Chapter 616
"Do you always say that there is far from here? Then why did you come here?"

Han Xiaochen frowned, wouldn't Mo Yan and those people be trapped there too?
"It's not far from here, master, but there is an enchantment there, you can't get through."

Bao Junhao stretched comfortably, and unexpectedly fell asleep in that relatively warm small space.

that's true!Bao Junhao was frozen like that after receiving so much damage.

This is in a warm environment, isn't it necessary to heal well?
Han Xiaochen rolled his eyes, hey, don't even think about it, what else can he ask.

But it feels good to accept a snake demon that has been around for hundreds of years as a thug for yourself!
Speaking of which, my luck is really good enough.

Seeing Han Xiaochen's satisfied look, Ye Han couldn't help but smile.

If he didn't release the water himself, how could that snake demon with only a few hundred years of practice be able to escape?
But this snake demon, even if he gave Han Xiaochen a gift.

After all, although Han Xiaochen has a lot of attack methods, overall his own strength is too weak.

It's even worse than those two men who came to their own territory to provoke!
As long as I have a good eye, how can the woman I value be so weak?

It's okay for a woman to be weak. If a woman is weak, she will be suppressed by men in all aspects.

Isn't there even a lot of women who are kept in captivity by certain men just because they are weak?

"Yehan, Yehan, are you there?"

Han Xiaochen was a little anxious, so he hurried to contact Yehan
Ye Han raised his eyebrows and did not speak.

Remember yourself at this time?
But she thought of herself?Are you sure you will agree?
As for those two men, and the group of subordinates they brought, there is no way for them not to let them figure it out after suffering enough.


Hehe, Mo Yan is a bit of a man, he can actually take out that kind of tent.

And his breath is also very strange, so it seems that Mo Yan has a lot of secrets in this man!

But even if you have a powerful secret to come to this seat, you are only worthy of being a little mouse to be played with by this seat at will.

Han Xiaochen contacted Ye Han many times but couldn't get in touch with Ye Han, so he could only sigh faintly.

I don't know what happened to Mo Yan and his team?Was it really donated in that cold formation?
Han Xiaochen contacted Zhao Ye and Mo Yan several times again
okay?These two men really didn't reply to their messages at all, so it seems that they are really in trouble?

Han Xiaochen scratched his head irritably, what should he do?


"Han Xiaochen? Are you losing your temper? This imperial capital is very evil, you can come back as soon as possible?"

Han Xiaochen was worried when he received a message from Xiao Ye.

Han Xiaochen's eyes lit up and he quickly called Xiao Ye.

"Xiao Ye, I didn't lose my temper, did I?
Also, just before this, Zhao Ye and Mo Yan contacted me and said they would come to pick me up.

It seems that they are very close to me, but after so long, these people have never come here. "

Xiao Ye was silent for 5 seconds.

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be?

Doesn't it feel like some big guy has appeared here in the imperial capital? "

"That's right, I don't know why, but I also picked up such a mutated snake that was extremely frozen.

Don't you think it's weird?In this weather, how could it be possible to freeze the tongue so stiffly, just like a wooden stick.

Do you think it is possible for Zhao Ye and his team? ? "

Han Xiaochen carefully probed and considered.

"Also, Xiao Ye,"

Xiao Ye frowned tightly, feeling that something was wrong here.

"Xiao Ye, what's the matter with you? Why this expression?"

Li Na just came out of the bedroom and saw Xiao Ye frowning.

This looks so strange!For Xiao Ye, he is like a god in battle. What can be difficult for Xiao Ye?
Xiao Ye tapped his forehead with his bent index finger

"Li Na, something terrible must have happened to Han Xiaochen.

Han Xiaochen said that he couldn't get in touch with Mo Yan and his team, and that he had already contacted them before, so he went to pick her up right away. "

Han Xiaochen sighed on the phone, is he a loser?

Why do I always get into trouble with others?

"Han Xiaochen, wait a minute, I'll contact you first."

As Xiao Ye said this, he also turned on the system to contact Zhao Ye and his team.

Of course, the system she used was much higher than the one used by Han Xiaochen.

This is unique to the leader of the base, and it was developed at a considerable cost.

But okay?

Xiao Ye has been in contact for a long time, but she can't get in touch with anyone she wants to get in touch with.

Xiao Ye shook his head helplessly, so he could only close his eyes, and slowly use his mental power to perceive where Zhao Ye and his team are?
But it just so happened that the tricks of Bailing Bailing didn't work at all.

"It's bad, I also feel that something is wrong with me.

Han Xiaochen, if your place is still safe, don't act rashly, and don't run around.

If it doesn’t work, you can hide in your space. I know that the supplies you hide in your space are almost enough to feed you for decades. "

Xiao Ye's frown became even tighter.

Li Na sighed and contacted the mutated animals she could control.

Then let those who can fly go to the imperial capital to see what is going on.

Now that the base's radar doesn't work, it seems that this matter is really a big deal?
"Well, that's the only way to go." Han Xiaochen sighed, feeling annoyed for the first time that his strength was so weak.

If I really leave the man and leave my own space, I am nothing.

Mo Yan and his group actually came to pick him up, and even said they came to him because they were worried about something happening to him.

But I have implicated them, and now I don't know whether I will die or not.

And from Xiao Ye and Bao Junhao's point of view, that formation is not something that can be broken like his own.

Even as far as where that place is, no one can say for sure.

So what should we do?Han Xiaochen was walking up and down this room in a hurry.

I was very anxious, but I couldn't find any way.

It's really frustrating.


"Xiao Ye, is something wrong with my husband? My husband won't stop contacting me for so long."

Sitting in the mercenary group, Han Zhennuo suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Then I contacted my husband, but I couldn't get in touch.

Later, I desperately tried to contact Mo Yan and those people, but I couldn't get in touch with any of them, so I was in a hurry.

Then hurriedly came to find Xiao Ye

"Han Zhennuo, don't be in a hurry and sit down first.

That's true, we can't sense where your husband and his team have gone.

It stands to reason that they just went to the previous place, so they shouldn't be able to sense it.

But don't worry, we sent the newest reconnaissance plane to search them again. "

Li Na quickly stood up and comforted Han Xinuo
Han Qinuo breathed a sigh of relief, but still felt that something was wrong.

"How about, let's go to the Imperial Capital to have a look, isn't Han Xiaochen also at the Imperial Capital base?"

It was only when Han Xinuo said this that he remembered that he could still contact Han Xiaochen.
But I was too anxious just now, I forgot my friends and only thought about my husband.

(End of this chapter)

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