Chapter 604

"Are you so good? Han Xiaochen, I know, you are the fairy sent by God to save me!"

Han Sitong shamelessly exclaimed and hugged Han Xiaochen like a wolf

Then Han Sitong quickly put these into his bag
This action is so quick, it made Han Xiaochen stunned
"Han Sitong, are you ashamed to lose it? You and I won't steal it from you. I said this is a gift for you."

Han Sitong tilted his head and snorted: "This good thing belongs to you only if you get it into your own hands.

Han Xiaochen, I seem to know what you want?
In the future, don't ask others to collect it for you, I will help you collect it.

And that, absolutely all for free.

Let me tell you, my husband has huge farms in several foreign countries!
And me, I still have one in my hand, you know what I mean. "Han Sitong blinked at Han Xiaochen.

"Han Xiaochen, I actually know that no matter how much food I collect, it can't compare to the jar of honey you gave me.

But that's all I can give you, but don't worry, my mouth is very strict, and my husband is most afraid of me.

We will never leak any news to you here, and I can control my husband, he will not do anything to make you headache. "

Han Sitong's words were the strongest guarantee.

"Han Xiaochen, thank you, forget it, I won't say thank you.

Just saying thank you for our friendship is too, too boring.

My honey is nothing, and I like the jade pendant you gave me very much.

I don't know why I have that jade pendant, I'm lucky, as if I can open it. "

Han Xiaochen smiled, but what he said was so meaningful.

"Hey, Han Xiaochen, I always feel that it's because you are lucky in the first place, right?
But if it is really like what you said, it means that the jade pendant should belong to you in the first place, right?

This jade pendant is mediocre to me. Apart from the relatively precious value, there is really nothing special about it. "

Han Sitong smiled heartlessly, the jade pendant really has no space, right?
But even if there is really space, I give it to Han Xiaochen, and I don't regret it.

What about this person?Whatever you gain, you must lose some.

Isn't the way of heaven always about balance?

It's like the space that I lost for no reason, and the person I chatted with for a long time in that space.

Came inexplicably, and left inexplicably.

But he left so much money for himself. If nothing else, as long as he has so much money, he is considered a winner in life, right?
But he couldn't do anything for her?He even said that even if it was over, he didn't have the guts to kill all the people who killed her.

But what can I do, the Li family is a big family.

And even if murder is not illegal, I don't have the guts, nor the heart to pay for murder?

But if the Li family is in bad luck, or if I can take care of them, I will definitely not be relentless.

"Han Sitong, you are truly a fool."

Han Xiaochen sighed slightly, and said those words by himself.

But under his real eyes, Han Sitong didn't show regret or jealousy.

He was even happy for himself instead, what kind of thinking is Han Sitong doing?

But maybe only this kind of her can be baptized with God's favor, right?
"Han Sitong, I want to give you a chance, do you want it?"

Han Xiaochen said suddenly.

Han Sitong was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

"No, I don't want it, and with this opportunity comes danger.

And now I am very happy, my husband loves me very much, and my baby is very cute.

It is even said that my economic conditions are very good now, so the people around me respect me enough.

I am so happy, I don't want to be greedy for more.

I'm just a normal woman and I feel like one has too many words.

Then it represents too much responsibility, and I am just a very ordinary little woman who wants to enjoy a happy family forever.

I don't think I can afford it, I can't afford such a big opportunity. "

Han Xiaochen frowned slightly, not afraid of people wanting too much, but what he feared most.

Han Sitong is the kind of person who is very satisfied with his current life and is not moving forward
"Han Sitong, I didn't say anything, so you just refused? I want to tell you, what if there is no danger to you at all?
There are only benefits for you, no harm! "

Han Sitong still shook his head.

"Han Xiaochen, I know you are very powerful, some people even say that you are mysterious and too powerful.

To be honest, I also have a little selfishness, I want to get in touch with you more, and then, take advantage of that little bit.

This may be a common problem of our human beings, and I am not immune.

But really, I don't want any big chances, I just want me to be healthy and healthy, and my husband and baby to be healthy and healthy.

Then we enjoy the prosperity of the world together, just enjoy the family happiness together. "

Han Sitong hooked the corners of his lips

I thought about it and received it again
"Han Xiaochen, I know you have a secret, but I won't investigate it.

But I always feel that this person has a secret and is actually unhappy.

Especially the secrets on your body cannot be shared with your dear ones.

What's more, especially those secrets on her body that can shock everyone?

That's even more so, I don't want to use this great opportunity, or some secret, to experiment with human nature.

Many people have told me that even I can see it in their eyes.

That is, my husband actually loves me not purely, or even in other ways.

But I never got to the bottom of it, I just know that I am very happy, I love him very much, and he treats me very well, that's enough.

Han Xiaochen, do you understand what I mean? "

"Han Sitong, if the opportunity I give you has something to do with your body!

Although your luck is good now, your health is poor.

Even with the top-quality green crystal I gave you.

But it is also a temporary solution, not the root cause, and the opportunity I am giving you now can nourish your body slowly and keep it in good shape.

Will you refuse it too?
Don't you want to let yourself not live for many years, and you will endure the pain of the whole body.

It is even said that you are here, and you die when you are young.

Then your husband will marry that beautiful wife again, and even say that he will abuse your children?
You don't want to do that, you love your husband so much, you definitely don't want other women to sleep with your husband, right?

This every woman wants to stay young forever, and want to be healthy, even if she is middle-aged, her body will not be fat!

And this one I give you can put an end to all these troubles! "

Han Xiaochen sighed deeply, the supernatural core on this supernatural person

As far as this level of preciousness is concerned, it is sought after by everyone in this last days, but this is good.

I want to give it to Han Sitong for free, and I want to sell fake medicine to her, and brainwash Han Sitong like a pyramid scheme. "

"Han Sitong, I know it's unbelievable for you to say that, but I swear what I said is true.

And this opportunity is only once, I think it is very good here, you have to think carefully! "

(End of this chapter)

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