Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 625 The Provocative Ghost King

Chapter 625 The Provocative Ghost King
And what is it actually?This is a form of coercion, and it is an extremely selfish expression.

This girl provoked you because you like people who don't accept your pursuit.

You just commit suicide or self-mutilation, and then use this kind of attempt to gain the girl's sympathy, even love.

If you really can't get it, you will be suppressed by all kinds of pressure from the public opinion.

How vicious is this kind of mentality!

But what is the difference between Han Xiaochen's dream and the living reality?
Han Xiaochen obviously didn't do anything, such a group of people were in danger.

And I just thought they were not pleasing to the eye, but I just took pictures of the unlucky things of that group of people on Han Xiaochen.

Yehan had this momentary urge to undo the formation and kick this group of people out.

But after thinking about it again, even if they were released, Mo Yan's goal would have been achieved.

There was no danger, and even because of the special equipment on his body, he didn't even suffer from the cold.

Not to mention any damage, just come out so lightly.

Instead, Han Xiaochen.If you dare not move, you will become a hard-hearted man, and you will become a white-eyed wolf.

How could there be such a reason in this world?
No, no, Mo Yan must be taught a lesson.

As for the innocents in that group, even if they were unlucky, who would it be wrong for them to come out with, and who made them come out with Mo Yan, a bastard man?

I have to let them understand that as long as they are with Mo Yan, a bastard.

Then there will be more unlucky things in the future.

Just like what I said to those people now, I want to set up Mo Yan, a moldy person.

That is, no matter who follows Mo Yan, the person who follows him will be very unlucky anyway.

The ghost king came to Ye Han with a smile that was not a smile.

"Yehan, you fucking want to fight me.

You can play such a boring and childish game with such relish.

Thinking about fighting with someone like you for so long before, this king feels very sick. "

Although the ghost king said that his job title was not very good, he had to dig out his pale face and his identity.

If this is a mortal, he is a handsome and handsome man!

His classical red phoenix eyes are of a terrible standard, really not bad at all.

Coupled with his evil smiling face, the thick eyebrows with two swords made him even more heroic.

But at this time, he gave up even without an eye spoon, that soft smile.

Although it is a half-smile expression, but it can also fascinate people.

Not to mention that no matter where his facial features are, he looks extremely delicate and elegant.

If he were to be released into the mortal world, he would be a noble, refined, and peerlessly beautiful man.

No matter what, it is impossible to connect the two words ghost king with him.

"Ghost King, you don't need to stand and talk anymore so your back hurts.

Who can compare to this? Any woman you like will directly drag her back to your hell.

Tell me, how many concubines do you have now? "

Yehan's face became more and more gloomy.
The ghost king raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised in a half-smile.

"Yehan, if you want to compete with me, you are not qualified.

Why are you jealous?

But so what if you're just jealous?Do you have the skill of this king?

The woman you fancy, if you try to force her to stay by your side, it will cause her to fly out of her wits.

It will also cause him to suffer great pain before he dies.

And as long as the things that this king likes are hooked up, they will be able to eat and drink spicy food with him. "

"Oh, ghost king, you really know how to put gold on your face, you say that your conscience doesn't hurt when you say these words?
Because if you look at me, I will lose my life, and I will accompany you in this hell forever.

Do you think those women's souls will? "

Yehan couldn't help sneering, damn it, just an old monster like the Ghost King who has existed for a long time?

I still have the face to say this to myself, if what I expected is right.

There should be several thousand concubines of the Ghost King alone.

This really answered the sentence, there are three thousand beauties in the harem!

"Yehan, is this because your mind is immature?

What good is it for this person to live in the world, suffering from the cycle of reincarnation.

And to put it bluntly, isn't this person always suffering in this world?Isn't every step forward a disaster?
What's wrong with those women on the Internet who have escaped those catastrophes and can live forever with this king?
What is life and what is death?

In this king's underground castle, they and the king can enjoy all the prosperity, and these are incomparable in the world.

When they are with the king, they don't have to endure the torture of those diseases, and they don't have to endure this poverty or being insulted. How desperate is it? Isn't this good?
Don't you think that the state they are with this king is eternal life? "

"Eternal life? Pooh, ghost king, what do you call eternal life?
Are you trying to keep them from being reincarnated forever? "

Yehan couldn't help but spit on the shameless ghost king.

What the ghost king said is really tm, the wife is shameless.

It hurts people, but still can say such a fresh and refined sentence.

It seems that it is reasonable for him to harm others, and it seems that he has become the Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves all things in the world.

"Yehan, why are you so stubborn, why don't you agree with this king's point of view?
Forget it, I can't communicate with a stubborn person like you who can only serve as a mount for others.

I heard that the Golden Retriever, the mount of Guanyin Bodhisattva, is the closest, and it is possible to go further.

This king looks at you, it has been thousands of years, and your cultivation level has never improved.

Why don't I give you a good luck, so that you can evolve into a golden retriever as soon as possible?

Maybe, you can also achieve a positive result and replace that golden retriever as the mount of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Of course, if you become the mount of other great gods, these are your good fortune! "

"Fuck, ghost king, you bastard, I will never be humiliated by that crotch no matter what.

What does that golden retriever look like?He looks so fucking like a dog and eats people, how can I be so ugly.

If you want this seat to be transformed into a mount for others, let alone Guanyin Bodhisattva, even the Jade Emperor Laozi will not do it. "

Ye Han clearly knew about the ghost king, but he was just making up nonsense.

But he blushes with anger every day and has a thick neck, damn it, the king of ghosts, what he said just now was an insult and a naked insult.

As long as he has a body, he is not as good as the ghost king who just gave up his body.

But so what, ghost king didn't enter hell because of his tragic death.

And the one who slowly cultivated to become a king in the end?

In a sense, what is the difference between the ghost king and himself?Take advantage of being luckier than him.

Even if he becomes the zombie king, at least his physical body is still on him, isn't it?

Although there is no heartbeat, no heat, and blood no longer flows.

But this body of mine is not only indestructible forever, it is even more usable than it was when I was alive.

Jealousy, yes, yes, the King of Ghosts is jealous of me
"Tsk tsk Yehan, look at you, although you haven't existed for a long time, it's been thousands of years anyway.

Why are you becoming more and more childish? "

(End of this chapter)

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