Chapter 620

"However, there are very few people in this world who are so grateful to you.

That Mo Shen is indeed very powerful, but well, if you want to compare with you, I feel that he is still far behind! "

Han Xiaochen sighed slightly, this is more than the charm of personality than the halo of the heroine.

No one can compare to Li Na, right?
Now that I think about it, I feel a little jealous of Li Na!

"Han Xiaochen, you are finally back. Do you know that I have been waiting for you for a long time?"

Han Zhennuo opened his sleepy eyes, which were still a little confused.

Obviously someone has just woken up, and he still can't distinguish between reality and dreams.

"Hey Han Xinnuo, haven't I been too tired recently? Too worried? I fell asleep when I entered the space."

Han Xiaochen gave a reason.

Han Xinuo believed it without any doubt.

"Yeah, I've been too tired recently, and my heart is under too much pressure. I'm really worried about my husband!"

"By the way, Han Xiaochen, now is not the time for us to reminisce about the past.

Didn't you say you got a snake?You let the snake come over.

It seems that we can only find a breakthrough from this snake. "

"Yes," Han Xiaochen nodded, and waved his hands without any hesitation.

Bao Junhao appeared in front of them with a dazed expression.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, Han Xiaochen, has your space mutated? Can you actually take this creature in?

God, is this a snake spirit?How can the snake spirit look so good-looking and cute! "

Han Xinuo's eyes immediately looked at Bao Junhao excitedly.

Don't be too curious about this goblin, okay?

Han Xiaochen rolled his eyes, "Han Xinnuo, can you do this kind of thing?

Someday you will be able to see it, and use a master-servant contract talisman to sign the contract.

It should be able to go in with your space. If you and your husband are really close, you can also give your husband one.

Then your husband can follow you into your space. "

"Well, I wouldn't do that!
Help me, I would rather give my space to my husband than I would do this kind of thing.

How can my husband be my slave?Or the kind without thinking?
Of course, I have nothing to do now, I can just give my space to my husband. "

Han Xiaochen couldn't help but rolled his eyes again.

"Han Xinnuo, fortunately, this space is random, and not everyone can have it.

It is even said that if the power and the power of the space power user are taken away, even if they are eaten, the space power may not be awakened.

Otherwise, you fool might have lost your head long ago! "

Han Xiaochen couldn't help sighing, Han Xinnuo is a silly girl who has never been beaten by society or cheated by a scumbag.

Naturally, I don't know how much men in this world are, how much insidiousness and cunning are actually hidden in those sweet words.

Not to mention that there are almost no men in this world who are not ruthless, after this woman died of her husband.

Those who are infatuated with their husbands may guard their husbands like jade for the rest of their lives.

As for this man, no matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, as long as his wife dies, he will quickly marry another wife and return home.

Alas, why are women so emotional and stupid?
"Okay, you two women, don't worry about the spring and autumn here, to that snake spirit.

Tell me, what's going on, and try to see if you can find that place. "

"Um, I have a name, my name is Bao Junhao, but the master can choose it.

As for that place, if you want to go, I will give it a try and help you find it?

But with the fragile bodies of you human beings, I think it's better not to..."

"Bao Junhao, since this is the case, you can go with everyone, and I will go too.

Don't worry, I can swear that I will do my best to save your life.

Even when it comes to that, you don’t need to contribute, I’ll just send you into the space.

And of course, don't worry, I cherish my life very much, and I won't ruin my little life. "

Han Xiaochen took a look at the master-servant contract. It was good, but it was really unfair to that servant.

Bao Junhao's small face was wrinkled.

Still reluctantly nodded.

There is no way to do this, the master-servant contract must have no way to disobey the master's order.

"But everyone, we'd better go there at 12:[-] noon?
Because at that time is the time when the yang energy is at its peak, it seems to have a little influence on the formation.

Then it was easier to find it, but with my skills, I have no resistance to it.

Have you thought about it? "

"Don't worry, since Bao Junhao dared to go, we have something to rely on after all."

Xiao Ye nodded lightly, it was already afternoon.

So it seems that this operation will have to be carried out tomorrow anyway.

"Han Xiaochen, we're all hungry, get something to eat!

It feels like your space is amazing. Did you bring a lot of cooking chores into it?

Sometimes I really envy the two of you, the space you have, you can go in and survive in it. "

As Xiao Ye said this, he threw out several mutant beasts.

Han Xiaochen raised his eyebrows, waved his hand and took these in.

Then he waved his hand again and brought them some food and drink.

"I can't make it now, this is my previous stock.

Let's eat, you two? "

"Hey, Han Xiaochen, do you have any more? I want to save them for eating."

Han Xinuo made a cheap request.

Han Xiaochen gave Han Zhennuo a hard look, but still waved his hand, and took out the double-cooked meat made of mutant goat and mutant tiger that the supernatural person could eat for 10 days.

"Hey, thank you Han Xiaochen!

If this thing is given to you, it will be your processing money. "

Han Zhennuo waved his hand and pulled out the corpse of an ice-type mutant wolf.

Han Xiaochen curled his lips and gave you your own space.

"Han Xinnuo, do we still need such hypocrisy in our relationship?

Just say what you want in the future?
But this ice-type mutant wolf is not bad, do you still have it?
If you have anything, give it to me, I can make it into delicious food, and then...


You know, we can share the food. "

"Yeah, Han Xiaochen, what you said makes sense."

Han Zhennuo raised his eyebrows, and brought the food he bought here in the imperial capital again.

A swarm of bees took them out.

Han Xiaochen's face darkened suddenly, but he still searched desperately in his own space.

Xiao Ye looked at the two porters with a half-smile.

After all, he is young and knows how to play, but he seems to be old, and he has long since lost their desire to play around.

Obviously there is still a tough battle to be fought tomorrow, and the man they care about very much is still in danger.

"Han Chunnuo, enough is enough, I don't want it anymore, I think you want to exhaust me to death."

Han Xiaochen had collected enough, but someone still kept taking it out.

"Han Xiaochen, this gentleman can't be followed by a word, you can slowly finish these things.

I have also tried my own cooking skills before, but it is a pity that I made those, let alone my husband.

Even I myself don't like to eat it! "

Han Xiaochen rolled his eyes and sighed exaggeratedly, but still put these into his own space
Forget it, anyway, my space kitchen is automatic, which consumes very little energy.

It is even said that because of the long-term preparation of these meals, there seems to be some unexplainable benefits.

: "Han Xinnuo, you caught me as a free laborer, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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