Chapter 635
"Han Xinnuo, when will you recover? Why don't you take someone out first, so that Han Xiaochen, who is guarding outside, won't be worried?
I think it might be night now. "

Xiao Ye didn't know how to say this, obviously he didn't want to mention it at first.


I have to wait for a while, I will recover when I am full.

Here it is, I don't know why, my body was consumed when I just came in.This is a lot of energy and mental power.

But I think I'll try to take Brother Mo Yan out first!
And Congwen, you also try with me. If I can bring out two, I will take you two out first, and I will take the rest of the group members slowly.

But don't worry, this time will be longer, but we don't lack food and drink, so let's take it here to recuperate, okay? "

Han Zhennuo wiped his mouth, and said a little apologetically.

Originally, I thought I was very capable, but it was only when I got here that I realized that there are people beyond this person, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

Even this formation is also restrictive to oneself.

Mo Yan shook his head, "Han Qinnuo, take the others out first, I'll hold the line here.

Otherwise, what if the force left here is not strong enough, what if those mutated animals and plants outside attack us?

Don't think that you have collected almost all of them.Have you ever thought about it, in fact, there may still be many fish that slipped through the net.

And if those things are slowed down, if the formation is not broken and people will be left behind, some people's lives will be in danger. "

Mo Yan.These words are well thought out, and he wants to go out to meet his beloved girl as soon as possible.

But reason tells him that he is now.We must take the overall situation into consideration.


okay then! "Han Zhennuo nodded, she actually wanted to get her husband out first.

But after thinking about it, she decided to put the overall situation first.
Just like what Mo Yan said, if there are no powerful people here to protect it, in case any mutated animals and plants can move.

That's the rhythm of the whole group's destruction. Those members of the group are very familiar with me, and they respect me very much.

Even when they are cultivating, they are willing to give all their resources to themselves first.

So now that it's time to reciprocate, how can I be so selfish?

"My wife, come and have some more soup, this soup has good energy?
You see, even after recovering for so long, your complexion is not very good-looking.

But speaking of this formation method is really evil, let alone the formation method in the past, even the other ones can be easily passed by you. "

Zhao Ye smiled lightly, and continued to feed his wife soup
Zhao Ye also made a plan, he was going to go out at the end, there should be someone sitting outside.

So there shouldn't be any danger when my wife takes the group members out.

If what I expected was right, the wife of the leader of the base should have arrived with a large army!

In other words, the leader of this base, Mo Shen, may arrive soon!
Who doesn't know how precious Mo Shen is to his wife, if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't leave at a critical moment due to cultivation!

He must have come early, and even forced his wife to stay at the base, right?
I don't know what's going on, these group members eat and drink soup in silence.

They all seem very silent

Another hour passed.

"Well, how about this, this time, I'll take two people out, I'll try it out first.

In this way, I don't know who is better to take out first now, after all, everyone wants to go out. "

"It's easy to handle. I'll prepare some notes. You all come to me and catch them. If you catch Lin, you can stay here first. But if you catch one, it means you can go out with your leader's wife." .”

Xiao Ye remembered a game of lottery played by children.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's do this, everyone line up and catch them one by one."

Originally, there were not many people here, so this note was quickly finished and written.

Xiao Ye packed them in an iron box, and he held them with his own hands.

Sure enough, the people were caught one by one, but none of them showed their heads down. After all, there are so many people, and now there are only two people who can try to get out.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, I caught it, I'm so excited." This is a 16-year-old boy with a level 6 ice ability.

He had been imprisoned here a long time ago, so he was very happy to know that he could go out.

And then smoked for a while, and many people were frowning.

A strong man in his 40s with a fire ability at level 18 also drew this.

"Um, leader, can you see if this is the case, I can stay here for a while longer.

Can this let my friend go out first. "

As the strong man spoke, he pointed to his handsome young man with a level 19 wood ability.

Han Xinnuo...

How do you feel that there is adultery between these two?

"Of course it's fine, since you gave up on your own initiative, then you can only catch everyone else until the second time.

How about it?Does everyone agree with my approach? "

Han Xinuo felt a little regretful after saying this, so he raised his head to ask for everyone's opinions.

"No objection, no objection, after all, is this a good thing that he has given up on his own initiative to the people he taught? This is normal.

But Dahuazi, you treat him so well, what can you get?
Forget it, let's not talk about it, it's the end of the world, and there are really few men with a genuine temperament like you. "

The person who spoke was an ordinary-looking man in his thirties, but he had double mutations in strength and speed, and he was also a man with a level 30 buddy ability.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll try it out, you two stand by the edge of this tent.

Then close your eyes for me, no matter what happens, as long as I don't call you, don't open your eyes, and don't struggle when encountering anything, you know?

Otherwise, I will be injured and you will be injured, and I don’t even know that I will die. "

"It's the leader's wife." Although these two people were quite cruel outside, they were as obedient as a lynx tamed by humans in front of Han Zhennuo.

"Wife, let's take your time, don't be brave! We all believe in you.

If you feel that the energy loss is too much when you get there, you can rest there and come back after recovering. "

Zhao Ye stood up and gently hugged his wife in his arms, and said with some worry

"Well, my husband, don't worry!
I will definitely take good care of myself, you all have to wait for me here obediently, it may take a little longer, but I promise to take everyone out. "

Han Zhennuo nodded, and gently took the hands of the two of them and meditated to leave the formation in his heart.

Ye Han gave Han Zhennuo a hard look, but still sighed in frustration.

Fortunately, he didn't make trouble this time, which made Han Xinuo.It was very easy, and the two Unicoms brought out this cold formation by themselves.

"Ouch, my God, which one?"

Xilin Village cried out in pain, which also attracted everyone's attention.

okay?Two of the three fell on him.

"Don't do anything, it's our brother who came out." Li Na stood up in surprise

I'm afraid that these people will kill the three of them by mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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