Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 630 Finally Got In

Chapter 630 Finally Got In

And when Zhao Ye received another milk doll, his eyes flickered.

This milk doll obviously has vital signs, so it seems that this thing should be made of some kind of monster, right?
Mo Yan looked at Zhao Ye a little depressed, so he put the thing away
Zhao Ye suddenly figured it out, he just had a fart of compassion!

Naturally, this kind of thing should be put away. If it is not put away, it will attack myself and these supernatural beings who are somewhat powerless here now.

Doesn't that mean packing one is one?

And then the two found a lot of good things, just this kind of little monster took another one, it was a yellow-skinned boy who looked like a seven or eight-year-old boy.

Not to mention that they still collected it, which is 1 meters wide.

Looking at the mutated king cobra with hundreds of meters.

Just this kind of toxin, as long as it is sprayed out, it can kill a group of people in an instant, and it will be directly corroded.

But now, as long as I take it in, I can kill him.

This boa constrictor is full of treasures.

Only the snake flesh on his body can survive.

And after the snake venom is slowly absorbed by itself, its poison gas ability can be increased by several levels.

Not to mention that this snake gallbladder is a life-saving medicine!
No matter how much damage this person has suffered, what level of poison has been poisoned.

As long as one drop of this snake gall is used, it can completely save a person's life, and it can really be regarded as a living dead human flesh and bones.

And this snake skin is also quite expensive, if you want to use this to make protective clothing.

Then it's really invincible with swords and guns, even if the zombie king attacks you, it is impossible to pass through this protective suit.

Although this protective suit might be worse than the one Mo Yan gave, it wouldn't be much worse.

Of course, it is impossible for the thermal performance to be so good, otherwise, it is impossible for a boa constrictor of this level to be frozen.

Not to mention that these two people desperately collected a lot of big guys.

It was really desperate, and when they couldn't take it in the end, they were so reluctant, almost crawling back.

And those who were almost going back into the tent, the two of them almost fainted in an instant.

"Boss? Boss Mo?" The subordinate quickly carried them to a warmer place and covered them with quilts.

"Go down, we're fine, it's just that we've used too much mental power.

Nowadays, many potential dangers have been eradicated outside, but this does not mean that there are no dangers around us now. "

After Zhao Ye uttered these last words, he passed out with great reassurance.

If my wife really wants to come over, it will be much safer now than before, right?


"Han Xinnuo? You have been here three times, have you noticed any difference?"

Han Xiaochen and the others looked at Han Zhennuo in a dazed manner. After coming out of the space, he seemed to be insane, and walked around the area several times.

"Han Xiaochen? I feel that there is something tricky here, I want to try it?

But can you try it for me?You use your biggest attack method to attack here, try it, you just use your wood ability. "

Han Xinuo looked at Han Xiaochen very calmly.

"Okay, what you say is what you say"

Han Xiaochen immediately released his bloodthirsty vines, desperately attacking the air in front of this relatively safe road.

Damn, it's this kind of thing. If someone else sees it besides my best friends, they will think that they are mentally ill!
But Han Xiaochen discovered something different just by attacking like this.

Really, there seems to be some barrier here, and there seems to be nothing.

"Han Xiaochen, put me down."

Xiao Ye used his innate magical powers to attack here this time.

His innate supernatural power cannot be seen or touched by others, but it will have great destructive power.

Han Zhennuo opened his eyes wide, and just stared at him.

Fortunately, I let these two wear it with me. Is this protective clothing with the best thermal effect?
And finally after Xiaoye's 20th attack, Han Shaonuo felt the fluctuation of space energy here.

"Han Xiaochen, you stay here to look after the house."

Han Xinuo's dodge hooked Xiao Ye into the formation.

"Han Xiaochen, I'm here for your own good, if it's not a last resort, I won't go in.

And although you are considered very good, compared to supper, you are still far behind.

And I won't pull you to die for this kind of thing.

If you are optimistic about it outside, prepare all kinds of materials for all of us.

And outside, you cleaned up all these, of course you can contact Li Na. "

The moment Han Zhennuo entered, Han Xiaochen received the edited text from Han Zhennuo.These words.

Han Xiaochen...

Han Xinnuo, you fucking set it up pretty well.

In fact, Han Xinuo set his mobile phone to send urgent messages before losing all signals.

She had already made up her mind that Han Xiaochen would definitely not be brought with her in this operation.

After all, she thought that if Han Xiaochen was in that kind of cold situation, what about her wood-type abilities?It will be frozen!
"Damn, forget it, you think I love to go in, love you desperately, go in with you and suffer, don't you?"

Han Xiaochen cursed, turned to look like Bao Junhao

"Bao Junhao, let go of your biggest body here.

Go for it and don't let anything move here. "

As soon as Han Xiaochen finished speaking, Bao Junhao's figure changed dramatically.

A giant serpent in the shape of a hill is coiled across this place.

Not to mention that those who couldn't dodge were all crushed to death by Bao Junhao's huge and unusually heavy body. Of course, some were deliberately crushed to death after hitting them.

Han Xiaochen doesn't dislike these things either, and as long as they can be received one by one, they will all be collected in their own space.

Bao Junhao is quite cooperative, as long as Han Xiaochen comes over, his body will still move.

Ever since he ate the delicacies made by Han Xiaochen's space kitchen, he no longer wants to eat raw ones.

Bao Junhao thought in his heart that whoever said snakes like to eat raw, it was nothing but a helpless act.

Now Bao Junhao said that after he tasted those cooked delicacies, who said that snakes like them must eat raw.

It's just that I didn't know before that apart from raw, this cooked food is so delicious.

Han Xiaochen is not stingy either, after collecting these, he put out the two big pots, which are enough for 100 people to eat.

This was placed in front of Bao Junhao, so Bao Junhao was naturally not polite, so he immediately started eating
But Han Xiaochen waved his hand, and got a very nice recliner, and brought some things like melons, fruits and jerky.

He even turned on the radio that he carried with him, just quietly waiting here for Han Yinuo to bring good news to him in a while

Bao Junhao......

My own master really knows how to enjoy it, compared to him, a snake who knows how to play!

But it was just a while before Bao Junhao.After eating all these, he looked at Han Xiaochen eagerly

Han Xiaochen...

Han Xiaochen threw out another large basin.

"Bao Junhao, after this incident is over, you can go hunting with me.

I don’t have that much stock in this space, but I’ll help you catch as many as you want in the future, and I’ll turn them into gourmet food for you, okay? "

(End of this chapter)

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