Chapter 659
Han Sitong's husband sighed deeply.

"My wife is such a nagging thing, where do you want me to find it?
You man, there is a word for god in my name, do you think I really became a god? "

"Husband, husband, I know you are the best, so help me find it!

I know this is a bit unbelievable, but, the world is full of wonders.

Maybe maybe we can actually encounter some miracles or something? "

"Okay, wife, let me try my best?
But these crystals are really fun! "

Han Sitong's husband hooked his lips into a smile. It seems that the man named Han Xiaochen is really...

Ha ha
"Husband, don't be perfunctory to me, you have to help me find it, you know? You see, let some people go to some primeval forest to search for it.

Aren’t you selling something very broad? You look for those gods, and those gods talk about those people who seem to be cultivating with you. "

"Damn girl, what are you talking about?

Those people who are still practicing with me are talking about it.

Aren't you able to practice now?It's still some damn ability!
Alright, since things like supernatural powers have appeared, it's not surprising that there are such things in our world.

But even if there is, it is not easy to find it, it seems to be even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack! "

Husband Han Sitong hugged his wife lightly, "My wife, why do you think you are so kind?

Just took advantage of that woman and didn't do anything for him, what can he do to you?

But forget it, since you have already promised others, I can't refute your face.

But I guess, just this matter is thankless, but even so, I will try my best to find it.

Not to mention anything else, just such a crystal is worth hundreds of millions!
It should also be said that even if someone is willing to spend hundreds of millions to buy a crystal from me, it depends on whether I am willing to sell it. "

"Really? Hubby, this crystal is so valuable!" Han Sitong was secretly surprised.

"That's right, but this thing, I don't plan to take a single shot.

Baby, you have the ability of water, and these things are also sky blue, I know that he should be very good for you.

Don't worry, I will take care of this matter, for nothing else but for my precious wife, and I can continue to get this crystal in the future.

Wife, I hope our lives will be long and long, and you can always be by my side. "

While speaking, Han Sitong was hugged tightly by her husband.

"Humph! Husband, then you have to promise to be nice to me all the time, if you do domestic violence to me or talk about going out with women.

snort!Even if you are willing, even if I can really live for a long time and look very young, I may not be willing to accompany you! "

Han Sitong proudly raised his head, like a proud green peacock.

"Ha ha…

Wife, who will you follow if you don't follow me?
Look at your unspeakable bad temper, you want to cry for a while, laugh for a while, and smash things.

You said, besides me, is there any man in this world who can tolerate you?

Also, don't forget, you gave me a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, which cannot be separated from their father.

Don't you think that our baby is closer to me?

If you leave me, you will lose you, dearest baby, and the best husband in the world to you.

What's more, don't you know who I am?When have I ever been interested in those women out there!
Not to mention domestic violence, when have I ever hit you, I would rather hit myself than hit you! "

"Humph! Husband, I hope you will keep it forever, always be so tolerant of me, and always be so kind to me.

My husband, my mother is calling me! "

Han Sitong turned the conversation to himself, and immediately became very depressed.


If I remember well, your mother should have not contacted you for three years, right?

I thought that that woman would never have any contact with you forever! "

Han Sitong's husband sneered, what does that woman want to do?

It is said that Han Sitong's mother is pitiful, and she is pitiful.

She married her husband when she was in her 20s, and then, she was beaten by domestic violence for a long time and had to go to work every day to support the man who often abused her.

But this woman Han Sitong is also so cruel to her daughter.

What about yourself?It can be regarded as a lot of experience, almost any kind of people will meet.

But parents like my own wife are really rare in the world.

They can even be regarded as good people in the outside world, and they can be regarded as relatively mild-tempered.

But they just vent all their grievances on their wives.

It seems that my wife is not their daughter, but their kind of punching bag that can never be beaten to death.

Or one of those items that can be their cash cow forever and ever and they don't need to treat it well.

And even the parents are extremely good-faced, and their good face is to show their face by suppressing their wives.

It's really sad, ridiculous and quite hateful.

"What did the wife, that woman, talk to you about?

Or does she want something else? "

Han Sitong shook his head: "No, she didn't say anything, just chatted with me for a while.

I just pulled some clothes, clothes, food and so on.

It was as if we never had conflicts, but it felt awkward at the time.

I don't know how to face her either.

But I think my mother should resent me in her heart, right? "

Han Sitong twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly.

"Before this, no matter how much conflicts occurred with my family, I took the initiative to call my family.

Even bought some things, and then they stayed with me for a while without any problems.

Of course, that kind of peace and harmony is accompanied by sarcasm and orders from above. "

"Your mother probably thinks that you haven't come home for a few years as a girl, and she doesn't look good, right?

I remember that your brother's child is not young, and the working environment is not very good now.

But your brother should not be unemployed, and his current salary should not be low, probably 3 yuan.

But in a place like the imperial capital, where every inch of land is very expensive, your brother needs to raise a child.

What's more, the house still has to pay off the loan, your brother is really under a lot of pressure. "

What is there that Han Sitong's husband doesn't understand?
"Honey, do you think I'm a bad-hearted person?
Sometimes I feel that I am not, and I still think that my mind is relatively easy to use, right?

But I just did this kind of disobedient daughter who is not filial to my parents.

In fact, you said that I have money in my hand, and I have a lot of money.

Even if I buy a big villa and a car for my parents, and then hire them a lot of servants, is it still possible to give them a monthly living allowance of 80 yuan?

But I just don't want to do it, I feel like I'm abusing myself if I do it.

And my younger brother, I didn't have that ability before, needless to say.

Now that I have this ability, I can even calm down their family?

You don't need them to do anything, you can support them.

I paid them the full price of the house, paid them the property every month, and then gave them how much living expenses every month. "

(End of this chapter)

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