Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 643 Terrible Ability

Chapter 643 Terrible Ability
As for some things, it is enough for a man to know in his heart, but as a smart man, he must never speak in front of his wife.

Just like if a woman like Han Xiaochen wanted to do it herself, she would have already done it.

If I were Mo Yan, I would be able to catch up with this one, it would take 10 days and a half a month.

This confirms the mind, Han Xiaochen, if you want to always be so moaning.

Then you should control people first, and then use a little bit of mental control.

Get the person to your side first, and then slowly coax them.

Even if you did something wrong before, so what?
This has absolute strength and capital, so worry about the woman not coming back?

What's more, these two people originally had feelings, but it was Mo Yan.What was done before was really too much.

In addition, Han Xiaochen has a heart knot, but this woman, you imprison him by your side and let him know that he can't live without you.

And following you, you can give him all kinds of resources, you can praise him to the sky, and let him feel you, and you will never abandon him or hurt him again.

Isn't that woman willing to be with you?
Don't talk about other people's own wives, right?
Even because of this, my wife just passed through to my own interface.

I even fantasized about going home in the future, being able to reunite with my family, and looking at myself, it was scary.

But so what, didn't he still chase his wife?
Now, isn't my wife also devoted to me, even willing to tell me the big secret?
As for this woman, you have to get him first, and then let him know your heart for him and your determination for him.

Of course, you have to treat him twice as well, and don't force him to do things that he doesn't want to do. This woman's heart will gradually soften.

"Husband, I always feel that you are holding back!
But I think that guy Mo Yan was really a scum before, and Han Xiaochen almost died because of it, so it's normal for him to suffer well.

As for you men, I always feel that you don’t cherish those things that are too easy to get! "

Li Na gave Mo Qing a blank look

"How could it be? Wife!" Mo raised his eyebrows lightly. This kind of thing needs to be explained clearly.

No matter at any time, I have to make a firm stand with my wife, otherwise this woman will be suspicious.

"My wife, you have to remember that even though I said it was easy to get you back then, because I love you, I will always cherish you.

This has nothing to do with how easy it is to catch them. Of course, if those scumbags are, no matter what, they will be investigated later.

There are even some wives who have worked so hard to catch up, not only don't cherish them, but even torture them!

This is a human problem, but you must not think that it is a problem of the nature of all of us men.

You are like there is no one in this vast world, there are those who are kind, those who are prudent, and those on death row who commit crimes and do all kinds of crimes! "

"Okay, my husband, I'll just mention this one sentence, you actually have a lot of sentences waiting for me."

Li Na curled her lips, Mo Shen is actually quite a fool sometimes.

But one thing is not bad, that is, after he was with him, he really didn't look at other women except himself.

As for myself and my baby, it is really really good.

They are even willing to enter their own space in the form of their own servants.

You must know that the moment he enters his own space, it also shows his determination to be absolutely loyal to himself.

And all of this, but those other men can hardly do it, right?

"My husband, do you know? I haven't seen my parents for a long time, and I don't know what he looks like."

"Why do you want to go and see it? If you want to see it, then you can go and see it.

But, hurry up and come back, we haven't been here for long.

I'm staying here, but I still have to negotiate with them on some matters. "

That's right, while Mo Shen was speaking, many high-level executives from the base came over.

"Forget it, husband, go and explain the matter, I'll go back and lie down first.

You have to confess good things, let's go together! "

Li Na shook her head. She didn't know what happened, so she didn't have the courage to meet her parents.

Even if I changed my identity, I don't know why, sometimes I feel very uncomfortable when I see them.

Forget it, maybe the shadow left by the two elders in the past is too heavy in my heart!


"Han Xiaochen? Are you really with that man?
That man is not a human being, not even a living being!

Have you really decided?
Feeling like you, you might drive yourself out of your wits! "

Han Xiaochen, who was sleeping soundly, didn't feel it.

Mo Yan came to him quietly, sat beside her bed and stared at him obsessively, and even started talking to himself.

Really like a man as proud as Mo Yan, then such a decadent but humble emotion really is...

Han Xiaochen smashed his tongue, why does he feel that someone is talking to him, does this seem to be mentioning Yehan?
"No, I'm not with Ye Han, but I just don't know who I can be with.

Actually, I quite like that guy Mo Yan. I feel that the only person I really like is Mo Yan, right?

It really made me stay with him, and I felt very uncomfortable, and felt extremely blocked and panicked.

I know he treats me very well, and I'm not just clinging to my previous mistakes.

But I'm just myself, I can't pass the test in my heart by myself!

And that guy Mo Yan is so powerful, maybe he will build a harem or something in the future.

And this is absolutely unacceptable to me, as long as he has been away from his base, he can still control it remotely.

And I've also heard that the people there are absolutely loyal to him.

And even if he came all the way to the base of the imperial capital, this could become the base of the imperial capital, this decisive powerhouse.

Even the leader regarded him as a guest of honor, and even Zhao Ye, the head of the mercenary group, regarded him as an object of worship.

I feel that this puts a lot of pressure on me. With such a man, how can I be the only woman around him!

Maybe there are other women around him, just like that Mo Shen, but they are men who don't care.

They even feel that those other women are not important to them, they are just bed warmers.

But I absolutely can't accept this kind of thing, not to mention, Mo Yan was already a famous successful person when I met him.

I don't think I can change his point of view, or what can he do for me?
And what he took the initiative to do for me is his willingness, but this person has always been cold-hearted. Once he decides something, no one can...

can be changed. "

Mo Yan sighed, feeling relieved in his heart.

It's okay, it's okay, my girl can't be with that millennium zombie.

But if I want to take my girl home again, I'm afraid it won't be so easy!
"Han Xiaochen, remember, I will only have you as a woman in my life, and there will be no other lowly women like bed warmers, and I will never have any.

You remember it for me, and it will always be firmly in your heart forever. "

Han Xiaochen is indeed in a dream, but Mo Yan's terrifying ability to hypnotize and dream

(End of this chapter)

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