Chapter 619
Han Chunnuo and Xiao Ye fought desperately to beat those zombies here in the imperial capital, and then turned around several times inside and out.

Even almost turned those alleys around.

However, this large number of zombies and mutated animals and plants were eliminated.

This is in addition to getting a large number of crystal nuclei, and those mutated animals and plants that can be eaten into the space.

Really, there was no trace of Zhao Ye and his team at all.

I didn't even feel it, where is that formation?
"Han Xinnuo, your attack method is not bad, is it?

It turns out that the water system can still be used like this? "Xiao Ye went around like this for a few times, but he got some different answers in his heart.

"Xiao Ye, you still have time to praise me.

What kind of ability do I have, this space can only be improved after a few times.

If it weren't for you to help me imprison these things, and then I can pump the water from them with water memory.

How could it be so easy to wipe them out. "

Han Xinnuo was worried about himself, but her husband was too worried. Of course, what he said was very offensive.

"Han Junnuo, in fact, I have a little bit of an answer in my heart.

Then let's go to Han Xiaochen first, the snake that Han Xiaochen picked up here may give us some inspiration. "


Han Xinuo nodded and then walked towards the hotel where Han Xiaochen was.

Of course, the way to the past was not that simple, and it was attacked by some mutated animals and plants, as well as those zombies and zombie animals.

Han Qinnuo blinked and always felt that something was wrong, and always felt that these things were too easy to deal with.

This big guy in the true sense has never come out.

But this also made the two of them relatively smooth, after making a small fortune.

This came to the hotel where Han Xiaochen was.

"Xiao Ye, this hotel is too weird, why is it so clean!
It seems that everything has been cleaned, and the dirty and bloody places have also been thrown out. "

As soon as Han Xinuo arrived at this hotel, he was in a daze.

Of course, in fact, when you go to other places to make stones, you can also feel this kind of weird and creepy feeling.

There are many places in this imperial capital base that have been cleaned too cleanly.

There would be no rampant zombies and mutated animals and plants outside.

It feels like this place has become a new base suitable for human habitation.


Someone's bad taste is really..."

Xiao Ye clicked his tongue and came to the room where Han Xiaochen was.

Sure enough, Han Xiaochen was not here.

And there was a note on the table, saying that she had entered the space.

Only then did Han Xinuo take out his mobile phone from his own space to take a look.

And the phone also received the same message.

"Okay, Han Xinuo, let's rest here for a while, shall we?

Han Xiaochen must have thought that we might come to him, so he withdrew the formation here.

You see, there are still traces of the previous formation here! "

Xiao Ye pointed to the dust inside and outside the room and looked at different places and said.

"Hmm! By the way, I'm tired too."

Han Qinuo was lying on the big bed sprawled all over.

Although I am worried that my husband is not enough to worry about, this person also needs a necessary rest.

Even if the supernatural beings are always spinning, they still attack with high intensity.

No one can stand it for a long time!

Xiao Ye smiled helplessly, and first arranged the formation in this room.

And then sat down cross-legged for so long.

She also needs to recover her energy, but this time she is playing as a striker, so she still has to work part-time as bodyguard Han Xinnuo.

It's really exhausting!

Han Xiaochen had just finished packing these and wanted to go home immediately.

He received a message from Han Sitong.

"Han Xiaochen, the materials you think of are in Chachacha's warehouse.

that password?It's your birthday, remember, this password can't be bad at all.

Otherwise, the door will explode. Of course, there is no monitoring device there, so you can go and get it. "

Han Xiaochen took a deep breath, "Thank you, you have made up your mind.

But I'm busy now, so I don't have time to catch up with you. "

Han Xiaochen drove the car at a high speed and entered the password made on his birthday.

It was only then that I realized that the materials here, whether in terms of grade or quantity, have risen several times compared to before.

Han Xiaochen's eyes turned red when he saw these things. The things Han Sitong collected for him are all things he can use.

There are even some good weapons in there, and some things that are particularly effective against the cold.

It seems that Han Sitong must have asked his husband to use some kind of channel.

It's just that I didn't expect Han Sitong's reaction to be faster than Mo Qingye's.

Prepared for himself, these are really the necessities of this person in the end of the world.

Although Han Xiaochen turned his mind around, he also collected everything here.

"Han Xiaochen, you can also add a password here, of course if I send it again.

I have to contact you in advance. "

Han Xiaochen twitched the corner of his lips helplessly.

"I'd better go back? I won't change the password either, I trust you.

Also, thank you!

But I'm very busy, so don't reply to my message, and I may not be free to reply to you if you reply. "

Han Xiaochen said these somewhat convoluted words, and then hurriedly drove the car to his small villa.

Although already anxious at this time, Han Xiaochen still checked everything inside and out patiently, and even set up a secret formation in his room.

Only then can I enter my own space, okay?Discover it as soon as you enter the space.

Xiao Ye and Han Qinnuo seemed to be asleep in the room they came in.

But, Xiao Ye is worthy of being the deputy leader of the base, and he is still here and put on a formation that he can't solve.

Alas, and the food placed here makes my mouth water when I look at it.

Han Xiaochen returned to these two people in a flash.

But okay, one is still falling asleep because of being too tired.

Xiao Ye was still at the latest stage of that shock, although he could already feel her coming.

It's just that the eyelids moved a little, and they continued to hit the new realm.

Han Xiaochen covered his mouth in surprise, not to keep himself from making a sound.

Xiao Ye is good enough, he thinks he is good enough when he reaches level 25.

But now I know that Xiao Ye was hiding his behavior before.

Just level 49, how is this?How does one exist?

It's just that why does such a powerful person bother Li Na?
Although that Mo Shen is powerful, no matter what, it is impossible to surpass Xiao Ye at this level!

And then a strong energy entered Xiao Ye's body.

Han Xinnuo, a fool, hasn't woken up yet.

Han Xiaochen looked at her like a black line.

So this is the legendary fool, is there any foolish blessing?

"Han Xiaochen, Li Na saved my life, and even after saving me, she paid a great price to restore my health.

And all of this is almost what Li Na willingly paid for me, without asking me for anything.

Their husband and wife have a life-threatening relationship with me!

So I swore at that time that even if I tried my best, I would protect their husband and wife in this life to be safe and happy.

But of course, you can tell that Li Na has a good chance, and Mo Shen not only has super leadership ability.

Even this has always been our reputable strongman in terms of cultivation and all aspects. "

(End of this chapter)

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