Chapter 623
Not to mention, even though Han Xiaochen and the others were wearing this protective suit and their sensitivity was high enough.

This body also suffered seven or eight injuries.

During this period, Han Zhennuo was imprisoned in a space and was imprisoned here again.

Bao Junhao bit his body this time to make it the largest, and swept around desperately with his arrogant tail.

The surroundings seemed to be very quiet, but a place nearly one meter above the ground gradually appeared, and the blood was falling down.

Once the time of this space confinement passed, Han Zhennuo used another one.

But Han Xiaochen and Xiao Ye discovered the difference, and also used their most powerful attack methods to attack what they thought was midair.

Han Xiaochen even used the captured grenades and threw them here desperately.

Immediately they were able to fly together, and the flames soared into the sky.

There was that kind of howling that made people's scalp numb.

What kind of howling sound is this, as if hundreds of millions of babies opened their throats and howled heart-piercingly.

That's just too creepy for Mrs.

Xiao Ye doesn't care about this, and Lei Xi, who uses it the most powerful, will explode here as soon as he can
And Han Xiaochen almost took out all the stocks on his body, and even threw bombs there regardless of his own safety.

However, Han Xinuo could only carefully hide behind the two of them and replenish the blood for the two of them.

It was treating these two people.

After all, these two people bleed too much. Although they have protective clothing, the date stones will occasionally rub their faces and fly out.

Not to mention that even if there is protective clothing, it is quite painful to be hit by a date stone, and it will also suffer internal injuries to varying degrees.

Of course, during this period, Han Yinuo was also beaten several times.

Han Zhennuo just didn't say a word, and only gave himself such treatment when he felt particularly serious.

Fortunately, within a few minutes, the attack of the jujube and fish gradually became smaller.

And there were a lot of snow and rain in the sky.

But the one who attacked them didn't appear, so what was that?
Although Bao Junhao is said to be a snake demon with hundreds of years of Taoism, he has also suffered injuries to varying degrees.

After all, no matter how thick the snake's skin is, it can't be beaten all the time?

However, these blood rains are extremely beneficial to Bao Junhao's recovery.

So, he exhausted his best ability and desperately absorbed the rain of blood.

Han Xiaochen...

Han Xiaochen was stunned at that moment.

"Han Xiaochen, Han Xinnuo, you two go back to your own space and recover first, shall we?

I'm fine outside, you two are weak, if I encounter another attack later, it's okay for me to protect myself, but if I want to protect you two again, I won't be able to. "

When Xiao Ye said this, Han Xiaochen was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

But he still got a pill bottle for each of them, and then got into his own space.

Han Yinuo knew that he was exhausted now, especially the cure rate was almost exhausted.

She just silently nodded to Xiao Ye and entered her own space.

She urgently needs a good rest.

She pulled out the ammunition bottle that Han Xiaochen gave her and smelled it.

His eyes lit up immediately, and he poured out one of the pills inside and put it into his mouth.

Maybe it's because of her healing power that she recovers faster than ordinary supernatural beings.

The degree of absorption of this medicine is also the best.

But even so, Han Yinuo still used two of them, and he recovered almost the same.

As for the rest, Han Yinuo's eyes flashed but it was useless, so he treasured them up.

I don't know where my husband is, maybe my husband has been greatly hurt now.

And with the elixir, plus he and her husband both have healing power.

Then my husband should be completely cured, right?
Han Yinuo now has such a kind of self-confidence that his husband may only be injured a little, but it is absolutely impossible for him to die.

But maybe this heart-to-heart lover will have a telepathic response to each other's life, death and comfort?

But it was true that because of the fatal battle just now, Han Xinuo also fell asleep in the space exhausted after recovering.

Han Xiaochen's situation is not much better than Han Xinnuo's?

This was especially because Han Xiaochen suffered more injuries as the main force.

Just this face was scratched many times by the flying date stone.

While taking the recovery elixir bought in the cultivation world, Han Xiaochen took out the ointment and rubbed it on his face.

Well, just use this ointment to see if the two faces have recovered, and if not, give them some.

Anyway, if you apply this ointment within a week, there will be no scars on this face.

After recovering for a while, I felt that most of my body had recovered.

She drilled out of the space again to look at Xiao Ye and Bao Junhao, who had already recovered and even had a slightly increased skill.
"Um, I'm sending you some of these healing elixir."

Xiao Ye twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Han Xiaochen, go back and rest, get a good sleep.

I see you, it's very exhausting too, but don't worry there are two of us here.

Nothing will happen, not to mention that you are not in the same mind as Bao Junhao?
If something really happens, Bao Junhao will let you know. "

"Yeah, Xiao Ye, be careful, it's a pity I can't pull you in."

"Han Xiaochen, don't be dissatisfied, if you can pull people casually at your place, I'm afraid you'll show off your life, and you don't know how many times you will die.

Why don't you have a long memory?This human heart is even scarier than those zombie kings outside! "

Xiao Ye waved his hand impatiently.

Han Xiaochen stuck out his tongue and got into his space again.

But the moment he entered his own space, Han Xiaochen fell asleep.

She also felt exhausted all over, and she couldn't hold on any longer, okay?
Aren't you worried that the two outside will be arranged badly?
"Bao Junhao, you stay here and guard. I'll rest for a while. When I'm done resting, I'll go and guard you."

Xiao Ye naturally knew that he had to take good care of the human body in this round.

If the human body is abolished in this round, it will not be so easy to win another one.

And even if he lost his body, he still had to take good care of his body, and he had to start training again while taking advantage of this supernatural power.

That is also quite a troublesome thing!

"Okay, Miss Xiao, I'll come here and watch over."

Bao Junhao regained his body in an instant, and was waiting here, watching intently.

Not to mention that Bao Junhao, the super big snake, is here.

Even those high-level zombies who are about to move dare not come over.

There are even those zombies that are not long-sighted and not of a high level. I don't know if they sense danger or what is going on, they all avoid here far away.

And those mutated animals are even more afraid to come over.

After all, we all belong to animals, and Bao Junhao's level is much higher than them.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Bao Junhao, you dead child, you let humans recognize you as the master?"

The voice of Bai Zichen, the thousand-year-old fox demon, resounded,

Bao Junhao respectfully nodded to Bai Zichen and did an ancient salute.

"Hello Mr. Bai"

"Well, this seat counts, you had a catastrophe before, but you can survive it, which is not bad.

It's just that this has become a slave to humans...

Tsk tsk..."

Bai Zichen clicked his tongue a few more times, Ye Dire is resting inside.
Back then, Nightmare could pinch himself to death with one finger, but now, when the situation is correct, it seems to be pretty good.

Bai Zichen licked his bewitching lips, touched his chin, thinking of some bad idea again
(End of this chapter)

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