Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 636 The Big Boss Is Coming

Chapter 636 The Big Boss Is Coming
"What's your name? Xilin, hurry up, you three are all right, hurry up and it will be warmer here."

While talking at this moment, Li Na and Han Xiaochen came to the side of these three people.

Han Zhennuo exhaled fiercely, "Oh my god, I'm almost exhausted.

Han Xiaochen, let me help you, I need to find a place to lie down quickly.

This place is too evil, I just brought two people here, I was dizzy with this thing, and I should even feel weak in my body. "

"Han Xinnuo, you are really amazing, I am really proud of you!"

Han Xiaochen was so excited that a princess hugged Han Xinuo and walked to her tent.

Li Na...

Han Xiaochen, your actions will cause a misunderstanding.

It's different now than before, people with that kind of sexual orientation have already made it public, okay?
You are still in front of your husband's subordinates.

In the past, he also directed people to settle the other two people down.

"Han Xiaochen, you said that you are not annoying, but you always look at me with this hesitant look."

Han Junnuo sighed, and seeing Han Xiaosheng's eyes, he knew what was going on.

What a mistake to make a bad friend!
"Han Xiaochen, that man Mo Yan is fine, so don't worry.

There were almost no deaths in their team, and everyone was fine, and my husband healed the injuries they had suffered before.

They are there. In fact, their lives are quite good. Apart from not being able to go out, they eat popular food and drink spicy food there every day.

The only thing that makes them feel uncomfortable is that the psychological pressure is relatively high, and they feel that they may be locked there and cannot get out.

And if I go here, it means they're fine, doesn't it? "

"That's good, that's good!" Han Xiaochen said.After getting the real news, this heart can be put in the stomach.

"Okay, okay, I feel a little tired, I want to go back to the space to rest.

Li Na, you can do whatever you want, Han Xinnuo, you too, rest where you like, I can't stand it anymore, I'm too tired. "

Han Xiaochen stepped into the space while speaking.

It seems that there is no point in consuming it, anyway, people will be rescued sooner or later.

Han Xinnuo's first test was successful, so the second and third tests will be even better.

Li Na......

What kind of trouble is this girl Han Xiaochen?Is it close to nostalgia?
Han Xinuo...

Han Xiaochen, I took these two people out and it seemed that I had exhausted all the energy in me.

As I am dying now, if you don't say to accompany me well, you just hide in the space and have fun.

Where do I go to reason with myself?

"Han Xinnuo, lie down honestly, and I'll help you recover!
Forget me, but the power of the light system! "Li Na smiled resignedly before recovering for Han Shaonuo.

This light ability has now spawned new abilities.

That is, as long as the light-type supernatural power user wants to, he can use his supernatural power to supplement the energy that is quickly emitted by other people.

Dispel the things that shouldn't be contaminated under the extremely cold weather, or in some unclean place.

"Li Na, thank you, you helped me so much, I feel much better!"

Han Xinnuo felt the warmth of his body, and even, he could feel his lost spiritual power, and he was slowly recovering for himself.

This Li Na is really powerful, otherwise how could she become the only wife of the leader of the imperial capital base!

So if this is the case, will I be able to be as powerful as him in the future?

If I am as powerful as him, I can live well even without relying on men.

Of course my husband is so good, I don't rely on him, but I can let my husband rely on me!

Han Xinuo thought so beautifully, Li Na couldn't help but smacked her tongue, in fact, this person's simple mind also has the advantages of being simple.

He doesn't like to think wildly, and it's good to always have a pure heart.

But you have to own them yourself.There is a man who is very reliable, capable and loves you very much.

"How is my wife? If you are too tired, take a break!"

Holy crap, the people in the tent were shocked.

This guy Mo Shen appeared in the tent without making a sound.

And what about him?It seems that this temperament is more restrained.

Not to mention that there is no pressure in the lungs and stomach from the whole body, as if an ordinary person without supernatural powers came over quietly.

"Husband, why are you here? But I'm fine, I'm not tired yet.

If we want them to come out quickly, we have to wait for this person to recover quickly and get them out? "

When Li Na saw her husband approaching, she immediately wanted to throw herself into his arms, but he still had the conscience to know that someone needed her to recover.

"Hehe..." Mo Shen smiled softly.

"I can see it, but my wife, don't tire yourself too hard, those people can't die in there, at most they just come out later."

But when he thought of something, he smiled more gently at his wife.

"Baby, your husband and I are fulfilling our mission now, and have successfully advanced.

Therefore, many things can be done more freely. "

Sure enough, this man, who has always been indifferent to emotions outside, can be considered frank enough in front of his wife, and can also show his emotions on this face.

"Husband, husband, I saw it, although I am not as high as your cultivation base, but I can feel it.

Husband, do you know?I feel now that the blood in my body and even all the cells in my body are dancing with joy and encouragement?

As soon as I thought about it, now that I, Li Na, are also so powerful, the wife of the big boss feels very special in her heart! "

"Ha ha…

What kind of boss am I!
Wife, what do you want me to say about you?
But baby, don't worry, it doesn't matter whether your husband or I are the big boss or the little boss.

But they will always be by your side to protect you and love you. "

Mo Shen smiled helplessly, the higher his level, the more he knew that there are many people in this world who are capable of Crouching Tiger Tibetans.

And how can I be considered a boss, but I am just a mortal struggling among all living beings.

In this world of comprehension, I only now understand that if you are not in the Nascent Soul stage, you are not considered a capable person.

However, those who have entered the Nascent Soul stage can be called ancestors.

This also made me understand that it is impossible for me to reach the point where I can touch myself.

And the road of self-cultivation is even more arduous and long way to go.

"I don't care, I don't care, anyway, in my heart, you are the most powerful big boss forever.

Big boss, you have to protect me well, and you have to treat me well forever, do you know that? "

"Of course, baby, isn't that right, didn't I come to you immediately after I left the customs?

But your team is strong enough. You haven't figured out the situation yet, so you let these two women in so easily.

However, these two women are rare talents based on our base! "

Yes, Mo Shen has done a lot of good things by using space nowadays.

It also made his cultivation base and various abilities grow upwards.

He also understands how precious a woman like Han Xiannuo is to the base.

(End of this chapter)

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