Chapter 645
"Then don't you know what's going on? After all, you are also the ghost king!"

Yehan's voice is not as full of energy as before, it seems to have a thousand years of desolation.

Yes, he thinks he is stronger, but there is that kind of strength that makes him powerless to fight back.

He has been stretching out his black hand to press him down, and he can be wiped out with a single finger.

The ghost king shook his head, "I was a little king back then, and I didn't have the status I have now.
And yours is just a small country, and I was not here at the time, and I don't know exactly what happened.

So, don't think that I, the ghost king, can really be invincible and know everything in the world.

I'm not as powerful as you imagined, in fact, someone is pressing on my head!

But I feel that the black hand on your head right now, the two of us may not be able to deal with it together.

But this is strange again, but if he really wants to deal with you, can he just wipe you out?What are you doing turning you into a zombie?
And I have to seal you in this place, is there any other deep meaning? "

Ye Han sighed, "Twenty or thirty years ago, I was bored here.

Just turn into a human being and go to various Internet cafes of human beings, and go shopping in various places.

How do I feel that we, especially me, seem to be characters in this game.

My every move, even my existence is controlled by the so-called game maker.

And this is like the way of heaven, play me like a monkey, and when you play enough, you will be crushed to death. "

"The way of heaven? I think the way of heaven should not be there?
How many gods are there for all beings in this world may not only be aimed at you alone.

And if he wanted to target you like that, but let you exist for thousands of years, then you are definitely his own son? "

For this statement, the Ghost King disagrees.

"Damn, who knows what's going on?

I thought I was pretty strong at first, but in fact when can I really become strong? "

Yehan was also very irritable at this time, but there was one thing that the Ghost King had rightly said.

In fact, in his current form, he thinks he is still alive, but it is a different kind of living.

Even his kind of alternative life is something that many human beings would not envy even if they wanted to.

Although it is the body of a zombie, his body is indestructible and indestructible.

And the soul is also in the body, except that the heart does not beat and the blood does not flow, he can do anything a human being is willing to do.

Moreover, the mana is powerful, as long as you don't look at any one, you can destroy any one.

As for him, how could he endure his complete disappearance?
It's like the human fear of death, isn't it?
"Since you are so enlightened, don't think about these children's personal affairs.

What the hell is wrong with you, but human beings, and this human being is a bit special.

Remember, that kind of thing must never happen, you know?
And isn't your main task now to cultivate well?
If you practice hard to the point where I am, maybe the ghost world can be controlled by the two of us together!
Otherwise, what is the meaning of your zombie world?
This is something beyond the Three Realms, and it's something that people hate. "

"Ghost King, let me go to you. Is it because I have to thank you for what you said just now, then I thank you!"

Ye Han gritted his teeth, really wanted to beat the Ghost King to death, okay?

But he knew that with his current state, it would be as difficult as heaven to kill someone who was in need of a beating.

"Ha ha…

Yehan, this king just got two more absolutely stunning little beauties
Do you want me to come and play with this king?

Let me tell you, these two beauties are willing to stay by my king's side forever!
You can't even imagine that these girls now become soul bodies after death.

He actually said that being a human being is too difficult, being a woman is too difficult, it's too hopeless.

You are willing to stay by this king's side forever, they don't want to be reincarnated as human beings again! "

Maybe you have been used to being bullied a long time ago?Not only was the ghost king not angry, but he laughed out loud.

"Ghost King, just be honest, you and I are not interested in your things!
Besides, as far as those little beauties you found, what can I do with them?

I can't even get through it, but in this human world, there are indeed many people who don't want to be reincarnated after death!

How can this reincarnation survive, and if I remember correctly.

These living humans have not had newborn humans for a long time, right? "

"Yeah, except for those who were pregnant when the end of the world just broke out, and then there was no way to give birth.

After the end of the world, no real human being can bear children.

But after a while, maybe there will be?
It will be difficult for human beings to reproduce in the future.

After all, ordinary people can't afford to have enough food and clothing, let alone have children, and those with supernatural powers are just like those who cultivate immortals.

Although it is considered fertile, their chances of giving birth are higher than when they were ordinary people before.

This probability has been greatly reduced. Compared with before, the probability of his pregnancy has been reduced to a few ten thousandths.

This is either the combination of ordinary humans and this supernatural person, or is the chance of obtaining offspring a little bit higher.

However, even for that kind of children, the chances of them becoming supernatural beings are greatly reduced.

And it seems that these supernatural beings are all over the top nowadays, but they may not be willing to combine with ordinary people. "

The Ghost King looked serious now.

"However, there is no way to do this. In fact, those who became zombies did not say that their souls really left their bodies.

Moreover, those who became zombies with their souls suffered some irreversible damage.

So not only did they not enter the underworld, but even said that the chances of them wanting to enter the underworld are very small.

And even if they come in, because of the loss of their souls, it is almost impossible for them to reincarnate as humans.

Especially for those who have too many sins of the same kind in their hands, it is absolutely impossible for them to reincarnate as human beings. "

"But after becoming zombies, especially those low-level zombies.

They don't know what they are doing, and they even say that the soul is hidden in the deepest part of the body, and they can no longer manage their bodies.

Even if it became this high-level zombie, it was because of the characteristics of its body.

They just can't resist the temptation of human beings, especially those who are alive and have fresh blood! "

"Then there is no way? It's not my decision to decide this kind of thing, it's the way of heaven.

Anyway, no matter what, they can't be reincarnated, that is, they can't vote.

However, these ordinary people and supernatural beings have no major restrictions on this aspect.

It even said that no matter how many zombies they killed, they could continue to be reborn as humans.

Of course, if there is no reason and no hatred, if they slaughter too many humans and supernatural beings who will become humans.

Then it won’t work, there is no possibility of being reincarnated as a plant, not to mention being reincarnated as a human being.

And facing them can only be tortured and labored forever in this underworld. "

(End of this chapter)

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