Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 646 Someone Can Be Reborn With A Broken Arm

Chapter 646 Someone Can Be Reborn With A Broken Arm
When the ghost king talked about this, he also felt quite helpless.

But what can he do when he is helpless? Although he is said to be a ghost, it does not mean that he can cover the sky with one hand and do whatever he wants?
It also has the last time on it, but it doesn't mean that it can really do whatever it wants.

"Ghost King, you have said what you should say, and you can go.

Originally, I was depressed, but now that you're here, I'm even more depressed. "

Yehan's face is still so cold
"Ye Han, if that's the case, then I won't bother you anymore.

Ben Wang also hopes that one day the two of us can stand side by side and have wine and tea together!

As for the one who can become a king, I don't think there will be anyone other than you!

So you have to practice hard! "

As soon as the ghost king finished speaking, he disappeared into this space

Han Xiaochen was still asleep, but Mo Yan rubbed his shoulders and stood up.

Get out of this bedroom, go to the French window in the living room and push the window open.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew in, and the cold air shook him up.

Maybe it's because of the reassurance in his heart, at least the girl he cares about still has him in her heart.

That's why Mo Yan's mood at this time is pretty good, whether it's love, hate, or complaining, as long as there is emotion.

The scariest thing is when you worry about someone, and that person has gradually forgotten about you, and doesn't even know who you are.

"Yehan, don't just stay with Han Xiaochen. You have to wait until he wakes up, and then you will go crazy and think that our base has not done a good job!"

Mo Shen called Mo Yan out with one phone call.

Mo Yan shrugged, closed the floor-to-ceiling windows again, and left Han Xiaochen's place with a shake of body and mind.

If you really wave your sleeves, you won't take away a cloud, as if Mo Yan had never been here before.


"Mo Yan, why are you still so jealous of this Han Xiaochen, do you want me to give you a trick?"

Sitting in the special office of the base leader, Mo Shen looked at Mo Yan, who seemed to be in a bit of a mess, and seemed to be faintly complacent, with a half-smile

Mo Yan rolled his eyes at Mo Shen, but complacently found a very comfortable chair and sat down.

He also gnawed on it honestly.He just prepared the mutated apples here, and drank the mutated tea that was full of energy leisurely.

"Mo Shen, if you are holding back something, tell me quickly?
Who doesn't know that you have always been the master of the Three Treasures Hall, no matter what you say, it is useless? "

"Since that's the case, I won't play tricks on you anymore, and now it seems that a new type of supernatural being has appeared.

Although it is very rare, this kind of supernatural being is worth studying.

It was hard for me to find such a small organization! "

As soon as Mo Shen's words fell into his hands, a piece of the man's little finger appeared.

In fact, he had asked the research institute to study this, but the idiots in the research institute couldn't figure it out, so he only knew that this regenerative ability is very strong.

"What's going on here?" Mo Yan frowned.

"Can you give me this thing at ease? And I may not be able to research anything."

"That's natural, since I found you, I naturally believe in you.

Also, look at this video, the mutated beast outside has mutated again. "

How many times did Mo Shen move his finger?A blank wall in this office.

This scene outside appeared.

A burly man with a height of two meters, for some unknown reason, was lying among the thorns.

And this big man is now in a coma, and he is obviously injured, and there are bloodstains on his body.

It doesn't look very serious, but there are a lot of wounds.

Of course, the most important thing is the man's legs and arms.Each of them has a height of 1 meters and a dozen tentacles on its body.That kind of weird mutant beast whose species is not yet known.

This mutant beast is like a leech, sucking the man's blood fiercely.

And there were several supernatural beings lying around who had been sucked dry by the leech.

Mo Yan just drank his tea calmly, watching the bloody and brutal scene in front of him.

"Moshen, why do I feel that this thing looks like the gecko has mutated, or the leech has mutated, or the offspring of the gecko and the ant yellow have mutated into this thing!"

"Maybe, but for the time being, this base hasn't caught this monster yet.

There is currently no way to conduct research.You look down. "

While speaking, a section of this person's arm has disappeared.

What's more, there are so many fingers falling on the ground, it seems that it is hard to tell whether it is the toes or the fingers.

It was so visible to the naked eye, and such a thing happened on that screen.

And then the people from the base mercenary group came over, and they copied the family words and beat the mutated animal that looked like a leech hard on the head.

When the monster screamed in pain, the sound was like a hedgehog, but the sound was dozens of times higher.

It was so shocking that the eardrums of this person hurt so much, even though they just used this transmission device to transmit it.

I can still feel how dangerous it was at the time.

And just this mutated locust-like beast, even if it was attacked by a human, it didn't back down, but instead sucked the human tightly.

Not to mention that after this project got angry, the tentacles while he was riding him were even more deeply pierced on this person's body.

Immediately, there was too much blood flowing from this person's body.

And everyone had no choice but to immediately cut off the body of this burly man as long as it was occupied by that thing.

And a strange thing happened. After the part of the leech responsible for that person was cut off, the leech was visible to the naked eye, and it shriveled up.

But when the supernatural person wanted to clean up the thing, the thing was shriveled and wiped out.

Really there is no tissue left, and the human body tissue occupied by him is completely absorbed by him, just like a myth

And the most surprising thing is the stunned burly man, the place where it was cut off just now.

It actually grew again gradually, just like in slow motion, it slowly grew bone blood vessels, and various cell walls.

There's also human skin, which is then eventually molded into again.This belongs to the body tissue of the human body, the arms and legs.

And after all this was done, this person disappeared like this black smoke.

And the members of the regiment still looked confused, and then directly picked up the little finger left by that person, which was given to Mo Yan just now.the one.

There is no way, after searching around, I returned to the base.

"Mo Shen, I also think this thing is quite evil.

This mutant beast seems to be quite difficult to fight, but for the time being, there is no way to deal with him.

This can only put this mutant beast, how to attack humans, use a big screen to put it in the base, and let the teams who have all the members go out to hunt wild food be more careful.

And the one just now should be human, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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