Chapter 621
"Hey, how could Han Xiaochen be a free laborer?

We are willing to pay the reward, and you can offer this reward as you like.

Anyway, after these delicacies are ready, you can give us as much as you want.

Of course, even if you don't give it, I can't do anything to you? "

Holding the chopsticks, Han Junnuo had already devoured these delicacies, and at the same time acted like a rascal.

"Hehe, you two, stop making trouble and eat quickly!
After eating, recharge your batteries, you know? "

Xiao Ye smiled helplessly and picked up his chopsticks to eat the delicacies made by Han Xiaochen.

No, Han Xiaochen was afraid that the two of them would not be able to eat well and rushed into the space, so he contributed some red wine, and some cream cakes that are made in the society today, although they have no energy, they are extremely delicious.

"Han Xiaochen, I love you so much, you know? What I want to eat most now is not the meat of these mutant beasts.

Everything is about those cream cakes from before, you are too good at making this cream cake so well. "

Han Zhennuo cheered, as if he forgot about his husband's situation after eating this delicacy.

"If you like to eat, eat more. I have a few more here. I'll give them to you in a while. You can put them in your space and eat slowly."

Han Xiaochen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Han Xinuo didn't blame himself, as long as Zhao Ye was in danger indirectly because of this.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Ye is still in danger when he comes here, isn't it because he wants to come here to find himself?
But Mo Yan is like this every time, caring for and protecting himself regardless of rewards.

This made my heart really sour.

"Okay, okay! But, hey!"

Han Xinuo blushed, "I feel embarrassed that I always take advantage of you like this, and I don't know what I can give you in return.

How about this, I'll show you when we go back, I found so many good ones here, if you want any one you like, you can take it away. "

How could Han Xinuo not be worried?I even complained to Han Xiaochen in my heart

But now, what's the use of worrying about dying, what's the use of complaining about Han Xiaochen?
Because I was very worried, and I kept complaining about Han Xiaochen, did my husband come out of that inexplicable ghost place?
This can't be, everyone has to find a way to rescue them, doesn't it?

Husband, you were the one who protected me in the past, and you came to rescue me when there was any problem.

So this time I will rescue you, this time I will protect you.

It was only when Han Xiaochen took out the cake from the space that Han Xinuo's eyebrows showed such a trace of worry that could not be detected.

Only then did I realize that my good friend acted like this, just to not make me feel guilty, not to make myself feel burdened.
That's right, Han Qinnuo is willing to put himself in danger for Zhao Ye, so how could he not worry about him?
And it's not that I don't know, but when Han Zhennuo saw Zhao Ye for the first time, he fell in love with Zhao Ye very much!


"Zhao Ye, it's been two days, and we still can't find any way out.

It is difficult to even say that it is necessary to leave this tent. "

Zhao Ye sighed slightly, Mo Yan gave himself a super protective suit before that.

After wearing this, if you go outside, you won't be frozen to death.

But it's not just about not being frozen to death, I have been looking for it outside for a long time, exhausting all kinds of methods.

But they couldn't get out of this cold area, as if it was so cold everywhere in the vast world.

But now, even the two of them can only speak through sound transmission, after all, they are all in the same tent.

If he, the leader, is so self-pitying, those members of the regiment will not be able to bear the loss of their backbone, and there will be chaos.

"Zhao Ye, I also have a headache about this matter, but I want to wait until dawn tomorrow, and then we will look for it.

It's not necessarily impossible to find a breakthrough, is it? "

Yes, it was already dark at this time, and it was getting colder outside.

And, for whatever reason, it's always pitch black with any lighting item you use.

Even the supernatural beings can fully have night vision after passing level 5, and those of them who have reached dozens of levels can go out.

Can't see anything, it's still so dark.

If there is no trick here, how can Mo Yan not believe it?

But I asked them to check this, the person who was going to train them was too high-level.

This practice is so high that Mo Yan, who has always felt that he can rely on his own ability and golden fingers, will be invincible no matter where he goes. For the first time, he feels a deep sense of frustration and deep despair.

Yes, despair, and Mo Yan never thought of himself, unexpectedly being able to lose so embarrassingly inexplicably.

This enemy can trap you here without a single soldier, and then exhaust your life.

This is just too scary, okay?

"Boss Mo, boss, is there really nothing we can do?"

This level 20 lightning-type supernatural user scratched his beard irritably and came to Zhao Ye in front of me.

"What are you talking about? Beard? Aren't you trying to find a way?
If you can comfort us members, this method is more difficult than difficult.

what happened?Are these not enough?Give you some more!
You must take good care of your body. These supplies are not for you to save.

I have a hunch, we won't be long, there will definitely be a big battle. "

When Zhao Ye said these words again, he made another batch of food for these members from his storage ring.

But suddenly, a small part of what he said just now flashed across his mind.

'I have a hunch that we won't be long, and there will definitely be a big battle. '

I don't know what?Zhao Ye felt that whether he was hallucinating or hallucinating, it was fine if he was too much looking forward to the illusion.

I always feel that this kind of idea will come true soon.

But Huzi was slightly stunned, and then burst out laughing.

"With the leader's words, we all feel relieved.

And you all, stop muttering behind your back.

We followed our leader to go out on a mission, which time we were outside.

Not to mention that there is still Chief Mo here with us now, it is our leader Mo and our leader in this extremely cold weather.

He brought us a tent with such a good thermal insulation effect, and gave us such warm meat of mutant beasts, as well as dishes made of these extremely precious mutant plants.

Just this kind of life, don't say we are in a temporary predicament now.

Even the ordinary supernatural beings in those bases will never be able to enjoy it, okay? "

Huzi's words are very powerful, he, a troublesome thorn, has said so.

So these group members became quiet again, and everyone silently received the extra food.

Then they ate silently, as if they had negotiated.

Absolutely can't mutter here anymore, affecting the leader's judgment.

Although it is said that any decision made by the leader before has never made a mistake.

But they were also afraid of what might happen, because everyone survived the mountain of corpses and blood.

It is precisely because of this difficulty that I cherish my own life so much!

(End of this chapter)

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