Chapter 653
"Li Na, you are really kind to this family!" Han Xiaochen looked at Li Na in confusion.

"I can't help it. I have a relationship with this family, but these are from my private treasury, and they won't take up the base's resources."

Li Na sighed, how could she be truly cold-blooded and ruthless?
But there is only so much I can do for them, even for Zhang Yueying.

What I can do for her is to give her more cultivation resources, and then put that special protective clothing on her body.

But the rest is really up to everyone, each according to his own ability.

But it's not bad, Zhang Yueying can be regarded as a sigh of relief for herself.

Now the fire ability has reached level 19, and he can be regarded as a top master among the offensive ability users in this base.

"Li Na, nowadays, there are very few people who know how to be grateful like you.

Especially like you've gotten into the high...

But I think you're doing pretty well. "Han Ruo Nuo said feelingly.
As for my parents, I have to take care of myself, as well as my younger brother.

They don't eat anymore, but when it comes to life and death, I can't just watch them die.

"Han Yinuo, now I just think that no matter what I do, I just follow my heart.

And the others don't want so much...

You too, don't force yourself to do anything, just do what you do, how you make yourself comfortable.

But there is one thing, don't be coerced by some people's moral kidnapping.

Especially in this situation, no matter who is not paying attention, they may lose their lives! "

Li Na's words were a reminder of Han Xinuo, and Han Xiaochen was not worried at all.

Han Xiaochen, this stinky girl, is harder than her heart, she can see the facts better than herself, and she won't soften the hearts of those who don't know why.

Sometimes Li Na thinks that girls like Han Xiaochen are really suitable for the end times.

Kind when it should be kind, and ruthless when it should be ruthless, but no matter what, there will be a pure land in my heart, and I will not do those crazy things just to survive.

"Madam leader, I remember everything you said.

I will follow my heart and ignore those who used to suck my blood.

You don't think I'm hard-hearted, do you? "

Before Han Xinuo could reply, Li Wenna interrupted

"Li Wenna, I've also heard about your family, just follow your heart.

Don't worry, if those people dare to come to our mercenary group to make trouble, they won't even be able to enter. "

Han Xinuo raised the corners of his lips, revealing a meaningful smile.

My parents have to take care of me, but Li Wenna, my parents, and that group of people should be brought down quickly!

Regardless of them, Li Wenna might as well just commit suicide!
A group of people came here while chatting, and went outside the base to observe those monster rocks at close range.

Only to find that blame me is more terrifying than they imagined.

This is the monster, even though it is separated by formations and such a high wall.

But those people on the top of the wall seem to be able to smell the strong stench from their bodies.

Not to mention the horrible shapes of those monsters, this frankly seems to be the kind of thing made by this rotten flesh and blood.

It seems that there is no skin on the outside, but none of the high-level mutant beasts are their opponents.

Han Xiaochen just stared at the monster, revealing their extremely sharp claws and tongue.

There are also 44 tentacles, no matter which mutant animal is wrapped in it, the mutant animal will be finished immediately.

One after another, the howling of the mutated animal seemed to be beating the hearts of everyone in the base.

It seemed that he was accidentally discovered by that monster, and no matter where the tentacles on his body were, he gave him such a light touch.

Then, then, you can't help but die later, and you still have to enjoy the feeling that life is worse than death for a while.

Seriously, this is such a disgusting and painful death, it really is!
It's better to just commit suicide!
"Han Xiaochen, you can see that there are no monsters that look like carrion.

But in fact, the so-called exposed skin of those monsters is extremely hard.

And for each pair of tentacles of this monster, each pair of tentacles is like two fine iron planets colliding heavily.

And there seems to be no room for anything else to get involved around them.

Not to mention whether they have antennae or tails, or even tongues.

It is true that no matter what the battle is, you can die! "

"Yeah, these things are terrible. No wonder Mo Shen, Chief Mo, and Xiao Ye feel helpless to deal with them!"

Han Xiaochen gasped when he saw this.

And at this moment, Mo Yan and Mo Shen who were watching came over.

"Have you women come to see these too?
We researched for a while but didn't understand how to eliminate these quickly! "

Mo Shen gently embraced his wife.

No matter when and where, these two people will never forget to show their affection, nor will they forget to be together.

Obviously, they are all couples who have been married for a long time and have already given birth to three children.

"Mo Shen, have you figured out how to deal with those monsters?"

Han Xiaochen's eyes lit up immediately.

"Yeah, we just tried those monsters!
As far as dealing with it, it is not as difficult as we imagined!
I tried it, just cut off the monster's head and cut them in half.

Just cut to the heart, then they can't regenerate.

Of course, as long as the heart is not cut, no matter how you chop them, even if you chop them into a pulp, they will still be able to regenerate, and even give birth to new little monsters. "

Mo Shen sighed: "But that's all, it's useless for those with this ability below level 10.

No matter what kind of attack method is used, it is like scratching an itch for that kind of thing.

Also, I have tried it, that kind of thing, the most feared thing is vitality.

So my wife, your light ability is useful for that thing, and even the abilities of other supernatural beings, as long as it contains a strong vitality, it will be effective for those things.

But it's not that easy to kill them completely.

Another point is that that kind of thing is too much.

I don't know where it came out of, as if our entire planet is now occupied by that kind of thing, densely packed more than ants. "

"Oh my God, can I try to see if my purification can work for them?

Aren't those things that are dark, those that are not rotten, the dirtiest of all?
And I can purify, maybe it can have an effect on them? "

Li Wenna eagerly raised her head.

"Li Wenna, it's good that you have this kind of heart, but after you watch this, I advise you to go back and practice hard.

As for the cultivation resources, I will send someone to send them to you. Your ability level is too low now.

Even if your purification ability has an effect on those monsters outside, but now your strength is too weak to have any good effect. "

Mo Shen looked at Li Wenna with an extremely encouraging look.

If it is true that my wife is willing to help, no matter which one is brave enough.

(End of this chapter)

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