Chapter 660
When Han Sitong said this, he was extremely depressed.

It's not that I don't miss home, but that's it.

But it is the three people in my own family, which one really likes me?

My mother said that she was not good to my younger brother as long as I could remember, and didn't know how to give in to my younger brother.

Anyway, as long as he talks, he will talk about his own shortcomings, and his younger brother is good everywhere.

For a long time, I was the kind who was suppressed, let alone my younger brother.

Maybe it's influenced by my parents, it seems that I look down on myself very much by nature.

It's like asking for something from myself, as if I should give it to him as a matter of course, and he doesn't feel any thoughts of gratitude.

And not to mention my own father, it really is the feeling that if you don't follow him, he can't wait to beat you to death.

And he has more unreasonable demands on himself. He feels that he has to do whatever he asks him to do, and he disagrees once in a while.

It's like detonating this bomb, and generally there will be very, very bad effects.

And with such a family, how can I go back?How do you allow yourself to really open up your connection with them?

"Okay, my wife, what about your family, I won't force you to do anything.

But those people have always made you feel uncomfortable, and it is really not a good thing to get along with them. "

Han Sitong's husband smiled faintly.

"Honey, since you think your affairs are urgent, I'll go out and make arrangements for you.

Doing your best and obeying the destiny is also an explanation to your friend. "

"Well, hubby, you can go, and, hubby, thank you, if not for your support.

I think I'm done for now! "

Han Sitong threw herself into her husband's arms, and started messing around fiercely, and let her husband leave after a while
But after her husband left, she got a rather strange notification on her phone.

Han Sitong endured the soreness all over his body and sat down at the computer desk.

It is said that many people can't grab the things sold in this shop, and it is said that those who occasionally snatch one or two have made a fortune.

Then I have to have a good look at it myself, I always feel that there may be something that can help Han Xiaochen here.


When Han Xiaochen came back, he felt that the atmosphere in the base was more dignified.

Sure enough, when going out, Han Xiaochen heard a stench.

It turned out that the evil monsters outside had occasionally penetrated the formation and entered the base.

"Han Xiaochen, don't talk nonsense, you hurry up and kill these monsters.

Fortunately, there are not many inside. Just after not many people squeezed in, our leader and Mo Yan blocked the formation again at a great price. "

Xiao Ye shouted in the distance.

"Han Xiaochen, remember, look at the monster's head, it's best to split it in half."

Han Xiaochen took a deep breath, damn it, this is even worse, it's so fishy, ​​it smells so bad, it makes me want to vomit.

Han Xiaochen held back his nausea and picked up the low-level flying sword that he bought in the cultivation world in his own space, and began to chop at those monsters.

If he really cut it like this, the stench and sticky green blood would splash all over his body.

Han Xiaochen didn't care about these things, he just used a special device, covered his mouth and nose, and went to chop desperately.

That kind of monster is really hard to deal with. It will grow back after cutting off its neck, but at a slower rate.

They just wanted to split them in half, and a kind of transparent crystal fell out of them.

That thing will be completely immobile. Of course, it is fine to chop them up.

But if you chop it up, the amount of tasks is too high.

Occasionally, Han Xiaochen would be entangled by the monster's tentacles when he was unable to dodge in time.

Han Xiaochen knew that if the protective clothing he was wearing was not top-quality, then he might be disabled and die.

But even so, Han Xiaochen can experience it, the pain that he hasn't experienced for a long time, the feeling that his whole body is about to burst!

Han Xiaochen frowned fiercely, using a space to imprison him.

It's okay, it's okay, the space progress can still be used, but there are too many monsters, right?

Looking at Xiao Ye, he said that the number is still small, but in fact there are only hundreds of monsters in front of him.

I really felt that my scalp was numb, but Han Xiaochen still had to bite the bullet and chop off one by one.

It's okay to use space cracks, but even if you put it in another space at this level, you won't need it a few times.

Use it when you need it most!

"Han Xiaochen, come on, I believe you can do it."

While Xiao Ye was yelling, he was actually trying his best to destroy these monsters.

Not to mention Li Na and the others joined the battle a long time ago.

It's relatively easy for Li Na to deal with this kind of monsters.

Li Na found this angle very tricky, it was the heart of this monster.

Really kill a monster after catching one, but if you don't find it, you can only kill the head first.

Only occasionally, the crystals that fell from the monster disappeared in an instant.

"Han Xiaochen, be careful, don't let that monster's tongue touch you, that monster's tongue is the most powerful attack force, more terrifying than his tentacles."

While Han Xiaochen was attacking, Li Na yelled to remind Han Xiaochen

Not to mention that Mo Yan and the others are also desperately trying to destroy these monsters.

In fact, to say that this monster is too difficult to destroy is not enough. The key is that there are too many, too big, which makes people feel scalp numb.

In particular, heavy weapons cannot be used in the base, and eliminating them is even more of a headache.

However, the only good thing this time is the incentive. It can be regarded as a mobilization of the whole people, and everyone is desperately dealing with these monsters.

No one dared to push the companions around them to those monsters.

After all, Mo Shen gave the order to die, as long as he found someone doing this kind of behavior, he would feed the monster immediately.

And for some reason, there is still a saying in this base that the monsters killed people, animals and plants.

They will completely lose the chance of reincarnation.

And this is what people are most taboo and most afraid of.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zhennuo released another big move, placing a large space confinement.

As for these attacking people, they swarmed to see those monsters desperately.

Who said that spatial abilities are useless? How many people can be helped to solve their predicaments if a space progresses?

Han Xiaochen also saw the sweetness. Once Han Zhennuo's time in this space is over, her life will start again.

However, it is impossible for this kind of spatial confinement to happen frequently, after all, it consumes too much of their abilities.

But there are still a lot of monsters in this base, even if everyone is exhausted, they have to fight desperately.

After all, this is the only retreat for everyone, if this place is to be occupied by monsters.

The humans in this base are about to lose their last way of life.

Han Xiaochen hit this side desperately, but found out.

Mo Yan didn't know why, but he actually took the corpses of those monsters into the space.

(End of this chapter)

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