, he is also handsome and tall, and he has a good net worth, and even has to be elegant and noble enough, and then he should be especially gentle and considerate to himself.

And to put it bluntly, isn't all of this just greed, the man is good-looking and has a good family background, and then he has to treat himself well!


Han Xiaochen practiced like this for another day and night before he felt better.

Han Xiaochen stood up and stretched, the weather is unexpectedly good today.

The sunlight actually came through the orange curtains.

He never thought that Ye Han, a man representing ancient feudal forces, would have such a heart-warming side.

But for some reason, Han Xiaochen's mind suddenly popped up the situation that he just lived in Mo Yan's house.

Back then, I was a timid girl who was like a mouse.

The plane that the author let himself marvel at came to the south, but fell asleep in the plane.

Then when I woke up, I found myself living in a very warm and cozy room.

At that time, the morning sun also shone through the orange curtain.

At that time, it irradiated my body warmly.

Only later did I realize that I was wearing a very soft but beautiful pajamas.

Then the servant walked in at a glance and took care of herself like a rich lady.

They seek their own opinions first when they do anything, and what's more!
No matter what he did, he carefully looked at his face, and tried every means to make himself happy.

That was something I didn't even dare to dream about, and I seemed to know from that that I was beaten all over by my mother, and I was about to die, that little mouse in the gutter.

As soon as this style of painting changed, she became like the little princess who was held in the palm of the hand by the man Mo Yan who was like a god in his own eyes.

Han Xiaochen shook his head fiercely, what are he doing?Why do you think of this man Mo Yan again!
This man, Mo Yan, has never loved himself. He was so kind to him back then, but he just regarded himself as a substitute for that woman.

To put it bluntly, he was also exposed to the fact that he and that woman looked exactly the same.

"Han Xiaochen, I have a key and cannot come to accompany you now, you can move about freely.

But in the territory of this seat, there will be nothing to embarrass you.

But you also remembered it for me, except for the low-level zombies and mutated animals and plants.

Those others are elite soldiers and strong generals of this seat, if you dare to touch one, be careful that this seat will eat you directly. "

Han Xiaochen, who was in a daze, was taken aback by Yehan's sudden voice transmission.

Han Xiaochen curled his lips and said that there is nothing valuable in the current imperial capital, okay?
But even so, Han Xiaochen burst into spirits.

I changed myself into a very beautiful white dress, and even wore a pair of beautiful pure white leather sandals.

Stepping on the small brand-name bag from before, I planned to go shopping.

Although it is boring to go shopping alone, those 'people' on the street now

Not advanced zombies, zombie animals are mutant animals and plants.

Then there will be two zombies or something, but at least Yehan can say such a thing, it means.

It's not absolutely safe to go out by yourself, it should be similar.

After all, this place is different from that forest!Everything is under Yehan's control, right?
At this moment, Han Xiaochen had another thought.

If humans can co-author advanced zombies, there will be mutated animals and plants.

It would be nice to be able to live in harmony, but I just don't know when.

Are you crazy?
In fact, sometimes it's for my own sake, these high-level zombies have human consciousness.

If they can restrain themselves, aren't they actually human before?
Then there is a powerful leader controlling here, so that everyone can keep their own place and follow the rules. This is also a paradise in the end of the world!
"Hehe..." Han Xiaochen suddenly laughed at himself.

"Han Xiaochen, your divergent thinking is here again?
How do you think that, how is this possible?
Don't daydream, if you say this kind of thing, you will be said again, you are stupid enough to think it out as soon as you say it. "

However, when Mo Yan didn't see the woman coming back.

It seems that he is very tolerant of his own stupidity and his own thoughts.

Even if he said what he was thinking, he would go crazy with him.

For example, say that you are eating and suddenly want to go to the street to eat that kind of unhealthy snack.

For example, I have fallen asleep at night, but suddenly wake up and want to go to Hokkaido to see the snow.

And that man also learned to follow others like crazy, and immediately arranged for a helicopter to take him there.

When this thought flashed by Han Xiaochen again, he shook his head fiercely, but suddenly saw that his hairstyle in the mirror was ugly.

Although I tried my best to style my hair, but the shape of my hair is too ugly.

Although it is relatively smooth, but the bangs are still swollen.

Han Xiaochen sighed, stepped into the space, found a hat for himself, put it on, and went there directly.

Since you have stolen half a day of leisure from Fusheng, then enjoy yourself.

Han Xiaochen immediately went to Emmanuel Bessemer, the largest beauty institution, for a haircut.

Although I don't need to do skin care or anything, I want these people to help me put on makeup.

Han Xiaochen made an appointment by calling directly, and then drove there directly.

Of course, Emmanuel Bessemer's customers are all high-end customers, which doesn't mean that everyone can be served as soon as they make an appointment.

For this, Han Xiaochen has to thank Han Sitong for giving him this special VIP black gold card

With this VIP black gold card, no matter when you make an appointment, there will be top beauticians and hairdressers to serve you.

"Han Sitong, I'm going to Emmanuel Bessemer to get my hair done soon, do you want to come over!"

Han Xiaochen, who was idle and bored, even sent Han Sitong a WeChat message.

Han Sitong's WeChat immediately flashed.

"Okay, okay, I'll be right there too!
You are lucky, my two babies just fell asleep. "

(End of this chapter)

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