Chapter 632
"Okay, rest! Have a good rest!" These members are also very sensible.

Just now everyone felt very desperate, even though there is no shortage of any supplies here.

Some even have more meat on their bodies.

And Mo Yan also took out the best pill to restore consciousness from his own space and stuffed it into Han Qinnuo's mouth
"Zhao Ye, don't worry, the medicinal effect of this elixir is very mild, it won't bring any harm to your wife, and it can even make his spiritual power grow very quickly in the future."

Zhao Ye nodded, "Brother, I know your elixir is very precious, thank you!"

Mo Yan shook his head indifferently, and handed another box to Xiao Ye.

"Xiao Ye, I know you are very powerful, but you haven't fully grown up now after all, have you?

This elixir should also be good for you. "

Xiao Ye couldn't help smiling, and without even pausing, he put the elixir into his mouth
Immediately, this elixir turned into a warm air current, nourishing my consciousness, and even before attending the class, I could feel that my consciousness was not only fully recovered, but even had a tendency to grow:

"Mo Yan, thank you for being willing to give me such a precious pill?

However, I also have good things to give you. Those things are not of much use to me, but I feel that giving them to you can give you great benefits. Benefits! "

Xiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, he directly handed his storage ring to Mo Yan after wiping off his consciousness

Mo Yan raised his eyebrows, but still put away the storage ring without any burden.

Then another bright black storage ring appeared in his hand.

"Xiao Ye, this is given to you, you can use it first, and I will return that to you after I dump it.

Don't worry, I won't let you down. "

Zhao Ye's eyes flickered but he didn't speak, but it seems that his wife also received a lot of good things!
It's just that my wife's body has always been weak, and I don't know when she will wake up.

But now that he saw his wife's face getting more and more rosy, he could put his heart in his stomach a little bit.

"Of course, Mo Yan, I know, you have never let me down.

Also, haven't I said that before?Then I want to tell you a straight word today. "

When Xiao Ye said these words, the look in his eyes was so sincere.

"Mo Yan, it's a pleasure to meet you at the imperial base.

Meeting you, this is not only a great opportunity for me, but also a great opportunity for the people of the imperial capital and our friends!

But none of us in this group belong to that kind of unhealthy mind.

We all know how to be grateful, and we will naturally reciprocate your dedication to us without expecting anything in return. "

Xiao Ye's words were like an oath, no matter how old a monster like him was, he could say these words.

For Mo Yan, this is already a heaven-defying opportunity.

Mo Yan gave a wry smile, and nodded to show that he understood, but he really didn't want to talk about the next scene.

What I really want is not the gratitude and material gifts from these people to me.
I never lack these things, and what I really want is to get back the woman I really love, Han Xiaochen.

But for this kind of thing, no matter how much he pays, only Han Xiaochen is needed.

This knot in my heart will not be resolved, only Han Xiaochen.If you refuse to nod, it will be forever far away!

"Mo Yan, it's up to man to make things happen!

Han Xinnuo is quite naughty, originally we came here with Han Xiaochen.

But at the last moment, the girl Han Xinuo put Han Xiaochen outside instead of bringing him in, and asked her to guard outside.

Otherwise, you would be able to meet Han Xiaochen now!
Mo Yan, Han Xiaochen is a very good and kind girl.

Even though you hurt him so much before, after he heard that you were in danger, he still stepped forward without hesitation.

What you did in the past really shouldn't have been better than that. Since you did it, it's useless for us to say anything.

And what will happen to you and him in the future depends on what you do. "

Xiao Ye's words were encouraging, but it also made Mo Yan feel a little bit ashamed, and his heart was revived.

"Also, Mo Yan's surname is Bai, he's not human at all, he's a thousand-year-old fox demon.

So I think, Han Xiaochen's taste should not be so strong, and he should not be able to do this kind of interracial love. "

Xiao Ye was a little helpless when he said these words. You said that you are a zombie king who has existed for thousands of years, and a fox demon who has existed for thousands of years. Why are you making trouble in front of human beings?
Just like this, if you are really together, you will be struck by lightning, and when you really advance, you will be struck to death by the way of heaven, okay?
If I hadn't fallen in love with that human man back then, I would have insisted on being with that human man.

I guess I can ascend to the spirit world now, right?
But in the end, not only did he die, but he almost lost his soul completely.

Even now that I have found a sense of existence, I can experience this wonderful feeling of life again.

But if I want to recover the skill that I was at the top before, I'm afraid it will take tens of thousands of years!


"Li Na, you are here, but why did you bring so many people?

And with regard to them, can you be sure that they are completely obedient? "

Han Xiaochen never thought that Li Na would come with a large group of people after 20 minutes.

Of course, the most weird thing is that Li Na also brought this team of mutated animals.

Moreover, this pair of teams completely obeyed Li Na's orders.

"Of course, Han Xiaochen, do you think I ever fought an unsure battle!

They are all born with extremely high intelligence, and they are also willing to make friends with us humans.

And of course I promised to give them good benefits. "

The group of mutated animals brought by Li Na is actually not very large.

It's just a group of flying birds, and they are actually completely obeying Meng Qing's instructions.

And the rest are a group of mutant wolves.

By chance, I became good friends with that wolf king.

Even the wolf king voluntarily signed a master-servant contract with himself.

For some unknown reason, the wolf could still communicate with the cheetah.

Even brought this crack, and the leader of the cheetah, willingly obeyed him, and signed a master-servant contract with his orders.

And all they want is to let themselves heal them with the power of the light system when they are injured.

In addition, I occasionally take out some spiritual spring water to upgrade them.

Li Na.Sometimes I think that these advanced mutant animals are actually smarter and more loyal than humans!
"Then, Li Na, can we not fight those mutant animals anymore?

Can you still fight mutant plants?What if they attack us first? "

Han Xiaochen looked at Li Na with some uncertainty.

"Hey, Han Xiaochen, what are you thinking, it's just two teams to fight them when they go out.

Not to mention that they don't live in our base. When they are outside, don't they obey the laws of the jungle society, and the weak prey on the strong? "

(End of this chapter)

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