Chapter 629
Just thinking about it makes me feel very depressed.

That's right, there are hundreds of girls in this family, and what I did at the time set Han Xiaochen free.

Still in that particularly humiliating way, now I want to get my beloved girl back.

The distance between them is not only thousands of mountains and rivers?

"Boss, what should I do if this buddy has diarrhea?"

Zhao Ye couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard what this subordinate said.

Then he took out a chamber pot from his own space and handed it to him.

"For this kind of thing, I have more space for you, so I will throw it out of the tent when it is convenient.

It looks like this thing is frozen, which can be regarded as leaving some special products here. "

When Zhao Ye said this, the surrounding members couldn't help laughing.

"Listen all of you, we're stuck here, and it's only temporary.

And our current life here is not worse than that of the base. What is there to do, it is just a little boring to be confined here.

Whether it is your convenience, what to eat, or the problem of keeping warm, it can be solved for you.

And the only request I have for you is that you don't complain, don't say there is any hopelessness, and you can't think about it.

As far as the end of the world is concerned, are the various dangers we have experienced so far?Don't we win a big victory every time?
And this time, it's the same, there can't be any accidents.

I even thought that a lot of people would freeze to death outside, such as mutated animals and plants.

Now that it was dawn, I went outside to put those frozen things back into the space.

You also know that this is except for those very few people with space abilities.

Whether it is a storage ring or a space power user, the time in this space is still, after putting that thing into the space.

Those things will die naturally, and they can become our natural nutrients for cultivation! "

As soon as Zhao Ye finished speaking, the morale of the team was lifted up.

Mo Yan took a very cryptic but approving glance at Zhao Ye's remarks.

This is what an excellent leader and an excellent helmsman should do.

In the face of this great danger, even if you have many uncertainties in your mind, you may even feel slightly hopeless.

But you can't show it at all in front of your team members.

If you, the leader, show this kind of despair, then your team members will definitely be in a mess.

If the real desperation does not come, you will suffer such irreversible and huge losses in your self-destructive position.

"Don't be messy, and I will distribute some supplies to you, so that everyone can recharge their batteries, you know?
Mo Yan, why don't we do this, even though it's night, it's good for us to be active.

As long as you don't guarantee that I'm frozen, I can pick up those frozen things outside.

You forgot that some things can actually move during the day and can attack us! "

What Zhao Ye said just now was just nonsense, but when he said such nonsense, he was really ready to move.

Mo Yan took a deep look at Zhao Ye, and then took out a very special silver costume from the space.

I put it on for Zhao Ye, and I also put it on myself.

"Zhao Ye, I paid a huge price for this, and this pair is a good item at the bottom of the box.

This is what this brother has done for you, after we break out of this formation.

You have to give..."

"Don't worry, I will definitely return this thing to you. At that time, in addition to giving the brothers what they deserve.

I will give you all my share, and your answer this time, I will definitely remember it forever.

And if you encounter any embarrassing things in the future, even if it costs my life, I will come to help you. "

Although Zhao Ye's words were meant for the group members to hear, they were definitely his sincere words.

Zhao Ye has always been very trustworthy to those people he cares about.

Let alone Mo Yan.Apart from his wife, he is one of the people he cares about the most, even more than his parents.

The members of the regiment watched with excitement as the two leaders went outside in the dark.

Not to mention how touched they were, they were always worried that they were hiding in the tent, what if those mutated animals and plants from outside rushed in and attacked them?
It's like they can only survive in this kind of tent, and they can't turn around, and those mutated animals and plants are extremely powerful.

Although they look quite powerful, they are actually afraid in their hearts.

And now it's all right, these two leaders go out to eliminate all these potential dangers one by one, how can they not be moved by this?
It's really cold outside, and it can invade the bone marrow.

Although Zhao Ye had overdrawn all his points and even owed a large amount of points, the two protective suits he got could guarantee that the two of them could live outside.

But the quality of living is also very low. After all, it is too cold outside, which is so cold that it surpasses the coldest place on this planet.

They are moving slowly now, although the hat on their heads can illuminate the places they can see around them like it is daytime

But it was also very difficult for the two of them to walk, but in this environment, the two of them did not dare to separate.

Now I see it, whether it's mutated animals, plants or zombies.

Just give it to the income space, and of course what Mo Yan collected was sold directly to replace the phone.

Zhao Ye also discovered this

"Dude, I'll give you these when I receive them, I know they'll be of great use to you."

After only saying such a sentence, Zhao Ye felt that his tongue would freeze immediately, and even had a tendency to fall off.

Mo Yan just nodded without saying a word, now is not the time for him to be hypocritical.

Especially it is extremely difficult for the two of them to install these in the space now.

However, the harvest they got was also great, which was quite slick against humans, and even mutated plants that had produced intelligence.

They were also directly included in the space, and this level reached level 9, which is equivalent to the level 30 zombie king of human supernatural beings, and they easily accepted them.

The crystal nucleus of this Zombie King is quite valuable, and it is hard to find a price in the base!

As for the two of them, walking together, no matter what they saw, they tried their best to keep it in the space.

Some even don't care much about their physical condition.

Fortunately, the level of these two abilities is very high, and the spiritual power of the two of them is much higher than the level of those pure psychic ability users.

Otherwise, in such bad weather, even if this body is wearing the most special protective clothing.

Just take it once or twice, and this absolute mental power will completely collapse.

That's because Ye Han made a move here just to restrict them.

But who would have thought that these two people were so desperate, but it was so desperate, let them collect so many high-level zombie kings that even if a large mercenary group is wiped out, they may not be able to catch them
So even if this person goes to the worst environment and situation, he may not be unable to get your chance.

And when the time comes, it depends on whether you dare to think, whether you dare to fight, whether you dare to have this great courage.

(End of this chapter)

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