Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 615 If You Can’t Use It For Me, Get Rid Of It

Chapter 615 If You Can’t Use It For Me, Get Rid Of It

Han Xiaochen cautiously approached the snake monster and observed it with great interest.

And of course, before that, Han Xiaochen had already used the most advanced cassock on himself
He was also prepared that if he encountered danger, he would immediately drag the snake monster into his own space.

The 500-year-old snake demon, the demon pill on his body should be good, if it really shows its original shape.

What a big snake that must be!
If this is eaten, it should make this cultivation base rise slowly, right?
Let's see if this snake demon can be used for himself, if he can be used for himself.

So why not help him yourself, but I'm sorry if it doesn't work.

If you can't use it for me, I can only eat you up.

Han Xiaochen felt that after the end of the world, his heart became more and more cruel and inhumane.

That is, being around my group of good friends and Han Sitong and the others, I feel that I am still a human being, and I still have a kind side.

"Hey, are you still alive? If not, I'll drink your stew!"

Han Xiaochen took out the low-level wood spirit sword bought in the cultivation world from his own space.

Use the undrawn arrow to poke the snake spirit.

But the snake spirit didn't respond at all, and his whole body was stiff.

Han Xiaochen went out several times by himself, knowing that the snake spirit hadn't pretended to be dead anymore, so he decided to investigate further.

But something is wrong, it is impossible to freeze in this weather, especially this is a 500-year-old snake spirit.

I even feel that this is just a 500-year-old snake spirit that was frozen like this, and it didn't show its original shape. It seems that it is also blessed by heaven.

"Hey, that's not right, just take a closer look at the body of this snake spirit, how can there be frost.

It's like the feeling that you put the bottle of mineral water in the refrigerator and freeze it. Although you wiped the outside, you just took it out? "

Han Xiaochen tilted his head and observed carefully.

She kind of wanted to save this snake essence that was frozen like this and still had a living body.

It was said that suddenly, Han Xiaochen thought of the story of Mr. Dong Guo again.

There is also the story of the farmer and the snake, these little stories that have been passed down through the ages and everyone knows.

In fact, what is concentrated is the wisdom of the ancients, so I have to take it to heart!
But even with this thought in his heart, Han Xiaochen still observed the snake spirit carefully, and then slowly pulled it with his own.

If this is an ordinary mortal, he should be ripped off by himself.

Tsk tsk, it is a snake spirit after all, its physical body is extremely powerful!
After careful observation, Han Xiaochen really found something different, that is, there was a thin red string on the snake spirit's wrist.

And there are many treasures of this kind in this red rope, it's amazing.

Han Xiaochen tried to pull it out, only to find out that it was because the snake spirit was frozen too stiff.


Of course, it is also possible that the reason why his physical body is too strong is that he didn't get this thing off.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is actually not easy to use this.

Because after all, this red rope is a relatively advanced storage product.

If he killed the snake spirit in time, he might not be able to make it.

After all, many of them are soul-bound, and whether this red rope is soul-bound or not, I still can't see through it.

Han Xiaochen frowned: "Forget it, let's see if you know people!
As for you, I believe that even if you are frozen, there should be a god 10 who should know what I am doing.

Tell you, anyway, you are going back with me, and I have a way to save you. "

Han Xiaochen talked to Xufu himself, wondering if this snake spirit really heard and understood.

He took out a master-servant contract charm bought in the cultivation world from his own space.

Han Xiaochen first got a drop of blood from his own finger, and then used a trick to draw a piece of tissue from the little boy's finger.

After all, there was blood even after being frozen, and then he muttered words in his mouth.

After a while, the charm shone golden, covering the two of them.

Han Xiaochen's eyes lit up.

It turned out that the contract was successful so easily. Isn't it that these monsters shouldn't say that these goblins are very arrogant?
"Master, help me, master, I'm very powerful." The snake spirit could indeed hear the words, but the voice it communicated to Han Xiaochen was weak.

Han Xiaochen hooked the corners of his lips, waved his hand lightly, and entered the snake spirit he had contracted into his own space.

Yes, my space has been upgraded, as long as I want to, and if I am a servant in the true sense of myself, I have to make a contract with this kind of master-servant contract.

Then when you enter your own space, your vitality will not be taken away completely.

"You're lucky to meet me!"

This snake demon, Bao Junhao, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said without tears, "Master, my name is Bao Junhao. When I recover, you can let me do anything."

Although Bao Junhao is a snake spirit, he is not stupid.

If his mortal ending is broken by this woman, what if he recognizes her as the master?
There must be hope in this life, isn't it?
If he is really dead, then he will have nothing.

But the space in my master's body is so strange that I can't see what's going on.

Of course, the real reason for this is that Han Xiaochen doesn't want him to know what functions are in this space, what's going on?

So Han Xiaochen could only confine it in a small partition in this space.

Moreover, Bao Junhao could only stay in this partition, unable to sense the outside world at all.

But even so, Bao Junhao felt that his body was slowly getting warmer.

Especially after the master stuffed a pill into his mouth with that thought.

This master is really powerful enough, there are good things in the realm of cultivation even in this kind of breaking the realm.

This fruit should be called Lie Yang Guo, right?It is the cold poison that I have encountered in my body that is specially treated.

"Bao Junhao, why did you become like this?
You have 500 years of Taoism anyway! "

After Han Xiaochen teleported back to his room in the hotel, he still didn't forget to ask Bao Junhao what happened?

"Master, I don't know either, I've been in seclusion for 200 years, I just got out, and I just wanted to go out for a stroll.

It didn't take long, and I was trapped by a formation that you humans think is minus 100 degrees.

And of course my skills are not low, I tried my best to tear a hole in that formation and run away

But even if this is the case, my whole body will be frozen, and even this practice has been lost for 50 years! "

Bao Junhao sighed, of course, what is more unfortunate is that he has been free for hundreds of years

When he came out, he was recognized as the master by this hateful human being, and he still had to bear it.

"Master, although you humans think that I have hundreds of years of Dao, it is considered powerful.

But compared to those big monsters with thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

Just like me, the little shrimps are like ants, they usually die within a year. "

Bao Junhao's fan-like eyelashes trembled slightly
Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would have completely explained my hundreds of years of practice.

(End of this chapter)

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