Chapter 654
"Hee hee, thank you leader, I will definitely work harder!"

Li Wenna clenched her fist and made a cheering upward movement.

"Okay, my dear, shouldn't we study those things outside?" Li Na couldn't help laughing.

"Husband, can you let me try it?

It's better if I attack here without being touched by those monsters.

I want to see if my light ability is useful. "


This is not impossible, so it can only be troublesome. Mo Yan helped to open a small hole in the formation in a relatively safe place.

Then you try to attack, of course we have to quickly close the formation after you attack. "

When Mo Shen said this, he was watching those monsters Mo Yan frowning.
But Mo Yan didn't speak, was he still looking at the monsters in front of him?
Han Xiaochen suddenly found out that for some reason, Mo Yan's dark pupils were like a rough sea.

Not only is it extremely dangerous, but there seems to be something extremely dangerous flashing in the bottom of my eyes that I don't understand.

It took a full 5 seconds before Mo Yan turned his head, and also retracted his extremely complicated but extremely dangerous eyes just now.

"It's not impossible, but you have to be more careful.

But I'm talking about this ugly thing first, and any accidents during this have nothing to do with me.

After all, you can also see how dangerous the current situation is. "

When Mo Yan said these words, it was as if he was in that deep and cold hell.

However, the many Shuras who crawled out of this deep cold hell are now wandering outside the gate of the base.

It seems that all these weak humans in this base must be killed!
"Mo Yan, just tell me, let my wife try, isn't it very difficult?

Also, how high is the risk? "

Mo Shen frowned tightly.

"The probability of danger is 9%, right?

But, if you don't open it, I don't think my formation will last long here.

How about, let's transport all these large-scale destructive weapons to a relatively safe place to bomb some of those monsters for a try. "

Mo Yan sighed, and those monsters outside were actually the nourishment his system really needed.

But how to get these things is indeed a problem.

But now his own system has not yet worked out the real methods and weapons on how to deal with those monsters outside.

And the weapons with huge lethality that can be produced now are not good for those monsters outside.

Don't talk about tickling, it's almost the same!

"Yehan, I've reached out to you now, do you know what are those monsters that are overwhelming outside now?

As far as I know, you should have some contacts with the ghost king. Does the ghost king not care about this kind of thing?
Just those things clearly crawled out of hell. "

Finally contacted Yehan, Xiao Ye's questioning was like a machine gun, and he couldn't stop no matter what.

"Xiao Ye? I think your current name is very good, so I will call you by that in the future?

Because the previous one has long since ceased to exist, so what does this human being have to do with you (⊙o⊙)?thing? "

Yehan couldn't help sneering.

"Yehan, I was a fox before, after all, or a fox that almost became a true fruit.

Seeing that mankind is in such a crisis now, there is nothing wrong with me going to help, not to mention that if I don't help, it will be those things outside.

They eat not only humans, but also various mutant animals, and even us, right?
I dare you to be a zombie, those things are the same as you, aren't they? "

Xiao Ye was also annoyed by Ye Han and started to speak indiscriminately.

"Xiao Ye, I just said that to you, so I have nothing to say."

Yehan's voice carried a hint of black chill.

"Don't mind me, it's okay if I was wrong, I apologize to you.

Just what are those things outside?
So how can we overcome it?

You should know more or less, after all, you both belong to...

Okay, okay, I take my words back, I beg you, can't you do it?
Is it okay if I owe you a favor just this time? "

Xiao Ye sighed, why did he feel that this was very bad?
"Forget it, what do I care about with you woman? This occupies a human body, and I think your temperament has changed."

Ye Han sighed, "Xiao Ye, what about that thing? The Ghost King can't control it.

Don't think that the ghost king is omnipotent. In fact, there are many things that the ghost king can't touch.

Does that kind of thing really come from hell or a hell that the ghost king can't touch.

And don't you human beings analyze those things in the same way?
Just as you imagined, right?
And I'm telling you that stuff isn't all sane.

There is already a king among them now, and that king has super reproductive ability.

He is capable of self-reproduction, and can also reproduce through the same sex or even the opposite sex.

The scariest thing about that kind of thing is that there is no reproductive isolation.

Whether it is nuclear animals or plants, or mutated animals and plants, or even zombies and zombies, they can all reproduce.

And to completely wipe them out, one is to chop off their heads, and then find the location of the heart and tear them all apart, or just chop them up.

You remember those things, you are afraid of fire and the strong fire light.

What's more, if the wood-type supernatural beings are particularly powerful, they can also be attacked with the vitality of the wood-type.

Of course, if the light-type abilities continue to attack them, then they themselves will also be corrosive, and that corrosiveness is irreversible for them.

Also, remember, don't be caught by that kind of thing.

Their infectious power, although it is not as strong as Lost, but they can infect anyone.

No matter how strong that person's ability level is, he can still be infected.

And the only way is to cut off the infected place they touched immediately with a knife.

Don't be reluctant to be infected by that kind of thing, it will only get worse and worse, and there is no way or even an antidote. "

When Yehan said this, his expression was very serious.

In this world, it is enough to have their zombie species, and he does not want to have other species.

He was already depressed enough to have zombies, but fortunately he was able to completely control them.

But these things that have been drilled out of the ground now have existed for too long.

There are even some that were buried tens of thousands of years ago but have decayed due to various reasons, and have not been fully absorbed by the earth.

It became the kind of thing that is new and old, which is simply disgusting.

But that kind of thing, they didn't necessarily have to be created by humans before.The carrion that rots, and includes some other various species.

And what about the carrion?But because of special reasons, they gathered together to form monsters one by one.

And to be honest, they have no heart, no blood, they are just completely carrion, but they can!
Especially those who are at a high level, they are really like a fortified wall.

(End of this chapter)

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