Chapter 624
"Bai Zichen, I can smell your dirty smell from afar, come in!"

Xiao Ye quietly opened his eyes and said mockingly.

"Hey, Night Dire, let's get along with each other!

We both have the same smell!

It's not surprising that you can smell me, it means that we are destined! "

Bai Zichen entered the room with a glib tongue

"Oh! Bai Zichen, you are successful, you don't show up when you need you.

When we all fucking nearly died, you

You are always out. "

Xiao Ye smiled, but he really didn't give Bai Zichen any good looks.
Bai Zichen didn't mind this either, "Ye Dire, you don't look very good, do you want me to help you recover?"

"Okay, thank you!"

Xiao Ye nodded slightly, agreeing.

Immediately, Bai Zichen began to perform exercises to heal Ye Dire's injuries.

"Night Dire, why did you come back after being reborn?

Is it worth it to toss yourself just for that irrelevant person?
Besides, those human beings have a very short lifespan. Isn't early death and late death all death? "

Although Bai Zichen is a fox demon, to put it bluntly, he really looks down on human life.

Although it is said that human cultivation may be easier for them goblins.

But in fact, there are a few human beings who can cultivate, and their medicine will be fine as long as they can cultivate.It has a lifespan of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands to 10 years.

They naturally look down on this ant-like human being.

After all, for them, a hundred years is like a fleeting moment, passing by in a flash.

"Bai Zichen, you haven't cured your wildness yet, anyway, you are also a thousand-year-old fox demon!

With your xinxing, when will you achieve great success? "

Xiao Ye lazily shrugged his shoulders and said

"Da Cheng?
You, an old goblin of tens of thousands of years, haven't achieved great cultivation, and you almost lost your mind.

For little elves like us, that's the way it is, right?

I can see through it, instead of thinking about those illusory things.

It's better to enjoy life every day when you have life here, and do what you want to do according to your own mind. "


It is better not to touch those things that should not be touched.

It's not a big deal if it's something that's good for the future.

I always feel that although it is far away to achieve great success, if you do something to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, it will always be beneficial to your cultivation intention. "

Bai Zichen's skill is really profound, just the skill of speaking.

Ye Dire, that is, Xiao Ye's body has almost recovered.

And the rest is the need for long-term sleep to replenish your energy.


Han Xiaochen didn't sleep well in the space, even though she knew she had to sleep now to recharge her batteries.

She dreamed that Mo Yan and his group couldn't get out of this place where the temperature was more than 100 degrees below zero?
And time slowly consumes their vitality, and they can't practice there. Although there is food in this space, there will always be a day when it will be eaten up.

As for this person, he gradually became perverted, and after becoming perverted, he did many heinous things.

It was these two men who killed each other.There are so many things together, and there are even a group of people in a group p that does not distinguish between men and women.

There are so many things that have no lower limit. Of course, the most important thing is that this person is getting more and more despondent.

Their vitality is getting weaker and weaker. The most terrifying thing in this world is not to be killed by one blow, but to survive in this desperate environment.

If you want to destroy people, you must first make people crazy, and this group of people is getting more and more crazy.

And Mo Yan didn't know that there was any mysterious thing in his hand, anyway, he brought food continuously.

And this group of people went mad to attack Mo Yan, Mo Yan.This skill is good enough, and I won't be hurt by these people.

But there are enough of these people, and they live in a tent, where can you hide?
But ants often kill elephants, but Mo Yan.Not as decisive as before.

But if he wanted to kill all these people, it would seem that life here would be even more boring in the future.

And that guy Zhao Ye.Also like a crazy headless fly, wearing this specific protective clothing, bumping around outside the tent and looking around.

But no matter what, he couldn't find the exit of the formation, so he turned gray like that.

Yes, my hair turned white, within a very short period of time.

But there should be more than ten years in this short period of time, right?

Han Xiaochen watched them like this from outside, but just couldn't get in.

Han Xinuo tried desperately for many times but couldn't enter that formation.

On the contrary, Han Zhennuo attempted to break through this formation several times, or wanted to penetrate it.

I have exhausted my body, and even the foundation of this supernatural ability has been loosened.

But he and Xiaoye had to resist the fierce attacks of various enemies outside.

Obviously, they all went to the base to ask for help, and Li Na agreed to go here. If there is any danger, he will send troops to rescue everyone.

But who would have thought that when things came to an end, that bastard Mo Shen would come back.

Then Mo Shen just didn't allow sending troops, saying that the three of them would come back if they wanted to.

And in this situation, apart from letting his soldiers die, there will be no other progress.

Although what Mo Shen said had a taste of the truth, it also made himself more and more desperate. What should I do?what to do?
But this dream is still going on, Han Xiaochen can't wake up no matter what he says.

Then I just watched those people inside there, killing each other, and Mo Yan and Zhao Ye finally couldn't control their members.

Just these two, although powerful enough, they suffered more and more injuries.

Han Xinuo cried and fainted several times outside this formation.

He questioned himself one after another, and scolded himself one after another, saying that if he didn't have his own star.

This kind of thing will not happen to her husband and his team members.

Yehan looked at Han Xiaochen in the dream, so restless.

This face can't help but become more and more cold, Han Xiaochen really cares about that damned Mo Yan, right?

So is Mo Yan, a damned man, why doesn't he let Han Xiaochen go again and again!
But this time, Mo Yan, the damned man's trickery is about to work again!
After all, Han Xiaochen will be moved by him again, right?

It is obvious that Mo Yan's behavior is self-assessed and has nothing to do with Han Xiaochen in the first place.

But it happens that there is such a trend of moral kidnapping as these people call it.

What is I for you, how much did I pay?

But in fact the recipient.He didn't ask him to pay either.

But he just paid for you on his own initiative, and then he wants to get something in return from you.

And even pretending to be so hypocritical, I am willing for you.

If you really want to be willing, will it be so?

Everyone is a man, just Mo Yan's routine.Why can't I see clearly?
Isn't this the usual method of the kind of men who are powerless but want to trap women?
I can commit suicide for you, I have jumped off a building for you, I have self-mutilated, so what.

(End of this chapter)

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