Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 607 Space Upgrade

Chapter 607 Space Upgrade
The things here are really what Han Sitong hid in the drawer of this office.

But the drawers in this office all adopt the world's most high-end explosion-proof system

If someone really came to steal, then this drawer would explode.

However, after this drawer explodes, it will only injure the person who came to steal it, but the things hidden in this drawer will not suffer any damage.

Just when Han Sitong learned that there are such advanced high-tech engineers, he was so excited that he jumped up.

"Han Sitong, you are too careless, you put such a precious thing here casually?"

Han Xiaochen frowned. Han Sitong is also quite interesting, to have so many antiques.

And Han Sitong took out these, which one is not priceless?

But it's a pity that apart from the jade pendant last time, I really don't have one that I can use

Han Sitong looked at Han Xiaochen's changed expression
"What's the matter? Han Xiaochen, you don't like any of these here?

But that's right, even if these are more precious, they are just ordinary wearables.

Naturally, this cannot enter the eyes of you, a mysterious, all-like, fairy-like fairy. "

"Han Sitong, what are you talking about?

I really like yours, right?

But you really want to give me the things here?
I want to say I want it all? "

Han Xiaochen's words are actually just to tease Han Sitong on purpose
But Han Sitong put the box into Han Xiaochen's hands without hesitation
"Han Xiaochen, compared to the great fortune you gave me, it's nothing like bullshit.

But for me, this can only be a kind of prop to express my gratitude to you.

You just keep this?
I know that no matter how powerful you are, you are in this worldly activity.

You always need money, and any of these can be sold for a sum of money.

And you can rest assured that as far as the origin of this batch of things is concerned, it is absolutely clean.

You're unlikely to get in trouble no matter what. "

Han Xiaochen pulled his mouth stiffly, but he didn't even show a trace of a smile

"Han Sitong, in fact, you don't have to do this.

You know, actually for me..."

Han Sitong interrupted what Han Xiaochen said arrogantly.
"Han Xiaochen, I know these things are like a drop in the bucket to you.

But this is also my intention, you can't look down on me, can you?
You take these away, I feel better after you take them away.

And don't worry, my promise to you, as long as I can live for one day, will be valid forever. "

Han Sitong is indeed a person who puts a lot of emphasis on promises, as long as he promises, no matter what difficulties he encounters, he will complete it.

And Han Xiaochen has already discovered this after further understanding.

"Han Sitong? Forget it, I agree, I still don't take such a good gift!

I just thought this might be your treasure, so I took it away, and you were worried that you would be sad and reluctant.

I'm even a little worried that such a large number of rare treasures like you will be lost.

As far as whether your husband will make things difficult for you, I have heard that there are many men in the upper class.

On the surface, he is a big spender and very generous, but secretly he is very stingy, especially for this wife who is married and has given birth.

That's all the more so. "Han Xiaochen slightly tickled the corners of his lips.
Put the box in your bag and of course actually enter the space
But don't know why?Han Xiaochen felt that his own space seemed to have changed

Han Xiaochen's head is black again

Eye of truth?You actually lied to me again.

There are obviously good things in it, but you can't see it?
Isn't the level of my ability high enough?Or is it you, the ability that I got by swallowing

In fact, it is incomplete, in fact, it is that kind of defective product!

"Han Xiaochen, you are right, we will be good friends forever.

It's the kind of heart-to-heart friend who is better than girlfriends! "

Han Sitong immediately smiled, although Han Sitong could see that Han Xiaochen's expression just now seemed a little unnatural
However, Han Sitong is the kind of character who has always been careless and heartless
Han Xiaochen took a deep breath
"Han Sitong, do you feel like you are doing it now? If so.

Then I have to go, I have very important things to leave now. "

"Han Xiaochen? What's wrong with you? Are you okay?

If you want help, just mention it, I'm fine.

Also, I want to make it clear that I am rather careless.

Sometimes you need help, I may not see it, so I need you to remind me. "

Han Sitong has no bones, and just leans on the boss chair.

It's not enough now, I'm still a little weak, and I still need to recover.

"Okay, then I'm leaving now!
But there is one thing you can rest assured, if you need help, I will directly bring it up.

I remember the promise you made to me. If you don't feel like keeping the promise someday, be careful and I'll beat you up. "

Han Sitong quickly waved his fist at Han Sitong, then quickly opened the door and left here.

He got into his own car again, and returned to his villa at high speed.

Even though Han Xiaochen seemed to be in a hurry now, he still checked the other places again with patience.

Then he entered his own space, and after entering, Han Xiaochen was stimulated by a very strong message, with a splitting headache.

It took a while to digest the information.

My God, the jewelry that Han Sitong gave her has a kind of energy that this space needs.

But now that Han Xiaochen got the news of the space for him, he was so happy that he wanted to jump up and roll.

This space of my own can finally allow me to practice in it.

In the past, it was not possible to practice and heal injuries in this space. To put it bluntly, it lacked the energy contained in the box of jewelry that Han Sitong gave her.

But naturally the box of jewelry that Han Sitong gave him disappeared instantly after entering the space.

There is only such a sandalwood box left for Han Xiaochen

Of course, the most important thing is that the current space has no restrictions on Han Xiaochen's time to travel between the apocalyptic world and this peaceful world.

That is to say, Han Xiaochen went to that peaceful world whenever he wanted to, and he didn't go if he didn't want to.

And of course, if you just want to stay in a peaceful world, there is no problem at all.

And all of this can be done according to Han Sitong's own will.

After Han Sitong was happy, he immediately covered his mouth tightly.

Although she also knew that no matter what he did in his own space, it was impossible for outsiders to know what she did.

But even so, Han Sitong still covered his mouth like this, crying desperately.

Her tears seemed to flow endlessly, falling drop by drop
This time passed an hour, two hours and six hours, after a day and a night.

Han Sitong had just had enough crying, and after crying enough, he laughed like a lunatic again.

This was finally enough laughing, and finally because he was so hungry, he gave his body an alarm.

Only then did Han Xiaochen gobble up the delicious meal made by his delicious mutant beasts and mutant plants in this space.

This food is really sweet and delicious.

Han Xiaochen continued to eat one plate after another, really satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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