Chapter 626
Yehan "Oh...

I don't want to hear you talk about these things, I am very annoyed now.

how?Want to play a game?

I want to die with you! "

Ye Han gritted his teeth

Ghost king
"Yehan, do you think you can beat this king?
This king is just warning you not to go too far in everything.

As for you, you can toss about in your territory, but you can't make a mess of life.

Although, humans can kill zombies and kill zombies, and it's okay to hurt each other.

After all, this is a jungle society, survival of the fittest.

But you can't destroy this harmony?

That's all I'm saying, just those people, if you want to kill them, you will kill them, but don't let those innocent people freeze to death immediately.

Now this ghost world has taken in too many, such lonely ghosts without owners, and those remnants, this is not going to happen.

Especially those remnant souls, which cannot be reincarnated, which annoys me to death, that's all.

This king warns you, if you dare to act like this again, this king will go and pull the woman you fancy back directly.

It seems that it is possible to be the emperor's 8888 concubines. "

night cold...

"Ghost King, you bastard, let's talk about the future, anyway, this is a matter you can't intervene this time."


When Han Xiaochen came out, he saw Xiao Ye and that Bai Zichen seemed to be guarding.

But his own Bao Junhao was sound asleep.

And because of Bai Zichen.This great god exists, and those mutated animals and plants dare not come to harass him.

Of course, like those zombies and zombie animals, they dare not come over.

Han Xiaochen clicked his tongue twice, if this guy Bai Zichen was placed in the town house at home, the effect would be great.

With him around, no ghosts or goblins can come, right?
Bai Zichen looked at Han Xiaochen, who was so sloppy, he couldn't help but click twice.
Han Xiaochen still doesn't know that Ye Han, an old guy who doesn't know what to think of, is making monsters again, right?

But by the way, Han Xiaochen is a heartless key, otherwise how could she make such a joke
"Han Xiaochen, you are not a decent person, you left my fiancé alone in the map field, and then came out to hunt wild food.

Just because you do this kind of thing, do you know how sad and sad I am? "Bai Zichen was still hypocritical when he spoke, and wiped away the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes.

The image of a poor man who was abandoned by a scum girl
Han Xiaochen...

Pooh, Bai Zichen, how dare you call yourself pitiful.

How dare you say it?

"Bai Zichen, don't you take advantage of it and act like a good boy?

My girlfriend is in danger, you are obviously very capable but you didn't come out to save me.

Not as good as you?

There was an incomprehensible smile on the corner of Bai Zichen's mouth

"Han Xiaochen, what are you pretending to do, you just came to this place where the imperial capital is now.

There might be minor injuries or something, but if it's about losing your life, it shouldn't be possible.

As your fiancé, I should let you exercise well.

It's not that you have been out for several days, don't worry, don't you also find it?

But what are you doing here, you're not meeting some wild man, are you?
Han Xiaochen, you have to remember, now that you have a fiancé, you should pay attention to the way you speak and do things, and don't blurt out, you know what you shouldn't say? "

Bai Zichen put on a face like this elder, which makes people want to catch his face that is more beautiful than a woman

"Bai Zichen, you are a fart fiancé.

I don't dare to have a fiancé like you. If I'm in danger, you just hide. If nothing happens, you just come out

No wonder this person says he is not of my race, so his heart must be different!
snort!Just because of your mentality, I have never had a fiancée like me, so I decided to dissolve this unmarried relationship with you today? "

Han Xiaochen looked at Bai Zichen and wanted to talk, so he said first

"Bai Zichen, don't stare, people say it's about freedom of marriage, freedom of marriage, and freedom of divorce?
What's more, our unmarried relationship is just a word of mouth? "

"I said, can you two stop the meeting? When are you still thinking about bickering?
Han Xiaochen, I feel that you are really a white-eyed wolf to Mo Yan.

You can't make a mistake of being unfaithful a hundred times just because someone made a mistake once, right? "

"Xiao Ye, am I a little excited to see my fiancé finally willing to eat with Shanshan?

right?Bai Zichen?

Also, Bai Zichen, you are so powerful, you must be able to find the entrance to the formation where those people are locked up, right? "

Is it here that Han Xiaochen felt that he was still useful to Bai Zichen, so he immediately became amiable
Bai Zichen pretended to shake his body.

"Don't, don't, Han Xiaochen, don't look at me with such eyes.

Since you said just now that you had terminated the engagement with this work, I also agreed.

Don't you look at this seat like this, and you think this seat is invincible?
What you can't solve, this seat can solve? "

Bai Zichen, a fox demon who has cultivated for thousands of years, obviously doesn't want to go into this muddy water
Damn, I'm a fox demon who has only cultivated for a thousand years, okay?

Is it that stupid?Is there any good end for me to go against Ye Han in a blatant manner?
If you want to fight, I really can't beat Ye Han, a dead zombie!

Han Xiaochen......

"Bai Zichen, why are you like this, are you a little compassionate?

We're all going crazy, and you're just like that. "

"Han Xiaochen, what do you mean by being anxious?
Even if our engagement has just been broken, you can't blatantly care about other men, can you?

Don't tell me, you were with that man when you were my fiancée, did you cuckold me? "

If you want to fight back, who can compare to Bai Zichen, a thousand-year-old fox demon!

"Okay, okay, you two?
Really, one by one is like a child. "

Xiao Ye interrupted the two.

"Bai Zichen, how long do you think we will be able to find this group of missing people?

And this wave of people will not be life-threatening, right? "

When Xiao Ye said this, he stared at Bai Zichen with burning eyes

Bai Zichen slightly raised the corners of his lips to reveal such a charming smile.

"When will you find this place, no one can tell, if that wave of people will die, then who knows?

It depends on whether God wants to accept them, right?
But what do you mean by that?Could it be that you think those people were imprisoned by me?
Do you think I'm so boring?Do you think I'm that proficient in matchmaking? "

Bai Zichen revealed a little bit, but he obviously didn't want to be fooled by Xiao Ye.


Han Xinuo also slept very restlessly this time, always dreaming that her husband would be miserable, so what.

Husband, hubby, I miss you so much, where are you?
"Honey, where are you?
Husband is trapped in a formation. It's a world of ice and snow here. If you don't believe me, take a look. "

At this time, Zhao Ye, who finally couldn't find any way out outside, also closed his eyes.

But at this moment, it was as if he heard his wife calling.


Husband, husband, you must still be alive, right?The two of us can be together forever, right? "

Han Zhennuo cried out in his sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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