Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 608 Cause and Effect

Chapter 608 Cause and Effect
Of course, the most important thing is that the energy contained in this food not only nourishes her body, but also separates out a little bit to nourish her spiritual consciousness.

Now that I can be in the space, I can take care of my body.

So naturally for Han Xiaochen, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

Han Xiaochen also used it to buy those pills for self-cultivation in the cultivation world.

Slowly eat it little by little, and then start to work.

Only then did Han Xiaochen feel that the change in this space was bigger than he imagined.

Now that I am practicing in this space, the effect is even better than that outside.

But when Han Xiaochen suddenly thought of Han Sitong, his mood became extremely complicated again.

Does Han Sitong know how important what she gave him is to him.

Then if these Han Sitongs were used by herself, would they have the same effect?

And Han Xiaochen didn't know if this question was really useful?
And there is no such thing as if it was already used by oneself or Han Sitong gave it to him in the first place.

But suddenly Han Xiaochen seemed to understand something.

Maybe there is a definite number in the dark?Maybe his chance should be obtained from Han Sitong.

And Han Sitong also got that extremely precious opportunity from himself.

This ability and how precious it is, even if you ignore these high-level ability users, it is not so easy to get.

What's more, that power box actually gave Han Sitong two powers.

The healing system and the water system, with these two abilities, Han Sitong's physical condition will get better and better in the future.

This will happen even if you don't practice, not to mention that even if Han Sitong doesn't take care of himself, he will definitely be 30 years younger than his peers.

As far as this is concerned for girls in an ordinary peaceful world.

Isn't this a great opportunity?

How many women are there, how many big stars are desperately spending a lot of money to maintain their bodies and faces.

But what was the result?How many women in their 50s and [-]s keep their faces extremely stiff.

And because of weight loss or various reasons, my body collapsed even after spending a lot of money.

And didn't he bring all of this to Han Sitong?

Thinking of this, Han Xiaochen suddenly became enlightened. To put it bluntly, he and Han Sitong should have achieved each other.

She gave herself a great opportunity, and what she gave her was also a great opportunity for her.


"Han Xiaochen, what are you doing, girl? Suddenly, I feel that the energy here has suddenly decreased?

It was actually sucked away by your space, interesting! "

Han Xiaochen was still recovering in his own space, but Yehan came over in a flash.

Han Xiaochen curled his lips and went out from his own space.


Han Xiaochen is not bad?
You can find this amazing opportunity even if you sleep late in your own space, this seat also convinces you.

Those who said in the past, which one will have a chance against the sky, are the daughters and sons of Dao that day.

This seat still sneered, but it was only after seeing you that I was completely convinced.

What kind of opportunity did you get again, not only made your injured mental power completely healed, but even better than before.

Not to mention that your cultivation base is more solid than before. "

Ye Han, an old monster that only existed for thousands of years, was amazed at Han Xiaochen.

"Hey, Yehan, if I said that I just accidentally took out some very precious jewelry that my former friends gave me, when I dug them out for inspection.

Some energy exploded there unexpectedly and was absorbed by my space, believe it or not. "

Although this sentence has been changed a bit, in fact it is more or less what it means.

Han Xiaochen didn't even think about the box of jewelry that Han Sitong gave him.

To be able to upgrade my own space, my own luck is indeed like the feeling of spending two yuan to buy a lottery ticket, and then winning a prize of several hundred million.

Ye Han raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you believe me?"

Yes, why doesn't Yehan believe it?
Ye Han could sense the truth of what Han Xiaochen said
"Han Xiaochen, if possible, be nice to the girl who gave you the chance!

The karma you owe to others is too great

"Ye Han, why would you say such things? Don't you believe in cause and effect like you?" Han Xiaochen looked at Ye Han with a little surprise
Ye Han pulled the corners of his mouth slightly stiffly, Han Xiaochen really dared to say anything, this stinky girl

"Han Xiaochen, why don't you believe in cause and effect?
Han Xiaochen tells you that I not only believe in cause and effect, but also always...

Forget it, I won't talk about it.

Han Xiaochen Whether you are human beings or us, you may encounter our nobles and also encounter the kind that will make us irreparable.

For noble people, we must know how to be grateful and know how to repay, because only in this way will your luck get better and better.

As for those existences that make you irretrievable, Han Xiaochen doesn't care whether they are people or what, and even said that no matter what that person is from the past, who is yours.

Then you have to cut through the mess quickly to solve this matter.

When people should be cruel, they must be cruel. If you want to be unstoppable, then.

Not only will your good luck be gone, but your life will also be ruined by those.

do you understand what i meanWhat I mean is that the person who will destroy you is likely to be your blood relative.

Don't keep hating Mo Yan, I'm sure, if Mo Yan didn't spend a lot of money to get you away, he would have given you that kind of compensation.

No matter what, you will not be what you are today, and you may even be tortured to death by your biological parents.

I'm not talking about murder, but torture. It's easy for a person to die, but it takes a long time to be tortured to death.

He will make your life worse than death, and finally drain your last drop of blood. "

When Ye Han said this, he fell into deep thought slowly.

Han Xiaochen blinked, wondering what Ye Han was thinking at this moment?
Although the body is a zombie, it definitely has a human mind.

And it was an absolutely powerful existence, Han Xiaochen didn't dare, nor did he have the ability to guess what Yehan was thinking?
Sometimes Han Xiaochen felt that this was unfair.

But what about unfairness?People have existed for thousands of years, and even if there is no major accident, they will always exist.

And what about myself?My life is limited, and I don't even know that I will leave this world in that second.

There is no way, even if I have supernatural powers, I am just an ordinary human being.

It's different from a unique existence like Ye Han.

Even if I am among the human beings, I can be regarded as a very, very good group of people.

Suddenly Han Xiaochen thought of Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye should be somewhat similar to Ye Han.

Of course, there is also the fox Bai Zichen who can already cultivate a human form
They don't know that they have existed for thousands of years, even after suffering that kind of great tribulation.

You can also keep your own soul from being destroyed, and then find a way to seize it or how to restore it.

"Ha, Han Xiaochen, don't think too much, we have nothing to envy you.

The hardships and pain we went through at that time are beyond your imagination.

But those things, I can't say it with you little girl. "

Yehan could see through what Han Xiaochen was thinking at a glance?
(End of this chapter)

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