Chapter 603
"Then come here quickly, if I'm not in such a good mood, I'll give you a nice gift!"

Han Xiaochen hooked the corners of his lips, sometimes Han Xiaochen felt that he was a bit of a scumbag.

Obviously I am here, and I have a boyfriend Mo Qingye, but my girlfriend is not enthusiastic enough for him.

I finally came here and invited Han Sitong to do my hair with me

Han Xiaochen found out that he liked Han Sitong very much, but he felt that he was a little less interested in men.

But it's a pity, I don't have that kind of thought, Han Sitong still loves his husband to death, of course the most important thing is that Han Sitong's husband also dotes on her very much.

No matter who wants to intervene or something, it really can't be done.

But by the way, this woman Han Sitong is really happy.

There are gains and losses in everything, although Han Sitong said that he can't experience this kind of family affection.

But Han Sitong was not abused by his mother like himself.

But Han Sitong was lucky, the man she had a crush on happened to also like him.

Even if that man had other thoughts, he kept it well hidden from her.

What's more, that man will definitely hold her in his palm and spoil her forever, even if it's just for the little bit of strangeness in her body.

In fact, sometimes this person doesn't have to demand too much from men. When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people are observant, there will be no friends.

Sure enough, Han Xiaochen arrived at Emmanuel Bessemer, and enjoyed the most top-notch service right after entering the door.

Han Xiaochen was stunned for a moment. When he first met Mo Yan, he was treated like this no matter where he went.

This came back suddenly, although it was said that it was under the influence of Han Sitong
"Beautiful lady, what do you want?"

This is a polite and extravagant looking Caucasian boy serving Han Xiaochen

Han Xiaochen hooked the corners of his lips: "You speak Chinese very well! How about this, you can help me design one according to my face shape!
I hope you can help me design some beautiful ones. "

"My pleasure, fair lady."

The white boy George bowed politely before starting to design for Han Xiaochen.

But every time I take a step, I will first express my thoughts to Han Xiaochen.

Not to mention that George's hand is really clever, this hairstyle is especially suitable for Han Xiaochen

Han Xiaochen nodded in satisfaction, because he was really dressed up like a little fairy now.

"Han Xiaochen, how do you feel? Are you satisfied? You can also do skin care here. The service here is very good, and everything is one-stop.

Of course, I still have the most top handsome designer here! "

As soon as Han Xiaochen's hair took shape, Han Sitong came over.

"Han Sitong, hurry up, but the place you introduced is really good."

Han Xiaochen watched as Han Sitong entered the top-level VIP room he had booked without saying hello.

I was a little confused, but then I understood.

"Han Sitong, you are not the boss here, are you?
I just thought there was something wrong with Emmanuel Bessemer, who has a great reputation here.

I've heard that many wealthy wives have to make an appointment in advance when they come here, and they even say that they have to wait in line!
And how, how can I come here to enjoy the most top-level service, and it's still on hand. "

Han Sitong gave Han Xiaochen a blank look
"Han Xiaochen, you are not too stupid!

It's the treatment you enjoy, but my husband and I can enjoy the treatment here!
Besides, I have nothing to hide, Emmanuel Bessemer is a gift from my husband on my birthday!

How about it?Do you think it's not bad? "

"Not bad, Han Sitong, your husband is really caring too!
Did I know that this Emmanuelle Bessemer is also one of the best in the world.

And this girl loves beauty, and your husband is very kind to send this gift to your heart. "Han Xiaochen nodded uncontrollably
She looked at Han Sitong with envy and hatred

"Han Sitong, let's go out and have a good chat later.

Don't tell me, I still miss you, I really want to live a two-person world with you! "

Han Xiaochen spoke a little lightly. Although he was joking, it was also a mixture of truth and falsehood.

"Okay, okay, why don't we open a top-level suite?
Forget it, here it is, I have an office in that suite here.

The environment is very good, no matter how you rest, it is extremely comfortable. "

Han Sitong blinked, naturally he would not disagree.

Not only did Han Xiaochen give her a good impression, the crystal nucleus that Han Xiaochen gave her made her body improve a lot!
"Okay, then let me enjoy what the office of a rich lady like you is like."

Han Xiaochen hooked the corners of her lips, not knowing why she wanted to keep watching Han Sitong be so happy.

"By the way, Han Sitong, I have a good gift for you here. I don't know if you dare to eat it."

While the two of them were talking, they came to Han Sitong's brilliant gold coin office.

Han Xiaochen was a little stunned. This office is very big and it is a suite.

This big boss chair turned out to be a massage seat.

And this sofa is also very big, this person can lie and roll on it without any problem.

Not to mention that all kinds of devices are the highest technology and the most comfortable.

"Han Xiaochen, come to eat some fruit, just this grape, but it's newly picked today!"

Han Sitong looked at his office, there were all kinds of fresh fruits he liked every day, and he nodded in satisfaction.

Although this is a bit wasteful, it is really my husband's heart.

But if it doesn't apply to me, then the staff will send it to the orphanage the next day.

"Well, not bad, this grape is really sweet.

I can taste it, just like your grapes, there must be no pesticides or fertilizers. "

As soon as Han Xiaochen grows one, he knows that all the fruits here are pure natural and pollution-free.

Han Sitong is such a powerful and handsome man, he pampers her wholeheartedly, he really makes him envious!
"Han Sitong, this is a gift for you, see if you like it.

Although the packaging of mine is not very good, it is pure pure honey and pure royal jelly! "

As Han Xiaochen said this, he took out these two bottles of very precious mutated honey and mutated royal jelly made from mutated bees from his oversized bag, which was actually the space.

Han Sitong unscrewed one of the covers unceremoniously, and took a deep breath
"Han Xiaochen, you are so interesting, just hearing this, I feel comfortable all over my body!

I even suspect you, it was the gods who came to us to practice that day.

Your honey is not only completely pure wild honey, but it is also rich in that kind, anyway, I can’t explain it clearly, just like the kind of aura in the novel. "

Han Sitong was very unpromising, so he sniffed the honey for a while with his nose
"Ha ha…

Han Sitong, you are quite knowledgeable, but the spirit deed is not, but it is definitely rich in energy or something that is good for the human body.

Anyway, this is very precious, you'd better hide it and use it slowly.

That's it, it's good for women's skin and everything else.

But don't let your husband know, be careful not to be snatched away by him.

Let me tell you, just this thing, if you use it, it will definitely keep you young forever, for 30 or [-] years. "

(End of this chapter)

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