Chapter 655
"Is this thing so difficult to deal with?

It's even harder to deal with than that zombie!
After all, if a zombie cuts off its head or digs out its heart, the zombie becomes a pile of carrion. "

Xiao Ye frowned, it was really similar to what the people at the base analyzed.

"Who is to blame for this? Don't you blame these humans for being too lazy? After those zombies are killed, if this is burned, won't this kind of thing happen?

And you know what?Many of these monsters are the carrion of the zombies that were wiped out.

Then it went through a kind of radiation or some kind of magic that seemed to be special.

It became what it is today, so this is why these human beings lifted a rock and smashed their own feet.

Otherwise, at least there wouldn't be so many of these monsters outside. "

While Yehan was talking, the ghost king also came over.

"Yehan, are you chatting with that fox who almost disappeared?
I think the two of you may be able to make a couple someday in the future, and I will help you two if you have this idea. "

"Help! Help your mother? Ghost King, look at what everyone has become now, they have become the Shura field of this hell.

Don't you have any responsibility at all?
Looking at the monsters formed from carrion outside now, I feel disgusted. "

Ye Han always felt it, right?
Although he is also a zombie, but as a zombie, he looks no different from a human being.

What's more, he can still have this kind of inexhaustible power of existence, and what's more, no matter what he does, he is more flexible than human beings.

It is even said that as long as you don't look into it carefully and don't see that his heart can't beat and his blood can't flow, he's even more human than a human.

And what are those outside, made of carrion, disgusting monsters one by one.

"Your Majesty the Ghost King, you must have a way, right? Do you have a way to deal with those monsters outside?"

Xiao Ye's eyes lit up immediately, he didn't expect to meet the Ghost King so easily.

Although I just use this jade tablet to transmit the sound, but I can hear it so clearly, that is to say
This ghost king should also have a headache for those outside, or is it out of his control?
"Fox, you think too much. Even if I am the king of ghosts, I can't be omnipotent.

What about that kind of thing?Those outside the Three Realms are like Yehan.

And those really came from that real hell!

It's a pity that this ghost world is under my control, but this hell is not under my control.

Well, if you can contact Lord Mozun, it is possible for this Mozun to know what is going on with these things?

But you also know that this Demon Venerable has always been in an eternal hostile relationship with us! "

"Demon Lord? Your Majesty the Ghost King, what are you kidding?
Are you saying that those things really come from the devil world?But it's not right? "

Xiao Ye felt that he was about to, almost scolding his mother.

"Xiao Ye, that kind of thing shouldn't exist.

But you can see that the end of the world is appearing in the human world today, what can't happen?

As far as humans are concerned, that kind of thing is formed after being exposed to that kind of radiation that shouldn't be there.

In fact, that kind of thing is nourished by too much or a very special kind of magic energy.

It was just formed. In fact, that kind of thing existed in the past, but it was only in small quantities and would not cause any danger. "

The ghost king sighed, "Okay, let me give you some information, and give humans a way to survive.

Doesn't this human being have the power of the light system?What that thing is most afraid of is the light system.

As for the others, if you attack them, it will have some effect, but the effect will be very small, that's all.

But among the many mutated plants, there is a very special bloodthirsty vine.

It's the kind of bloodthirsty vine, the whole body becomes bright white, and when it attacks, it will emit a milky white liquid.

As far as that milky white liquid is concerned, it doesn't have much offensive power for humans or loss, but for those monsters, it has miraculous effects.

But you know, human beings have been destroying the environment on a large scale for a long time, and does the bloodthirsty pain I am talking about now exist here?No one can tell.

As for you, just follow this direction to find it. "

"But His Majesty the Ghost King, everyone can't go out now, and there are so many monsters densely packed outside.

What about this?

How to find it?Can this be found? "

Xiao Ye was even more anxious, so Moshen or Li Na should go back and see if there is such a thing in their interface.

But even if they have that kind of interface, it won't be a mutation, right?

But I don't know if there is such a thing in the world of self-cultivation, but if there is in the world of self-cultivation, I can't get it myself.

But Yehan is not able to go to the realm of comprehension often, he can only go once every 100 years.

And now there are still 100 years and zero days before 99 years.

If we really have to wait until nearly 100 years later, I am afraid that all human beings and even all animals and plants will be extinct.

And this end of the world has become a real end, right?

There is really nothing left, and now this planet has become a real dead ball!
It has become that kind of real hell, just this kind of real hell, without any breath of life.

There is only the kind of monster that is transformed into countless endless carrion.

I don't even dare to think about such a situation. Although I don't have much affection for those humans, I don't want this planet to become like this!
If that's the case, then the ghost king is also meaningless, the ghost world is full of all kinds of souls, but there is no chance of reincarnation.

So what is the meaning of the existence of the ghost world?

"Xiao Ye, you don't have to worry about me.

Since this seat is the ghost king, it is all the ghost kings belonging to the Three Realms.

Could it be that you thought...

Forget it, I've given you the answer, you can find a way to solve it yourself! "

The ghost king smiled helplessly, he didn't want all these humans to perish, especially those mutated animals and plants.

So from now on, is there no need for my own existence?
I don't want this planet to completely collapse!


The entire imperial base was panicked, and those monsters were really about to break through the formation soon.

Mo Yan in desperation.I have installed all the formations that I can exchange for this base.

And his previous base was also in jeopardy, although he sent all the methods of fighting and even what he could give them to them through a special teleportation array.

But how should this human being live?
"Bloodthirsty vine? Xiao Ye, is what you said true? That kind of bloodthirsty vine can deal with the monster outside!"

Han Xiaochen stared at Xiao Ye with sparkling eyes
"Han Xiaochen? Could it be that there are bloodthirsty vines in your space?"

Xiao Ye was even more excited.

Han Xiaochen shook his head regretfully: "No, I don't have any in my space, but at least now we have found a way to deal with that monster.

Then there is hope for us humans, isn't it?

How about we notify those outside in case there are any alive?

Then let them search for those desperately, and we also searched hard at the base!

Many people love to collect the seedlings and seeds of those mutated plants! "

(End of this chapter)

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