Chapter 633
Li Na laughed slightly, if she told the people in her base not to beat up the mutated animals, they would all be eaten by the mutated animals!

Then the ones I lead now are definitely beyond the reach of human supernatural beings.

And to put it bluntly, bringing them here also played a deterrent effect.

"Since this is the case, Li Na and I can rest assured.

You said that these two people have been in for a while, but no one came out?

I don't know what's going on inside, they cut off all contact the moment they entered. "

"Of course, this is the most advanced formation, so naturally any connection can be cut off?
But I think they shouldn't be a big problem, but entering such an advanced formation should consume a lot of energy.

Maybe that girl Han Xinuo is recuperating inside, otherwise do you think it's so easy to bring her out? "

Li Na let those supernatural beings scatter and guard this place firmly, and even let the mutated animals spread out to guard it here.

Then I took out some food and drink, and leaned here leisurely.

"Wait, I feel like it's only been a few days, they shouldn't come out so easily."

"Thick! Li Na, you are too aggressive, right?
Just like you, aren't you afraid of arousing their resentment? "

Han Xiaochen's head was covered with black lines, he dared to enjoy it just now, it was because there was no one else around him!

But now Li Na has brought so many people and a team of mutated animals, so he just stays there leisurely.

Just like a landlady wife.

that's it?Wouldn't it arouse the resentment of those members?

"What are you thinking? Han Xiaochen, you think that I command these mutated animals, and I don't waste my own energy, do you?

What's more, the ones I brought, I have let them rest in shifts.

Besides, just for you people, you know I paid 5 times more than usual to hire them.

I know you have a lot of good things in your hands, and you have to give me some of them when the time comes! "

Han Xiaochen said while eating the fig in his hand.

"I admit it, I don't have too many good things here, but like food, I have a lot here.

But most of them are corn, which is cheaper before the end of the world. "

"It's good to have these, my regiment members are all from this family in the base.

Always want to point to eat, mutated animals and plants are alive, how is this possible?Who doesn't know how difficult it is to fight the mutated animals and plants.

It really is such a kind, if you don't pay attention, you will die! "

Li Na nodded to express her understanding. Han Xiaochen really has the same space as her.

I can even feel that Han Xiaochen's space should be stronger than his own.

thick!This may be the kind of person who is always envious of others and thinks that others are better than you, no matter how good you have.

It's like envying other people's husbands and children. It's always the mentality that other people's children are good enough and their husbands are charming enough, right?

However, one advantage of Li Na is that no matter how good other people's things are, she never thought of snatching them, such as talking about other people's husbands or good things in other people's hands.

She always thinks that even the best things in other people's hands may not be suitable for her, and she should always cherish what she has now.

"Yeah, what you said is right, how long has it been since the end of the world?

Almost all the zombies outside have mutated to have their own intelligence.

Not to mention that the upgrade speed of the mutated animals is also so fast that people can be beaten to death. Not only the IQ is extremely high, but the force is even more daunting.

The most irritating thing is that these mutated plants are so powerful one by one.

If these fourth and fifth-level supernatural beings are alone, they may not be their opponents.

If we human beings don't unite again, isn't it possible that we human beings, a category in this world, will be extinct? "

Han Xiaochen also felt sorry for her.

"How should I put it, this is actually a good thing, right?

Aren't we human beings and these mutated animals and plants not even lost?
This evolution represents progress, but it is the progress of our human beings. No matter what stage it is at, isn't it bloody?

The survival of the fittest does not refer to those animals and plants outside, but we humans are also like this. "

Li Na was a little flustered as she spoke, her husband seemed to be leaving the customs in just two days, I don't know if it will be smooth or not.

If this medicine cannot be successfully advanced to the middle stage of foundation establishment, my husband's cultivation may regress, and even this meridian may be damaged.

It is very difficult for someone like my husband who uses martial arts to enter Taoism at every stage!

So this person, don't just look at other people as strong enough, always feel that others are easy.

They don't know what kind of hardships and dangers this other person has experienced behind the scenes!

It's been three hours, and Han Yinuo still has no symptoms of waking up.

But looking at the breathing is very smooth, this complexion is getting better and better.

These team members were actually very anxious, but they could only hold back their nerves.

And Xiao Ye.But with a smile, he distributed some food to them and told them how to prepare it.

Even tell them that they have to wait patiently.

Because after all, Han Yinuo.No matter how powerful he is, with his current skill, he can only bring out three people at a time.

He even said that if there is an accident, only two people can be taken out.

And I will stay here with them all the time, and wait until the end before going out.

As soon as Xiao Ye said this, those people became honest.

The leader's wife has such a heaven-defying ability, she is willing to expose them to save them.

What qualifications or what do they have.

How about an expression of anxiety, even a little despair, suspicion and lack of confidence in himself and the leader's wife?
But the two of Mo Yan are more interesting, they are actually holding each other during the waiting time.The two backbones of the regiment played poker

And their behavior also made those people feel more relaxed.

After all, the dawn is coming soon, after all, they can get out of trouble immediately, and why are they still pretending?


Yehan watched with a gloomy face again.When everything in this tent, I can't wait to destroy everything in this tent.

And the ghost king came to him quietly.

"Yehan, if these human beings have a way to get out of the predicament you set up, that's their good fortune.

But if you cause people to suffer misery again, I, the king of ghosts, will not obey you.

As far as these people's life and death books are concerned, it is not written that they will die this time! "

"Ghost King, how long do these people live?

Is it convenient to disclose it?Especially that Mo Yan! "

Yehan turned his head and stared at the Ghost King quietly.

The ghost king didn't know what was going on, but he felt a little embarrassed, and coughed twice in a pretentious way.

: "Ahem, Yehan, you can be regarded as an old goblin who has cultivated for thousands of years.

You should know that this secret cannot be leaked, right?
Moreover, the lifespan of human beings is not static, but they must not die at this time. "

(End of this chapter)

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