Chapter 642
"That's good! It's one thing for this person to be kind, if he becomes the Holy Mother who knows no difference between good and evil!
That is, no matter how many people want to block you, I am afraid they will not be able to save your life. "

Han Xiaochen smiled faintly, hoping that this woman, Chai Ningsi, would not disappoint everyone too much.

But, it's just a fire element who is about to awaken, a supernatural person plus a woman with a storage pendant.

To say that this kind of thing must be before the end of the world, it can be regarded as an existence against the sky.

But now, that guy Mo Yan, the base, and he can figure out how to make this storage ring.

He said that thing is really expensive, really expensive, expensive and quite expensive, but it really doesn't count how rare it is.

Now these rich and powerful people in this apocalyptic world, as long as they are willing to pay some price, they can exchange for a storage ring.

Of course, because of this, isn't this woman Chai Ningsi just useless to their team members now?
However, Chai Ningsi's storage ring is also interesting, it can be integrated into the body.

It is still the kind of foreign object that cannot be taken away no matter what method is used.

Now that I think about those people's death, it's a bit unfair, because of their temporary greed.

Although the evil of human nature is vividly reflected in them, it is miserable enough that they all died for this, and they had to be tortured before they died.

"I used to be stupid, very stupid, it's not the Holy Mother's fault, maybe I'm not smart enough now.

But I also know how to go forward, and I won't be so stupid to give my resources to others.

Thank you all, without you, I would not only lose my life, but also hate Jiuquan.

But now it's all right, besides paying back the debts owed to you, then my life is only for myself. "

Chai Ningsi let out a leisurely breath

There are other relatives and friends of his in this base. Although his parents are gone, there are quite a few family members of brothers, brothers and aunts.

Otherwise, how could I live in such a mess?

Speaking of which, this time I was tricked out by them and almost died tragically, so I probably have something to do with them.

Even they are still waiting at the base, want to share the benefits, haha.

From now on, I will not care about their life or death, even if they are dying of hunger and thirst.It also has nothing to do with me, Chai Ningsi.


After arriving at the base, Han Xiaochen said that he was very tired and needed to go back to his small villa to rest, and left directly.

"What about the promise I made to you, I will never forget it, you go to my villa to get it!

But I want to sleep well and hard, I am really frightened by you! "

"Han Xiaochen, go and rest, these things are not in a hurry!" Mo Shen covered his lips and smiled

"Boss, thank you all.

And Mo Yan, Zhao Ye, and you all, I thank you all, this kindness is beyond words.

I know that if you didn't care about me, you wouldn't take risks for me. "

"Han Xiaochen, should you go to rest?

Is there any need to talk about the friendship between us?In fact, however, you don't need us to pick you up.

On the contrary, we, the useless ones, got into trouble there.

It can be seen that your mental state is not good, go back and sleep well.

If we want to talk about safety, we have to be safe enough collectively! "

Zhao Ye stood up and patted Han Xiaochen on the shoulder, and he and his wife went back to his regiment with their regiment members.

Not to mention anything else, Zhao Ye, his wife and the members of the regiment also need to go back to recuperate properly!
Everyone now looks at the body and there is no problem for the time being, but after the severe cold, they want to recover, but it will take a while!

"Zhao Ye, wait for this thing to be given to you.

It is very good for the body! "Han Xiaochen directly threw a pill bottle to Zhao Ye
"Han Xiaochen, thank you, I won't be polite to you, we have to take a good rest quickly.

It is estimated that those monkey cubs who have not gone out in this group will have to scratch their heads, so they are not at ease here! "

Zhao Ye took the pill bottle and left quickly.

And Li Na and the others didn't say anything, and hurried back to their villa, but fortunately, the few of them stopped by.

And Chai Ningsi was picked up by the official mercenary group when she first arrived at the base.

"Han Xiaochen, I'll take you in and check the villa for you.

Although our security performance is relatively good here, but the few of us who are in charge have gone out, so we have to be careful. "

Xiao Ye still followed Han Xiaochen into his villa.

But Xiao Ye really didn't say anything, and just checked for him inside and out. Fortunately, no one has touched anything, and there are no nails in the villa.

"Xiao Ye gave you these things, did you share them with them?
I give you everything except this hive and the honey I like. "

Han Xiaochen waved his hand and threw those things into the courtyard of the villa.

"Don't say anything else for midnight snack. This is my heart for everyone. Also, I'm really sleepy. I'm going to sleep."

Han Xiaochen yawned several times.

"Go to sleep, I won't be polite to you, don't worry, these things won't let you spend in vain.

When everyone has had enough rest, they'll give you something nice to eat.

But these things you get are indeed fresh, and there are many more that they need! "

Xiao Ye hooked his lips and told Han Xiaochen to go to bed quickly.

As a matter of fact, Han Xiaochen is willing to give you supplies after what everyone said.

But they didn't ask for how much, and they didn't ask how many good things Han Xiaochen got?
And this kind is nothing but Han Xiaochen.Give them as much as you are willing to give them, it all depends on your own heart.

But even so, Xiaoye was still a little surprised by this huge batch of supplies.

These are all mutant beasts, or those high-level ones. To put it bluntly, just sticking out one of them can kill Han Xiaochen.

It seems that someone is helping Han Xiaochen again!But Yehan, I know you have estimated it for thousands of years.

But no matter what, Han Xiaochen.There is no function that can warm you up.

And you are an old zombie, what kind of warm blanket are you looking for?

Your body is already quite cold, okay?
We all do not discriminate against you, but you also need to know your own characteristics!


"Husband, why do I feel that Han Xiaochen is weird, you said that Han Xiaochen will not really have sex with that mutant or monster in this form.

Is this mixed together?

I really accept this, it's incompetent!

Actually, I think so?Although that guy Mo Yan is a bit scumbag, who can not make mistakes in this person's life?

And now that Mo Yan, who chases his wife and crematorium, has been pretending for so long, is he sincere enough? "

Among such a group of people, the ones who suffered the least loss were Li Na and his wife.

They really followed to sit in town, and by the way, they also helped those mutant beasts find a lot of food.

"Wife, what do you care about others?
But I feel that Han Xiaochen's relationship line is a bit messed up for this woman.

There are quite a few men who have nothing to do with this, if I were Mo Yan.

Forget it, I won't say it! Mo Shen twitched the corners of his mouth sarcastically, but swallowed the rest of the words.

(End of this chapter)

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