Chapter 627
"Don't you cry, baby? Husband is fine, is he living well?"

Zhao Ye also suddenly felt something was wrong, could it be that he was actually dreaming?

"Husband, I know I'm dreaming, but I feel at ease when you say that, and I will try my best to find you no matter what.

Don't worry, if you really have any accidents, I will go down to accompany you.

For me, you are the most important person in this world. If there is no you in this world, then my life would be meaningless. "

Han Zhennuo was still sobbing.

"Husband, do you know? I've been looking for you in the imperial capital for several times, but I haven't found you.

Where are you stuck? "

"Baby, baby? Keep your ears up and listen carefully, don't forget!

My husband was stuck in the department store just past the XC area.

Remember, don't forget, it's the department store in the XC district.

Now your husband, I feel that there is only such a street, and I can walk endlessly when I go out, but in fact, when I come back and look, it is still such a place.

It seems that our group of people is surrounded by something here.

Also, you have to remember, don't come in without complete preparation, even if you use your own innate supernatural powers.

The temperature outside here is more than minus 100 degrees.

If your husband and I were not supernatural beings, if this was not for this super warm and super big tent presented by Mo Yan.

Husband, I have to be frozen into a popsicle long ago. "

Zhao Ye hoped that his wife could listen to it.

When Zhao Ye said these words, who was a little uncertain, could it be that he, who has never dreamed all year round, also started to dream?
But my wife said that she was willing to die for herself, even if she really died unexpectedly, if she wanted to be buried with her.

How can I let myself, who has always been a cold and straightforward person, feel a little moved?
In fact, I can live well without my own little wife.

My little wife is beautiful and kind-hearted, and this luck is also very good.

And not to mention his little wife, who has such powerful abilities now, and also has healing abilities.

It can also use innate magical powers or some kind of substance to enter the space of those awesome people who have planting space.

"Husband, husband, I know, don't worry, after I have enough rest, I don't care if it's a dream or not, I'm going to check it out.

It seems that the place where I sleep is very close to the place you mentioned. "

"Well, baby, when you think of you will be exhausted recently, remember, no matter what happens, you have to recharge your energy, and it's okay to raise your energy to the best.

Husband is waiting for you to save me, you have to protect yourself, don't let yourself get hurt, you know? "

"Yeah, husband, I know, don't worry, husband, you should be fine too."

Han Yinnuo felt that he was simply crazy. Was it because he missed her husband too much and was too worried about her husband? He could have this kind of dream even when he was sleeping.

But really feeling very tired physically, Han Xinuo turned over in the space and went back to sleep.


But Zhao Ye suddenly opened his eyes, he felt that this matter was unusual.

He felt the scene in the dream.It was too realistic, could it be that he was really after encountering such extreme danger.

Did your wife feel it?
I just hope that I will say the words with special moves, if the dream is real, if my wife can really sense it.

Then my wife will look more in this area, maybe it can, maybe it can find a solution.

In other words, my wife can come in here, take myself out first, and then make a long-term plan.

It's just that if this is the case, my wife's ability will be completely exposed here.

That's it.

"Hey, Zhao Ye, you idiot, when did you start thinking like this?

Are you really stupid because you are trapped by the predicament in front of you? "

"Zhao Ye, what's the matter with you? Are you sick? You can't be sick at this time?"

That's how Mo Yan felt about Zhao Ye.Immediately after this exception came over.

Zhao Ye shook his head, looking at Mo Yan with a secretive look.

"Mo Yan, I'm fine, but I just fell asleep and dreamed about my wife.

I dreamed that my wife was holding me, crying and saying that I made her afraid that I was not by her side. "

How can you say something like this?What I want to say is exported.

Mo Yan must think that he is here, talk nonsense, daydream, maybe even think that his spirit has become diseased because of being trapped here, right?
"Zhao Ye, for some reason, I feel that the temperature is even colder.

Why don't I take out some more for us, let the members of the regiment get dressed soon, shall we?
I don't know which great god we have offended, just messing with our team like this. "

Mo Yan sighed, he also dreamed of Han Xiaochen in his dream, and seemed to be desperately looking for him here.

And how could such a thing be possible?
Han Xiaochen.I hate myself so much, even though I have paid so much for him.

But Han Xiaochen.He still broods over the fact that he betrayed him and hurt him back then.

Not to mention coming to such a dangerous environment, trying to rescue himself again and again.

"Mo Yan, thank you, if it weren't for you, my group members would all have to die here.

I feel that I don't need to be the leader anymore, I'll leave this to you.

Anyway, your base is far away from here, isn't it? "

"Oh, Zhao Ye, you have a good idea, you don't want to raise yourself as a member of the troupe, you want me to raise it?

Tell you, don't go out for this kind of thing, there are no windows.

If I want to recruit members, how much can I not accept?

But that's right, I don't want to worry about it anymore here.

And you kid managed your night mercenary group so well, they are all extremely loyal to you.

Is it possible that you want to give such a large group of people to Lao Tzu, and then go to spy for you? "

Mo Yan started joking, but saying such words in such a joking tone also meant that he really had no interest in Zhao Ye's mercenary group.

After all, how could he be the actual leader of the base, how could he be interested in a mercenary group?
Even if this mercenary group is a super mercenary group, that won't work.

"Okay, okay, it's fine if you refuse, but in my eyes, you are always my good buddy, and you are definitely the leader of our mercenary group,
As far as you are the leader, just like me, there is no distinction between positive and negative.

Our mercenary group is considered to have two leaders, so don't stand by and watch what happens to our mercenary group! "

Zhao Ye has made up his mind to rely on Mo Yan.

If you don't talk about anything else, just talk about Mo Yan.I can show you these things for no reason.

Then the position of my iron buddy in my heart will be one step closer.

so that I can fully trust him,

Mo Yan patted Zhao Ye's shoulder heavily.

"Good brother, don't worry, no matter what happens, my buddy can't stand by and watch you.

But you can say these words, this brother is really warm in his heart. "

That's right, Mo Yan actually has very few friends in the true sense, and some of them seem to have a good relationship, but it's just for profit.

(End of this chapter)

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